Wow, Okafor laid out Evans big time w/ that pick. Then Reke just shakes it off and scores 5 seconds later. Wonder what would have happened if that would have been Kmart getting bonked instead
Yeah, i wonder why we haven't seen Brockman in there. He seems to have a positive impact one way or another every time we see him. Westphal knows what he's doing though, so ill just trust him.
Yeah, i wonder why we haven't seen Brockman in there. He seems to have a positive impact one way or another every time we see him. Westphal knows what he's doing though, so ill just trust him.
I don't think he'll be out more that a couple minutes if that. JT has 4 fouls and West is also currently on the NOH bench. Once West comes back I'm sure JT is back - hopefully not picking up another quick foul.
They are in the midst of playing 4 games 5 nights and the other team has their 2nd unit in. I think it is okay for our guys to catch their breath for a few minutes.