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Hali makes others better. Can he win it as the only stud, no. Fox and Ivey do not make others better. They need others to support them. You draft Ivey, you need to choose who is in the first chair. The second chair needs to be traded.
Well, good, so does Sabonis and Sabonis isn't taking the ball out of the hands of a more talented player in Fox. I think you take Ivey and you see how it works. If Brown does what Walton did then this team is doomed anyway haha. Then when the hammer comes down, Fox, Domas, Barnes, all gone.
It absolutely shouldn't be, just comes down to how far of a gap there is if you view Ivey as the best player on the board vs. the first guy that fits better. Which could be Sharpe or Maturin or another player for all we know. All things being considered unless you are convinced that Ivey is a superstar I am a lot more comfortable with a player who is generically a forward or even a 2/3 swing rather than a combo guard.
Yeah, the Kings context is DRASTICALLY different from last off-season. We had a promising rookie Hali, Fox ascending and that was about it. Not a lot talent and basically all of it capped out (Barnes, Holmes, Buddy, Bagley).

While you can't totally play into "need" with draft capital, Sabonis impending FA has to be taken into account. If he walks in 2 years, none of these discussions will matter; this team build will have failed. And while Monte has shown to be a generally very smart guy, he knows his ticket his now tied to making Sabonis/Fox work as fast as possible; is adding another ball-dominant guard with shaky shooting/defense to a crowded young back-court a sure-fire way to make this team better?

But yeah. If Ivey is a 92 and Murray is an 81... you take Ivey and don't look back. But if Ivey is an 86 and Murray is an 84? Give me the positional scarcity that directly addresses a majority of our team's weaknesses and can play with the established core.
Well, good, so does Sabonis and Sabonis isn't taking the ball out of the hands of a more talented player in Fox. I think you take Ivey and you see how it works. If Brown does what Walton did then this team is doomed anyway haha. Then when the hammer comes down, Fox, Domas, Barnes, all gone.
So yhall know I wouldn’t hesitate to trade Fox. Lolzzz. If it happens, just hope the Kings FO moves on that realization sooner than later. That said, I’m not convinced Ivey is the fourth best player in this draft. We’ll see.
Yeah, the Kings context is DRASTICALLY different from last off-season. We had a promising rookie Hali, Fox ascending and that was about it. Not a lot talent and basically all of it capped out (Barnes, Holmes, Buddy, Bagley).

While you can't totally play into "need" with draft capital, Sabonis impending FA has to be taken into account. If he walks in 2 years, none of these discussions will matter; this team build will have failed. And while Monte has shown to be a generally very smart guy, he knows his ticket his now tied to making Sabonis/Fox work as fast as possible; is adding another ball-dominant guard with shaky shooting/defense to a crowded young back-court a sure-fire way to make this team better?

But yeah. If Ivey is a 92 and Murray is an 81... you take Ivey and don't look back. But if Ivey is an 86 and Murray is an 84? Give me the positional scarcity that directly addresses a majority of our team's weaknesses and can play with the established core.
Man, sounds familiar though doesn't it? Last time it started with an M and ended with an -arvin. ;)
Well, I've been open about this, they need to let Donte go IMO if he's wanting MLE money or anything close. The Kings have max cap potential next summer without having to renounce Barnes and signing Donte to a deal like that is going to be a JT/K9/Holmes situation all over again if he's not enough on the talent side at SG. Those aren't the types of players you overpay while not winning while figuring you can flip them later on. Learn your lesson Kings. It literally cost you Jayson Tatum last time pretty much. I think the Kings have to prioritize having as close to a full max salary slot as possible. They need that leverage on the FA market.

