KG to the Kings??? (merged)

PFFFT!! said:
How reputable is this website? just what I thought. I have to see this to believe this.
I have to say, Draftexpress is not a bad website. If this were Hoopsworld I would be rolling my eyes. I mean, I'm still rolling my eyes, but it at least has a bit more of an air of credibility coming from Draftexpress.
I posted in the other thread about this that we need to be VERY careful who we give up in ANY trade - even trades for Garnett. I love his game and REALLY want him on our team. However, we must also remember that he has not won anymore than any or players. We need him, but we also need to surround him with good talent. Any trade involving Bibby must also come with a plan to have a PG of equal talent on the roster. That, boys and girls, will NOT be easy. As much as we have harped on his defensive skills, the fct remains that he is an elite point guard. Even with all the talent out there, there are few that are equal to or better tha him and even fewer that are available.

Again, I want Garnett, but the Maloofs and Petrie will need to be careful with the dealings.
nbrans said:
I have to say, Draftexpress is not a bad website. If this were Hoopsworld I would be rolling my eyes. I mean, I'm still rolling my eyes, but it at least has a bit more of an air of credibility coming from Draftexpress.
In that case, I would rather throw in Bibby than Bonzi. They are definitely looking for a starting PG, so it would fit well.
nbrans said:
I have to say, Draftexpress is not a bad website. If this were Hoopsworld I would be rolling my eyes. I mean, I'm still rolling my eyes, but it at least has a bit more of an air of credibility coming from Draftexpress.
Trade rumors are trade rumors...but I agree that DraftExpress is a good website.
yeah, i would definately throw in bibby over bonzi. i could run the point with kg, artest, and bonzi. 4 on 5 and we'd still win the championship
Keep in mind we could always trade expiring contracts (Williamson, Pota, and Hart) for players as well. Plus a bench with SAR, Garcia, and Monia wouldn't be too terrible. Maybe we could get B-Jax for the LLE. The bench wouldn't be bad at all then. We'd be title contenders with a Bibby, Ron, KG core...seems to good to be true though....

If Bibby was involved in the deal, instead of throwing the MLE at Pryzbilla we could sign Cassell, Claxton, or M. James. Then we could turn around and trade Corliss and Pota for Ratliff. The Blazers might eb willing to just dump his salary as they aren't going to win any games next year anyways. That would be a solid lineup too.
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walker60 said:
Keep in mind we could always trade expiring contracts (Williamson, Pota, and Hart) for players as well. Plus a bench with SAR, Garcia, and Monia wouldn't be too terrible. Maybe we could get B-Jax for the LLE. The bench wouldn't be bad at all then. We'd be title contenders with a Bibby, Ron, KG core...seems to good to be true though....

If Bibby was involved in the deal, instead of throwing the MLE at Pryzbilla we could sign Cassell, Claxton, or M. James. Then we could turn around and trade Corliss and Pota for Ratliff. The Blazers might eb willing to just dump his salary as they aren't going to win any games next year anyways. That would be a solid lineup too.
Also if Bibby were involved we could perhaps get a signed and traded Marcus Banks from Minnesota, use the MLE on Mohammad, trade Garcia and Corliss to Charlotte for Brevin Knight so it would be thus:

PG: Knight/Banks/Price
SG: Wells/Martin
SF: Artest/Martin/Monia
PF: Garnett/SAR/Draftee
C: Mohammad/SAR/Pota

Fantasy basketball RULES.
jon e said:
yeah, i would definately throw in bibby over bonzi. i could run the point with kg, artest, and bonzi. 4 on 5 and we'd still win the championship

KG will not want to come to Sac without a good PG. Why would you rather keep Bonzi over Bibby? Bonzi will go back to mediocrity as soon as he gets resigned. Bibby and KG together may make a great combo.
Bibby_10 said:
KG will not want to come to Sac without a good PG. Why would you rather keep Bonzi over Bibby? Bonzi will go back to mediocrity as soon as he gets resigned. Bibby and KG together may make a great combo.
those boys have got alotta dog in them


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I've hated almost every KG deal I've ever seen but I like this one (as originally proposed). Gets rid of a problem player, a player who may no longer fit in our system and a player who I really like but is about to be signed to a huge contract which is always risky.

