KG to the Kings??? (merged)

Why the Timberwolves might do this trade

I agree with the general sentiment here that the Wolves would get better offers for KG and probably won't do this trade.

However, I was thinking, if this was a real rumor (even if it doesn't go through), why would the T-Wolves consider this trade?

I think the reason lies with Kevin Mchale and not the Wolves best interest. The Wolves have gotten steadily worse and realistically, Mchale does not have a lot of job security. If they continue to underperform, Mchale could easily be out of a job in the next year or two. So while we are all debating what is in the T-Wolves best long-term interest, Mchale might not feel he has that kind of time.

Dealing Garnett for some young talent and picks (like they could with the Bulls) would mean that the Wolves would likely be rebuilding for another 2-4 years. At which time, Mchale might have made a nice core for another VP/GM. If Mchale wants to make the playoffs this year to save his job, he personally might value obtaining several talented veterans, like Miller and Bonzi, to complement their young players like Banks (assuming they would retain him).
striker said:
Why would the T Wolves do this trade?
Because they would have this line up:

Tinsley (Rumours of a trade with Indy sending Ricky Davis there for health man)
Rudy Gay (their lottery pick)
Kenny Thomas or whomever they draft with the 19th
Brad Miller

6th: Rashaad McCants
Conversation between McHale and Petrie:

"Hey Kevin, this is Geoff."

"Geoff, I don't know who you are, but I'll give you a five-year deal for $65 million under the table, even if it costs me the next five first round draft picks..."

"Ummm... I'm a general manager, not a player."

"Fine. $70 million, that's my final offer. And make sure Stern hears about this."
Sptsjunkie said:
I agree with the general sentiment here that the Wolves would get better offers for KG and probably won't do this trade.

However, I was thinking, if this was a real rumor (even if it doesn't go through), why would the T-Wolves consider this trade?

I think the reason lies with Kevin Mchale and not the Wolves best interest. The Wolves have gotten steadily worse and realistically, Mchale does not have a lot of job security. If they continue to underperform, Mchale could easily be out of a job in the next year or two. So while we are all debating what is in the T-Wolves best long-term interest, Mchale might not feel he has that kind of time.

Dealing Garnett for some young talent and picks (like they could with the Bulls) would mean that the Wolves would likely be rebuilding for another 2-4 years. At which time, Mchale might have made a nice core for another VP/GM. If Mchale wants to make the playoffs this year to save his job, he personally might value obtaining several talented veterans, like Miller and Bonzi, to complement their young players like Banks (assuming they would retain him).
Another possibility is that KG quietly gave a list of teams to the Wolves and said, "Get it done before I pull a Vince Carter."


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kingsfan916 said:
yes i can see it...... Starting at forward or center #21 KEVVVVVVVVVVVVINNNN GARNETTTTTTTTTTTT!
He'd get punished physically at center, wouldn't he? He should stay at forward, unless a serious case of smallball broke out on the floor.


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Warhawk said:
He'd get punished physically at center, wouldn't he? He should stay at forward, unless a serious case of smallball broke out on the floor.
Then again, we've won games with SAR playing the 5, so what do I know....


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
In theory, a:

PG- Bibby
SF- lottery pick
PF- Thomas
C- Miller

team does not look THAT bad. Although note that taking 60% of the starting lineup from a 45 win team isn't exactly championship stuff.

In any case, deals like these have a bad bad history in the NBA. For the team trading the superstar that is. For the past year and a half I've been saying that we were one of the few teams with enough talented players to make such a move and still have something left. These kinds of things work for us. But it takes two to tango.
Warhawk said:
He'd get punished physically at center, wouldn't he? He should stay at forward, unless a serious case of smallball broke out on the floor.
I dont think there are bulky centers except for Shaq. I think Kevin Garnett can guard Yao Ming, Dampier/Diop, Mihm/Kwame Brown etc. Its KG!!!!!!:D
nbrans said:
Another possibility is that KG quietly gave a list of teams to the Wolves and said, "Get it done before I pull a Vince Carter."
Hard to believe one of those teams isn't the Bulls. Isn't he from Chicago? I guess it's possible that Chicago just isn't interested, and prefers to build around their current core.
hammystyle said:
Hard to believe one of those teams isn't the Bulls. Isn't he from Chicago? I guess it's possible that Chicago just isn't interested, and prefers to build around their current core.
Unless it's more important to him that he contend than play in Chicago. You add Garnett to their current lineup and even if they're promising I don't know that it adds up to a contender.
captain bill said:
that team is frighteningly good. actually looks like a better version of the spurs (minus the ridiculous bench)

i'd do any KG trade in a second, but losing bonzi AND the 19 really hurts- our depth evaporates in a second after that trade. i don't think that team is an instant contender, but will need a year or two to add enough depth to truly contend. and of course, having garnett=instantly "windowized."

then again, the pistons won without depth, why cant we?
ah this is sacramento so you know wat that means...........................injured.......
hammystyle said:
Hard to believe one of those teams isn't the Bulls. Isn't he from Chicago? I guess it's possible that Chicago just isn't interested, and prefers to build around their current core.
He's not from Chicago. He played at Farragut Academy for 1 year. He's from South Carolina.
nbrans said:
Unless it's more important to him that he contend than play in Chicago. You add Garnett to their current lineup and even if they're promising I don't know that it adds up to a contender.
That's possible, although adding in the draft picks the Bulls have a lot of pieces too and would be pretty nasty.

