Kings @ Lakers Game Thread

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No, the season is not over yet but Kings really could have used these 5 days. Has not been that bad. Always easier to handle such a break when You start it with a win. Another good thing is that nobody got injured in practice (yet). As it was to be expected the other teams did not care for helping us at all. So, we are still currently in the 5th spot and it is our to lose. We do not know where we are going to land and who we are going to play. I could not care less either. I would like to have all our guys healthy if possible. If you want to be the best - you have to beat the best. We have been in the first roung before - or in the second - or 3rd.
Unfortunately, with Kings not playing - I had to watch some of the other games and also to listen to so called experts and analyst. It is very said how people can suck at their job and still have it. Let me see - "Warriors are the best team in California" , "Phoenix has the easiest schedule left", "injury problems for Seattle and San Antonio" - You get the picture. Bottomline - SHAME ON ME FOR LISTENING TO THAT GARBAGE. I think that Kings will prove some people wrong here. Will they gives any credit when we do it - hell no but it won't matter.
I was thinking about PO from a little different perspective. Did not like what I came up with but here is anyways.

Theory A:
I am not looking forwar to PO because the sooner they come - then sooner they will be over and then there will be a long, long, long summer. I am not looking forward to that summer anyways. Approximetly 4 months of rumors and specualtions. At least we will know what must be like to go trough 15 games losing streak over and over again. At least - that is how I picture that. I personally predict a "Pedja for Artest trade" to start the summer off. All downhill from there.
Theory :
Will mostly affect fans outside Sacramento area. All our games will be nationaly televised . TNT, BSPN, ABC - take Your pick. Even "Dante's 9 levels of hell" sound much more attracting. TNT = Barkley and Kerr. ESPN = BW + 3 blind idiots in the studio. ABC = BW and Snapper + You never know when they will cut the game off because the score is not close enough. Only way to fight that is the MUTE button located somwhere on Your remote control. Use it - because You might not like the "side effects"
5 days ago we beat our former rival Lakers. Did I mention lately that they are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales :p . Well, if I did not - Lakers are currently a lottery team dreaming about a PO. We played well in that game. We rebounded way too much ;) , shot well and had no problems. It was great to see Bibby remembering that the ball does fit in the basket. Seams like every time Mike sees a Laker uniform - he forgets all the struggle and just terminates them. Hypnoisis anyone ?


Hall of Famer
part 2

Tomorow night once again we play our former rival Lakers. Did I mention lately that they are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales :p . Well, if I did not - laker are currently a lottery team dreaming about a PO. King are on 3 game winning streak and I do not see any reason whatsoever to stop there. It might not be as easy as last Sunday but it is more than doable. We do have to take them very seriously and I am sure we will.
Mike - we play Lakers - so Mike will be fine. Lakers on the other hand - might not ;)
Pedja - was not really needed last game. will be needed tomorow night at least in the beginning. He usually plays well in LA
Mobley - getting more "in contrill" with the time. Hopefully can play in both halves.
Skinner - I see a field trip day for the Pharaoh coming up
Thomas - I am not quite sure about that "career high" from the last game. I need to see it again to be sure.
Darius - just needs to be Darius without the foul trouble
House - keep it up !
Tag - might not play in the second half again
Evans - come on Mo !
Williamson - needs to make sure that he is not suspended before he makes the trip
Martin & Daniels - I would not mind at all
RA - no complaints at the moment
Lakers - Did I mention lately that they are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales :p . Well, if I did not - Lakers are currently a lottery team dreaming about a PO.
It is a BSPN gams so:
chances of "Walton" better than 67 %.
You know the drill
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I was going to go to this game with my girlfriend and some friends but she broke up with me. I may still go with friends, but I high doubt it. I also may go with my aunt's husband since he's coming into town tomorrow with my aunt and his son. It just depends if he stays and if he's willing to go or not.
At first I only saw your first post and was like "Wow a short analysis" but then i saw part 2

I don't know about everyone else but I'm really looking forward to the Laker fans heckling Mike at midcourt...he always responds with some trash talk of his which I just love to see and what i love to see even more than Mike trash talking is are you ready for this...?? THE CRAB DANCE!!! Please o please let us see the crab dance tomorrow it always makes beating the Lakers much more fun...

I suspect that we will dominate the boards...maybe not by the same margin...but we will definetly lead once again they are gonna be without there super freak rebounding frontline of Odom and Mihm...I hope we still take the Laker team seriously cuz right now they are playing for pride and even though they've still be losing it seems like they've had much more effort than in the games they had to win in order to stay alive in the POs...I also think its no coincidence that all this great play has coincided with Vlade's return...I watched the Lakers v Suns game on Monday and they were hanging with the Suns until about 6mins left in the game thats when the Suns seperated themselves a bit...and Vlade came up big in that game IMO...also Caron Butler has been playing pretty big for the last 12-20 games which also coincides with about the time that Halle Berry said he was her favorite player (go figure)...and Kobe and Caron have really been meshing well I expect excellent play from both of them come tomorrow night

As for our side of things I said Mike was gonna go off for 31 points in the prediction game but now I'm really feeling like Cat is gonna have a big night...I don't know I just feel it in my bones...Its important for us not to come out slow to begin the game...I expect it to happen and like I've said elsewhere I'm preparing myself for it...but its important not to and still would be refreshing if they put the pressure on from straight out of the gates

I expect to see a nice chunk of Kings fans at Staples cheering loud and proud...Kings fans are the best!

