Kings @ Bulls Game Thread

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iheartBrad said:
at least tonights game is early in the evening (well for me anyway) really not in the mood to wait til 10 or 10:30 for this game to start

thats one thing i love about road trips out East...early start time for Sha
Same thing for me. I can actually see the outcome before I go to sleep for a change.


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xrzn said:
I lost $5.00 when the Kings lost to the Mavericks. I got $10.00 on this game. The Kings better win.
If the Kings lose I'm going to hold you personally responsible.
To anyone watching the pre-game show: the arena was playing some orchestrated music in the background while Grant and Co. were doing profiles of Eddy Curry and Kirk Hinrich. I've heard this song many times in movies, and I've always wanted to know what it was called. I know it's a long shot, but if someone knows what the song was called or a specific movie it was featured in, I'd love you forever. And you get cookies. :)
Peja4threee said:
get Barnes out of there, he stinks tonight. They should have started Evans over Barnes.
God then when he does something good people start to jock him... relax he will get it going... and hes hussling , we need that...
PT Cruiser 9ROC said:
Mavericks vs. Kings is a rivalry???!! News to me.

I'd rather see T-Wolves vs. Kings in a Rivalry Week.

Hilarious commercial though. My first time seeing it.
Mavs and Kings is a big time riverly... i mean comeon they knocked us out of the playoffs and then we did the same to them.. and well the Lakers arnt Lakers anymore :D
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