I look at it this way. Next summer I think odds are the guy they go after is Grant. They could try Beal, but the odds of him landing here aren't great. Grant to me would be the target. So, sign Donte/draft Murray? Or Have Ivey/Barnes/Grant/plus other goodies with the remaining space since Grant ain't getting full max from anyone.
I appreciate like 95% of your insight, but man you're just wrong on this one. The Kings have been waiting for a DDV type roleplayer since they drafted Cuz; a dude perfectly suited to be a super support player and makes the team better whether or not he's shooting the ball. Dude was an analytics superstar his previous 2 season with MIL and we saw most of that impact during his stint with the Kings. And it's safe to say Monte didn't go trade for him 2 years after the Bogi debacle at his career low point production wise... just to let him walk in RFA.
Man, sounds familiar though doesn't it? Last time it started with an M and ended with an -arvin. ;)
I mean, I don't think Luka-Marvin and Ivey-Murray are really comparable as overall prospects. Our FO just outsmarted itself and let Luka, one of the most talented prospects ever, slip through the cracks and failed to identify that Marvin's skill-set just didn't work in the modern NBA. I like Ivey and I like Murray, but I think it's pretty agreeable they're lower end top 5 prospects in terms of talent in a majority of drafts.
I appreciate like 95% of your insight, but man you're just wrong on this one. The Kings have been waiting for a DDV type roleplayer since they drafted Cuz; a dude perfectly suited to be a super support player and makes the team better whether or not he's shooting the ball. Dude was an analytics superstar his previous 2 season with MIL and we saw most of that impact during his stint with the Kings. And it's safe to say Monte didn't go trade for him 2 years after the Bogi debacle at his career low point production wise... just to let him walk in RFA.
Then why was he traded for a washed up Ibaka? I'm telling you, if you continue to overvalue that type of role player with no guarantees of it being the difference? You end up in trouble. I'm not saying Donte is not worth that deal to someone, but is he worth that deal to the Kings right now with all the factors I mentioned considered? I had some of the same conversations about Holmes and he was a starter at that point, Donte might not be. As Holmes isn't now and they better get him out ASAP as a result. If they can't dump Holmes and they have to dump Donte they likely just lost Barnes AND a full max slot. It's not worth the risk and the reward is too high.

EDIT: OK, I was thinking about a way that Donte could go from preferably on a 1 year deal to a great re-signing long term. IF the Kings were able to package Davion/4 to get up to 2 and select one of the big 3 bigs, then all of a sudden he becomes necessary. As it is, if the Kings go Ivey then all minutes at PG/SG are spoken for with Davion/Fox/Ivey which IMO would be awesome and tops in the league talent wise. Out of the total 96 minutes you can still get Fox and Ivey starters minutes and Davion major 6th man/starter minutes as well. TD did show some ability to play SF so I think he doesn't get left out in the cold but his minutes are going to get hit. Then even if they don't go Ivey, are there enough minutes to go around for Fox/Davion/TD/Holiday/Donte at PG/SG to make a potential 3-5th option worth a full MLE contract so that if you had to trade them for space you could? It's still a gamble but possible. My prediction on Holmes is if he is staring at 15 mpg as a backup on his current deal you have found your new anchor and good luck finding someone willing to send no salary back at you. You simply can't risk having 2 of those types on your roster heading into a max space year unless you are officially a contender already.
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I mean, I don't think Luka-Marvin and Ivey-Murray are really comparable as overall prospects. Our FO just outsmarted itself and let Luka, one of the most talented prospects ever, slip through the cracks and failed to identify that Marvin's skill-set just didn't work in the modern NBA. I like Ivey and I like Murray, but I think it's pretty agreeable they're lower end top 5 prospects in terms of talent in a majority of drafts.
The reasoning is no less ironic even though I think Murray is a much better fit and player from the neck up than Marvin was.
Hali makes others better. Can he win it as the only stud, no. Fox and Ivey do not make others better. They need others to support them. You draft Ivey, you need to choose who is in the first chair. The second chair needs to be traded.
I don’t want either chair to be honest but if they go Ivey they need to trade Fox on Draft Day. Who likes playing with De’Aaron Fox? Serious question. And don’t give me this Sabonis and Fox looked like besties BS — everyone is happy in the honeymoon phase. He’s shown himself to be a bootleg Russel Westbrook without any of the intangibles like hustle and heart and tenacity and DOG. Who the f%#* wants to play with that? We’ve watched for years now and can someone name a single player who he has built a clear on court rappor with? Who has he made better? Name one player where they are clearly a better player because of a dynamic that fox uniquely brings to the game. Has he unlocked something in anyone’s game that y’all have seen? Holmes owes Haliburton about 30% of the cheddar from his contract and that was Hali’s first season with limited minutes. This Take the best player and figure out the rest later only works in a vacuum if you care about maximizing asset management. It all hinges on your assets maintaining a sense of professionalism by competing with the new talent. Last time we applied that technique we were met by a completely uninspired Fox who responded by pouting and sulking like a passive aggressive child which drove down his value essentially leveraging Monte to have to move the asset that was peaking thus limiting our options. As for Ivey: impressive athleticism, unimpressive basketball player. When I watch him play I think WOW what could Shanahan do with him. For a coaches son he has the fewest intangibles I’ve ever seen. Eye-popping athleticism, undeniablely electric and sooo average to mediocre in sooooo many areas. The effort he displayed on defense in a win or go home tournament game was disgusting. If Monte goes with him then I’ll lie to myself and say he could work with Davion but I absolutely do not believe he can work with Fox. Maybe Mike Brown is the elixir and Fox can show a sliver of heart on the defensive end again. Maybe the Sabonis connection is real. I’ll be more than happy to eat crow if either of those are the case.
I've been trying hard to sell myself on Keegan Murray, but I'm not sure that I can. I know he's the fan favorite to be drafted at #4, and might be Monte's too. But could anyone give me some solid counter-pointer's against my worries? I'd love to alleviate some of the fears I have with him.

