El Duque said:
I tend to think along the same lines. I'd like to see a Larry Brown, a Rick Carlisle, or a Gregg Poppovich, but it'd have to be a guy like that, that has a history of actually coaching basketball TEAMS, not superstar factories, and is tough without coming across as a self-aggrandizing moron. (Isn't buddhism supposed to help one reach understanding and destroy ego? )
yeah....the only argument i can think of in favor of phil jackson is that 9 rings are a commanding thing. i agree that it dont mean much to the kings, considering the talent jackson's had to work with...but ya see a guy with 9 rings, and ya listen to him. people believe phil jackson's a winner. i imagine the kings would listen to a coach with 9 rings, and buy into his system w/o question. i'm, not sayin thats a good thing or a bad thing, i'll leave it to everybody else to determine if his coaching style would fit with the kings.