Kings @ Blazers Game Thread

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teamdimechampionship said:
When D-Song is leading us in assists----we will lose. Mike can't shoot so he better start passing!
okay when he cant shoot and when hes not passing then hes getting fustrated. its always easy to tell when hes fustrated
SacTownKid said:
I don't know about you guys but after about 1 minute into I could tell by the Kings body movement that they aren't going to win this game. I hope I am wrong. about not giving the team a fair chance.
Good. I hope Pryzbilla is shaken up a little bit. How can he be upset at that afer carlessly throwing elbows and taking K9 out of the game earlier?!
Rockmeister said:
What makes you say this?
cos they went into the locker room looking like crap then came out with an 8-0 run between them. therefore i assumed they were yelled at to pick it up, which they did
jon e said:
cos they went into the locker room looking like crap then came out with an 8-0 run between them. therefore i assumed they were yelled at to pick it up, which they did
wouldnt you look like crap if you were losing? lol. i mean they probabbly did get talk to but still. i would be fustrated.
jon e said:
cos they went into the locker room looking like crap then came out with an 8-0 run between them. therefore i assumed they were yelled at to pick it up, which they did
Thanks. I can only listen to the game on the radio.
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