Kings @ Cavs Game Thread

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down by 1 being out shot from the line 11 to 6 and let them shoot 63% from the floor.

not to bad, but the defense needs to pick up.

at least peja is looking like he is playing defense.


Hall of Famer
Decent first quarter neither team defending well. Foul trouble and lack of rebounding hurt the Kings and could realy kill them down the road if theydo NOT get it together... problem is the big men who can board are in fould trouble... this means that the Hobbit line up has to beat the oraks to the boards and shoot a high percentage to minmize the boards available... It will also help to force more TO's and get steals.
I cannot believe they just let the spanish brillo pad head run right over corliss with no call.

I also cannot believe that walton said traylor fouled corliss.


Hall of Famer
Rockmeister said:
Man, we can't be trading baskets. C'mon Kings, get a STOP.
Sure we can once you get past Lebron we have better shooters so if NO ONE palys any D at all we should win... just not a SMART stratigy
woo hoo, official word from bobby, hes gonna try and be back for the last week of regular season but he will "most definately" be back for playoffs


Hall of Famer
jon e said:
woo hoo, official word from bobby, hes gonna try and be back for the last week of regular season but he will "most definately" be back for playoffs
Better not be April foolin... cause that aint funny!...

Nice dunk by Mo
espn, jim grey just did an interview. kinda hard to see on channel 10 but the rest of america saw it. i no lie, I NO LIE TO YOU
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