But maybe he just digs Ron Artest.
As an LA King fan, losing Bibby would test whether the whole run since 99' has stuck in my veins. I will say it sickens me to see Dallas on the brink of winning a title before the Kings.

On the other hand the first thing that came to mind was Speedy Claxton's ties to Muscleman (I noticed Brick mentioned him earlier). He's a helluva player. Health is an issue, but Claxton, Artest and Garnett could certainly swallow up and destroy Bibby, Miller and Artest in a game of 3-3.

Health may well be an issue with Bibby these days, too. He seemed a bit battered the last third of the season.

I think it is pretty well documented that Artest does not like sharing the leadership mantle. How much difference is their between O'Neal and KG? How did the supersweet combo of O'Neal and Artest work out? Come to think of it, there is a big difference between JO and KG; KG is even more of a screamer and a grandstander. I think that would mesh well with Artest's approach. :rolleyes:

But, I've said this all before, and you guys have ripped me before. Looks like we'll finally get to see who's right. My prediction: this looks like the deal of the millenium for the first four months, and then the wheels fall off shortly after the All-Star Break. I really don't like giving up Bibby either.
sauce-26 said:
Maybe we can have a 3 team deal where we keep bibby and bonzi, but to get kg we have to give up b52.
Don't forget about K9. Get rid of him in the trade to. Then we'd be left with a 1-2 punch of Garnett and SAR. Then we go out and get ourselves a center.
Venom said:

I think it is pretty well documented that Artest does not like sharing the leadership mantle. How much difference is their between O'Neal and KG? How did the supersweet combo of O'Neal and Artest work out? Come to think of it, there is a big difference between JO and KG; KG is even more of a screamer and a grandstander. I think that would mesh well with Artest's approach. :rolleyes:

But, I've said this all before, and you guys have ripped me before. Looks like we'll finally get to see who's right. My prediction: this looks like the deal of the millenium for the first four months, and then the wheels fall off shortly after the All-Star Break. I really don't like giving up Bibby either.
Oh it's a chemistry experiment for sure. Garnett has psychotic intensity and Artest is certifiably crazy as well. The thing is that winning cures all ills. Artest and O'Neal were pals when Indiana was in the ECF and giving Detroit all it could handle. The next year Artest's suspension and injuries killed their season. O'Neal eventually decided that he'd had enough. Ideally for the Kings Artest is the type of guy that Garnett has been dreaming of playing with. If they win, they'll be like peas and carrots. It may end badly, but it may end goodly :).
I'd like to hope there's some credibility to this. But it can't even really be arranged until free agent discussions begin, and not official until signings can take place. That said, if #19 were to be included in the deal, we'd have to pick now knowing who the T-Wolves would want.

And I would think that, along with the Tinsley for Davis rumors, that it would be Bonzi rather than Bibby. Makes more sense for both teams, considering Sacramento's depth on the wings and the T-Wolves' (expensive) depth at PG already.

FA Center
6th: SAR/Garcia

and Minny:
#6 pick (Gay?)
6th: McCants/#19

Looks OK. Of course, if Minny insists on Bibby, Sacto still has to pull the trigger and come up with contingency plan.
^The full depth chart looks even better for Minnesota since they would have real depth at every position:


That's a solid team. I'm sure Wolves fans would howl, but it's solid.

P.S. (obviously they'd be dumb to trade KG and they would be worse off than before, but that kind of goes without saying)
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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
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Venom said:

I think it is pretty well documented that Artest does not like sharing the leadership mantle.
Shouldn't be a problem as KG has never shown much leadership ability and that has always been a constant criticsm of him. Their best run was when they had Cassell who took his leadership skills off to Clipper land and lead them to their best run in forever.


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moradi420 said:
why would minnesota do this trade, if anything they'd ask for reef instead of kenny, better player, better attitude, and smaller contarct.
True, but contracts have to match up. You can't trade Hart and Thomas straight up for KG, you know. ;)
I don't think there will be any problems between Artest and KG. For one, KG has always wanted to win an NBA championship as well as Artest. They may not like each other but when you play ball, leave your personal matters in the locker room. Shaq and Kobe are a good example. Shaq would have loved to rip Kobe's head off with a smile on his face, but didnt because he needed him to win a championship.