GO KINGS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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xrzn said:
I was going to go to this game with my girlfriend and some friends but she broke up with me. I may still go with friends, but I high doubt it. I also may go with my aunt's husband since he's coming into town tomorrow with my aunt and his son. It just depends if he stays and if he's willing to go or not.
awwww :(

I hope you still can make it to the game...its always nice to see Kings fans at Staples (well nice to see from my TV anyway :) )


Piksi, I think you forgot to mention that Lakers are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales :D ;)


Hall of Famer
DeAtHrOw said:
Piksi, I think you forgot to mention that Lakers are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales :D ;)
I apologize

Lakers - Did I mention lately that they are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales . Well, if I did not - Lakers are currently a lottery team dreaming about a PO.


Hall of Famer
Ah yes Kings Lakers again... Hobbits Vs. Elves... my money is onthe Hobbits, toughter little guys who ought to controll the boards again, if RA will bring in Treebeard (00) the Kings could also just flat dominat the paint as well. While I do not expect anouther blow out I will not be surprised. Ironicly the Lakers have very little to play for and much to loose over. I hate to see a team intentionaly bobing for loto balls but that could well be the case.


Super Moderator Emeritus
piksi - I think the Laker games bring out the best in everyone, including you. VERY good pre-game patter. But you really need to say something about how the Lakers are viewing the playoffs.
I think if anyone is going to the game tomorrow they shold slap this on a sign and bring it to Staples...

Lakers - Did I mention lately that they are currently a lottery team and that they think that PO are images from fairy tales . Well, if I did not - Lakers are currently a lottery team dreaming about a PO.
I don't know if the game is on News10 tomorow night but I'm sure they'd show it...ESPN for sure wouldn't


Hall of Famer
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
HndsmCelt said:
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
Not the entire team ... im thinking Chris Mihm and Luke Walton ? ;)
HndsmCelt said:
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
unfortunately for the rest of the Lakers, only one invite was actually mailed out -- Kobe thinks he IS the team.
HndsmCelt said:
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
Kobe will find a way to screw that up too. Hogging all the Chips, double-dipping, constantly flipping the tv channels, and the beer is sure to be Pabst.
love_them_kings said:
unfortunately for the rest of the Lakers, only one invite was actually mailed out -- Kobe thinks he IS the team.
Despite the fact that he did NOT receive an invite, Chucky Atkins was quoted as saying that he turned down Kobe's invitation with a resounding "Hell no!"

When later asked on camera, however, he stated that he was actually co-hosting the event with Kobe and that they were looking forward to a good turnout.
GoGoGadget said:
Despite the fact that he did NOT receive an invite, Chucky Atkins was quoted as saying that he turned down Kobe's invitation with a resounding "Hell no!"

When later asked on camera, however, he stated that he was actually co-hosting the event with Kobe and that they were looking forward to a good turnout.
And Karl Malone was pretty sure that Kobe's wife had invited him...
Yep, the karma chameleons are once again watching this thread with their high-powered retinas. Which Kings starter is going to go down injured in Rd. 1? Hm... ;)


Hall of Famer
HndsmCelt said:
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
to dangerous to order the "room service" I guess:eek:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
to dangerous to order the "room service" I guess:eek:
Given the morale on that team, I think Kobe would be better off taking his chances with room service than having his teammates provide the food for the potluck. :)
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Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Given the morale on that team, I think Kobe would be better off taking his chances with room service than having his teammates provide the fopod for the potluck. :)
point well taken
Bricklayer said:
Given the morale on that team, I think Kobe would be better off taking his chances with room service than having his teammates provide the food for the potluck. :)
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i could cater it and make him some cheeseburgers for the team ;)

man i wish i could watch the game live, but i'm at a house with no cable, so i'll have to wait till i get home to watch the midnight replay.

HndsmCelt said:
In an effort to show post season leadership Kobe has invieted the team to his house to watch the play off. He will provide beer but they each need to bring snacks.
Kobe also stated only people who bought Lay's potato chips would be allowed to participate in the party.

Jermaine O'Neal was later quoted saying that there were "racial undertones" in that request....


BibbyForPrez said:
Kobe also stated only people who bought Lay's potato chips would be allowed to participate in the party.

Jermaine O'Neal was later quoted saying that there were "racial undertones" in that request....
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