  • Fit with Fox and Sabonis on offense
Keegan Murray doesn't need to pound the ball to score. That's his biggest plus with playing next to Fox and Sabonis. He's a good shooter who has a solid stroke. He's also a very good back to the basket post-player. I believe that Murray is at his best when he's cutting off-ball towards the basket AND when he's posting guys up. However, I think this could be cancelled out by Fox and Sabonis. Fox is a poor 3pt shooter. Sabonis is a non 3pt shooter. This hampers the floor spacing because the opposing defenders will refuse to respect their shots. They'll sag on Fox and dare him to shoot 3s. Teams will have no issue leaving Sabonis open at 3. This crowds the painted area for the rest of the 3 players on the floor. In a perfect world, the 2-man game between Sabonis and Murray would be amazing... however, Murray is a very poor passer. He only averaged 1.5apg. There were countless times at Iowa where Murray would post up, get doubled or tripled team, but still go up for the shot. He'd make them more than not, but my issue is that he never even looked to pass the ball. If there's 2 guys guarding you, 1 of your teammates is bound to be open.. and they always were. Yes he converted a good amount of those shot anyways, but it won't work in the NBA when you have 7fters meeting you at the rim. I'll pull examples from this Nebraksa game:

  • 1:02, he'd have his brother wide open if he elected to pass it before he started going into his motion
  • 1:21, he tries to take the ball in transition with 4 guys around him, #30 or #2 should've saw the ball
  • 1:29, he forces the TO and has a 2 on 1 in transition and has his teammate leaking in front, but he decides to take it himself against 2 defenders
  • 2:32, he was double-teamed, and should've passed it to #0
  • 4:33, he grabs the offensive rebound, and has 2 wide open teammates, but decides to put the ball up with all 5 defenders around him
This was a consistent pattern at Iowa. It's very much the Marvin Bagley ideology. Once they get the ball, they're determined to put it through the basket no matter what.

His strengths as a post-up scorer won't show up in Sacramento because Fox and Sabonis' guys will just double and triple team. Murray hardly passes out once he starts getting in his motion. It's a bit of a lose-lose situation.

With that part of his game being negated, what do we have left with Murray? A good 3&D PF who plays very hard on both ends. Is that type of player worth the #4 overall pick for our team? That's the part I'm stuck at.
I'm finding it hard to basically sell myself on anyone past Chet and Jabari. This draft kinda sucks for depth and overall just kinda sucks until further notice. I guess Ivey is BPA at 4 but he's probably the worst top guard prospect we've seen in years. You put him in an overall draft with all the other recent top guard prospects at the time of their drafts and I think he pretty clearly goes behind Fultz/Ball/Fox.... and Luka/Trae.... and Ja.... and Edwards/Ball.... and Cade/Green/Suggs.

And beyond that, I see little different between Murray and the prospects we could get at 10. Hell, I don't see much difference between Ivey and those prospects either; I don't put him on the 1st tier of prospects.

Combine that general weakness with the direction we're going with being committed to Fox/Sabonis, and this might be the most irrelevant draft pick this franchise has made in years.
All of this discussion boils down to one thing. Kings are drafting high in the lottery, but their aspirations are to win immediately. Those things don't mix and it's a recipe to ruin your high lottery pick by putting limitations on him early in order to preserve a couple of extra wins.