If it was Bibby instead of Bonzi I'd be a little less enthused unless we got Banks and were able to get a Knight or Jackson to run the point until Banks proves he's ready.

I doubt either of these deals go down though.
I'd do this trade if I didn't have to give up Bibby. Bonzi would be a casualty, because I really like him. But, do you want one of the best power forwards, or to keep a good SG. I think you elevate Martin and tell him to go get'em Kid and take Garnett.

I would love this to, because that would mean that we were truly going to have a new center. The Maloofs would REALLy be opening the purse strings.
RoyalDiva said:
I wouldn't want to see Brad leaving. :(
I do. He can't jump nor can he defend. And his offense has gone downhill. He passes up too many open shots. And my goodness, he needs to get rid of that bitter beer face that he has.
Rockmeister said:
I do. He can't jump nor can he defend. And his offense has gone downhill. He passes up too many open shots. And my goodness, he needs to get rid of that bitter beer face that he has.
With a guy like KG, he wont have to jump or defend much. However, if he has to be one of the sacrificial lambs to get KG, then by all means SO BE IT.
DocHolliday said:
I'd do this trade if I didn't have to give up Bibby. Bonzi would be a casualty, because I really like him. But, do you want one of the best power forwards, or to keep a good SG. I think you elevate Martin and tell him to go get'em Kid and take Garnett.

I would love this to, because that would mean that we were truly going to have a new center. The Maloofs would REALLy be opening the purse strings.
Francisco wouldn't be a bad backup PG. He just needs time. I never liked Bibbys PG skills because it feels like hes a shoot first then pass person. Unlike Nash, who is pass first then shoot. I wouldnt mind a Knight coming to the Kings.
nbrans said:
Also if Bibby were involved we could perhaps get a signed and traded Marcus Banks from Minnesota, use the MLE on Mohammad, trade Garcia and Corliss to Charlotte for Brevin Knight so it would be thus:

PG: Knight/Banks/Price
SG: Wells/Martin
SF: Artest/Martin/Monia
PF: Garnett/SAR/Draftee
C: Mohammad/SAR/Pota

Fantasy basketball RULES.
that team is frighteningly good. actually looks like a better version of the spurs (minus the ridiculous bench)

i'd do any KG trade in a second, but losing bonzi AND the 19 really hurts- our depth evaporates in a second after that trade. i don't think that team is an instant contender, but will need a year or two to add enough depth to truly contend. and of course, having garnett=instantly "windowized."

then again, the pistons won without depth, why cant we?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sac.Kings said:
I itch with excitement at the thought of getting KG, but as mentioned above Geoff and the Maloofs must tread softly and not fall for a gullible trade that would make us only worse. Problem is our bench besides SAR and maybe Cisco is nonexistent.

Okay, but does not matter really.

You give up basically anybody (although not EVEREYBODY) to get a KG/Artest all defensive superstud forward tandem + then fill in around trhe edges with whoever's left. Same way Miami has filled in around Wade/Shaq, or Dallas has filled in aorund Dirk (and maybe Terry/Howard). After you get the core of great players, the rest of the guys just need to be able to play a role.