The best thing that could happen for the Kings is for one of the top 3 to take a flyer on Ivey. Otherwise, the Kings have to take Ivey or even Sharpe if they have vetted him and think he's the best talent. But if the Kings clip the young guys wings early in his career because they want to win now, everybody loses.
All of this discussion boils down to one thing. Kings are drafting high in the lottery, but their aspirations are to win immediately. Those things don't mix and it's a recipe to ruin your high lottery pick by putting limitations on him early in order to preserve a couple of extra wins.

The best thing that could happen for the Kings is for one of the top 3 to take a flyer on Ivey. Otherwise, the Kings have to take Ivey or even Sharpe if they have vetted him and think he's the best talent. But if the Kings clip the young guys wings early in his career because they want to win now, everybody loses.
But again, that "winning" is not out of reach. Look at the news from the Nuggets today, they're basically saying, "This is it, ring or bust". Vivek is basically saying "can we be mediocre play in 7/8th seed range now?" and with better young prospects you can get better moving forward. Murray, Ivey, Chet, none are needed to get to the play in window IMO and if they are then yes, this is a ship traveling up stream the wrong way because that means their star duo ain't cutting it. They should have just rebuild at the deadline.
I'm finding it hard to basically sell myself on anyone past Chet and Jabari. This draft kinda sucks for depth and overall just kinda sucks until further notice. I guess Ivey is BPA at 4 but he's probably the worst top guard prospect we've seen in years. You put him in an overall draft with all the other recent top guard prospects at the time of their drafts and I think he pretty clearly goes behind Fultz/Ball/Fox.... and Luka/Trae.... and Ja.... and Edwards/Ball.... and Cade/Green/Suggs.

And beyond that, I see little different between Murray and the prospects we could get at 10. Hell, I don't see much difference between Ivey and those prospects either; I don't put him on the 1st tier of prospects.

Combine that general weakness with the direction we're going with being committed to Fox/Sabonis, and this might be the most irrelevant draft pick this franchise has made in years.
This is a really, really good SG/wing draft though and it fits the Kings needs perfectly since Monte made those trades. Prior to the deadline this was a loathsome draft for Sac considering they had Fox/Haliburton/Buddy/Mitchell but now it might just all fall into place.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
There is basically no chance that the three best players in this draft go 1-2-3. It's not a 3 or 4 player draft, not really. It's a 58 player draft and the best players are scattered all over the place. 5 years from now somebody we're not even talking about could be an All-NBA level player. And anyone who is talking about guys who "pop" on video -- you're not even looking at the right thing. That's like 5% of what it means to be a great player. What you should be looking at is who thinks the game at a high level, who is dedicated to working on their weaknesses, who actually wants to be an elite player, who has skills that fit within an NBA offense, and who is capable of elevating their level of play when the situation demands it.

I think the big point that most people seem to overlook with the draft is that we're not trying to draft a rookie of the year. That's year 1 of a pro career which should last for 10+ years. We're trying to draft someone who gets better every year that they're in the league. Those are the only guys who even have a chance at making multiple All-Star games and leading teams to championships. The mental aspect is as important or more important than the physical aspect.
Well, good, so does Sabonis and Sabonis isn't taking the ball out of the hands of a more talented player in Fox. I think you take Ivey and you see how it works. If Brown does what Walton did then this team is doomed anyway haha. Then when the hammer comes down, Fox, Domas, Barnes, all gone.
It's a specific plan in case it goes wrong, and no plan to make it go right. It's a bit cynical, yes? Not that I blame you, I am a fan of the Kings after all.
I'm finding it hard to basically sell myself on anyone past Chet and Jabari. This draft kinda sucks for depth and overall just kinda sucks until further notice. I guess Ivey is BPA at 4 but he's probably the worst top guard prospect we've seen in years. You put him in an overall draft with all the other recent top guard prospects at the time of their drafts and I think he pretty clearly goes behind Fultz/Ball/Fox.... and Luka/Trae.... and Ja.... and Edwards/Ball.... and Cade/Green/Suggs.

And beyond that, I see little different between Murray and the prospects we could get at 10. Hell, I don't see much difference between Ivey and those prospects either; I don't put him on the 1st tier of prospects.