If its Bonzi, well, KG is one of those few names I DO do that S&T for. If its Bibs...ouch..but you STILL do it. Can't get back quality without giving it up. But if its going to be Bibby, the one difference is you do need to have a PG contingency plan in mind. Grab a FA to be a starter (Claxton maybe). Pick up Knight. Whatever.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
nbrans said:
Also if Bibby were involved we could perhaps get a signed and traded Marcus Banks from Minnesota, use the MLE on Mohammad, trade Garcia and Corliss to Charlotte for Brevin Knight so it would be thus:

PG: Knight/Banks/Price
SG: Wells/Martin
SF: Artest/Martin/Monia
PF: Garnett/SAR/Draftee
C: Mohammad/SAR/Pota

Fantasy basketball RULES.
Heh. I would rather try to nab Pryzbilla with the MLE thouhg. Nazr...kinda sucks actually. ;) With Garnett and SAR in the above, all I want/need out of the MLE center is rebounds, blocks, and a big body to clog the lane. So Pryz would work for me.
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Here's a transcript of the conversation between Kevin McHale and Geoff Petrie:

"Hey Kevin, this is Geoff. How's it going?"
"Kevin??? Kevin????"

That's exactly right.

If Kevin McHale has any brains he is thinking multiple high draft picks, with expiring contracts, from a historical lottery team. Trading for established players to play WITH KG makes sense - once KG is gone he's got to be thinking 2-3 year rebuilding plan, or he may soon have nothing.
Sac.Kings said:
I itch with excitement at the thought of getting KG, but as mentioned above Geoff and the Maloofs must tread softly and not fall for a gullible trade that would make us only worse. Problem is our bench besides SAR and maybe Cisco is nonexistent.
I believe Muss would have a huge influence on the trade. He is very intelligent and would realize this very situation.
Bricklayer said:
Heh. I would rather try to nab Pryzbilla with the MLE thouhg. Nazr...kinda sucks actually. ;) With Garnett and SAR in the above, all I want/need out of the MLE center is rebounds, blocks, and a big body to clog the lane. So Pryz would work for me.
Definitely agree if Pryzbilla would sign for the MLE, I was kind of anticipating that he'd end up getting more than that.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
PFFFT!! said:
How reputable is this website? just what I thought. I have to see this to believe this.

That's the interesting thing here -- pretty damn repuatbale when it comes to draft stuff. Normally not about trades of guys already in the NBA, but they are always dialed into the draft workouts + chatter so maybe they overheard something. Actually consider them considerably more reputable than a Vescey or Sam Smith article for instance, let alone the hoopsworld example. Very interesting.
Bricklayer said:
Okay, but does not matter really.

You give up basically anybody (although not EVEREYBODY) to get a KG/Artest all defensive superstud forward tandem + then fill in around trhe edges with whoever's left. Same way Miami has filled in around Wade/Shaq, or Dallas has filled in aorund Dirk (and maybe Terry/Howard). After you get the core of great players, the rest of the guys just need to be able to play a role.

If its Bonzi, well, KG is one of those few names I DO do that S&T for. If its Bibs...ouch..but you STILL do it. Can't get back quality without giving it up. But if its going to be Bibby, the one difference is you do need to have a PG contingency plan in mind. Grab a FA to be a starter (Claxton maybe). Pick up Knight. Whatever.
I think this is the mostl likely scenario. I trust the Kings management knows what they are doing.
If this trade really does happen (seriously doubt it but who knows) and if it is Bibby instead of Bonzi we go after Knight and secure B-Jax as our backup point guard. I would not feel comfortable with someone like Mike James, who jacks up more shots than Bibby.
Sac.Kings said:
If this trade really does happen (seriously doubt it but who knows) and if it is Bibby instead of Bonzi we go after Knight and secure B-Jax as our backup point guard. I would not feel comfortable with someone like Mike James, who jacks up more shots than Bibby.
Mike James has never attempted more shots per game than Mike Bibby. Their offensive stats last year were very, very close, with James' being better in shooting %(from 3 and field), rebounds, and assists. James also has a reputation as a good defender. I'm not saying that he's better than Bibby because that was one year and Bibby has been consistently good for quite some time. But if we traded Bibby for Garnett, and could get Mike James for the MLE (unlikely) that would be a tremendous fit.