Combine that general weakness with the direction we're going with being committed to Fox/Sabonis, and this might be the most irrelevant draft pick this franchise has made in years.
I have a top group, which consists of Banchero, Smith, Daniels, and Chet. Followed by a smaller, high upside if they hit group in Mathurin, Dieng, and Ivey. The rest are kinda in the same blob.
All of this discussion boils down to one thing. Kings are drafting high in the lottery, but their aspirations are to win immediately. Those things don't mix and it's a recipe to ruin your high lottery pick by putting limitations on him early in order to preserve a couple of extra wins.
I think you’ve actually hit on an interesting point. Of course every team wants to move up in the draft through the lottery, but for this team, the biggest benefit may have been saving the team from a foolish win now decision. Picking 7, 8 or 9 doesn’t present the same pressure to ultimately hit a home run through the draft. Much easier to justify a trade for solid, but not spectacular, win now pieces that will soon be regretted in the long term. I believe that Monte has an easier time convincing Vivek that the talent at 4 is too good, even if it will require some more patience. I was actually somewhat relieved to see Vivek sitting next to Monte at the Ivey workout because at least it signals that they are serious about taking the pick.
I have a top group, which consists of Banchero, Smith, Daniels, and Chet. Followed by a smaller, high upside if they hit group in Mathurin, Dieng, and Ivey. The rest are kinda in the same blob.
I do think there is a decent chance this board will absolutely blow up when Silver announces Daniels at 4. Not saying it wouldn’t be the right choice, but I can seen Monte taking him regardless of the “consensus” to 4. This place would go ape s….
I do think there is a decent chance this board will absolutely blow up when Silver announces Daniels at 4. Not saying it wouldn’t be the right choice, but I can seen Monte taking him regardless of the “consensus” to 4. This place would go ape s….
I can guarantee you that Monte doesn't care what the consensus is among pundits. Most GMs don't even bother looking at the mock drafts because each team makes their own board based off of their own scouts who have far more time and access than any of the pundits. Everyone is going to rate players differently. Different teams may value different skills more than others. In the end, you trust the work your team has put in and take the best player on your board. Who that is for the Kings is unknown at the moment.
I do think there is a decent chance this board will absolutely blow up when Silver announces Daniels at 4. Not saying it wouldn’t be the right choice, but I can seen Monte taking him regardless of the “consensus” to 4. This place would go ape s….

Yes, please.
Why do I feel like we're all going to have a major meltdown after Monte picks somebody at #4 who nobody is really discussing going #4?
It will be interesting to see who they pick. I know many around here feel there's a top 3 or 4 players in this draft. I look at it differently. I think there are 2 players in a tier by themselves (Holmgren & Smith). The next tier for me is bigger. It includes Murray, Mathurin, Banchero, Ivey, Daniels, Davis and likely Griffin. I'm not sure where to put Sharpe because he is an unknown that I don't want the Kings to touch.
Why do I feel like we're all going to have a major meltdown after Monte picks somebody at #4 who nobody is really discussing going #4?
I mean mock draft/youtube highlight bros may get upset, but in reality... there's just not a whole lot separating 4-12. This class has a bunch of good players and valuable archetypes, but it's weakness is the lack of truly franchise changing talents. I'd hope we'd trade down if we wanted to take a Daniels or Griffin type, but you could absolutely justify it at 4. Just wouldn't be optimal


Hall of Famer
All of this discussion boils down to one thing. Kings are drafting high in the lottery, but their aspirations are to win immediately. Those things don't mix and it's a recipe to ruin your high lottery pick by putting limitations on him early in order to preserve a couple of extra wins.

The best thing that could happen for the Kings is for one of the top 3 to take a flyer on Ivey. Otherwise, the Kings have to take Ivey or even Sharpe if they have vetted him and think he's the best talent. But if the Kings clip the young guys wings early in his career because they want to win now, everybody loses.
The best thing that could happen for the Kings is that they trade the pick. With all the time the Kings have to negotiate with other teams prior to this draft, if they draft Ivey he should be one of those guys who puts the Kings' hat on on draft day and then a few minutes later the announcement is made - he's been traded.
Why do I feel like we're all going to have a major meltdown after Monte picks somebody at #4 who nobody is really discussing going #4?
Johnny Davis has gone back to being a favorite of mines. I'm starting to believe in his 3pt shot again. I wouldn't be upset if we drafted Mathurin at #4 either. He provides shooting at the wing position and still has untapped potential.

This is the ultimate test for Monte. In the previous years, Haliburton and Mitchell happened to "fall" into his lap. This year, he gets his pick.
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