KG to the Kings??? (merged)

well, if this is true we'll find out in the next 2 weeks. hopefully this won't be another 3 year saga like artest-for-peja. since the draft is coming up, if there is any truth to this rumor it means the trade is probably being actively discussed. my guess is if this happens, it'll be a few days after the finals end.

crossing my fingers.
xyrin said:
TWolves have a chance for a brighter future by unloading contracts and receiving three legitimate starters.
With horrible contracts as well. Both Kenny and Brad go for another 4 years and you would expect Bonzi to be about the same. Only thing I could think of is that they are taking the Kings route and say that 3 contracts are more "tradeable" thank one monster deal(see Webber) but Garnett's ends the year before both KT and Miller.
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Here's a transcript of the conversation between Kevin McHale and Geoff Petrie:

"Hey Kevin, this is Geoff. How's it going?"
"Kevin??? Kevin????"
You have to remember KG is not the dominant force he once was.....he is past 30 years old...HE IS ON THE DECLINE.....He is still a GREAT GREAT player...but more in bursts and fits....he has A LOT of miles on him....he has played a lot of years.

Now that said....a new environment would probably invigorate him, playing along side Artest would inspire him....

To make the trade u would have to feel you have ALL the pieces in place to make a serious at the NBA championship for the next 3-4 years....before KG you can't give away everything....BIBBY, Miller, and Bonzi is gutting your team......Miller, KT, and a signed Bonzi is a no-brainer.

I don't know if a trade will go down like above....but KG won't be a T'Wolve by this time next year....if he is not traded this off-season, it will be before the trade deadline next year....the wolves are going nowhere and McHale has respect enough for the guy he wants to give him a legitimate chance at a ring.....and his ego is such he feels he can fix what he screwed up in the first place with crappy personnel moves.
If we give them Corliss, Vitaly, and Hart, for their bad contracts thats about 10 million expiring. Miller will be tradeable, but they might be stuck with K9.
Do it if you can

I'm on the bandwagon for the Garnett deal too. I think the Kings need to keep Bibby at all costs. He has ice in his veins, isn't afraid to step up in crunch time, and I love his passion.

The wild card on the Kings roster is Monia if this deal goes down. If he can step up and be a 6 ppg 4 rpg game player as the 8th man off the bench, that would be huge. I'm also curious to see if Jason Hart, a defensive oriented player, can thrive under Musselman's defense-oriented coaching style. I think he'll be on the opening day roster for 2 reasons: he picked up his player option, and I don't think anyone's interested in trading for him.
Even if it is a case of trading Bibby instead of Bonzi, you would still do it.

Either way, we will have to take back a bad contract or 2 with KG. This is where expiring deals like Corliss', Hart's and Potapenko's come in. There is almost $10million in those 3 players.

If we can sign Przybilla for MLE we would have a mean frontline with Przybilla, KG and Ron, with SAR coming off the bench.

Even if it involves Bibby, I would still pull the trigger without any hesitation.
Fresno King said:
I'm on the bandwagon for the Garnett deal too. I think the Kings need to keep Bibby at all costs. He has ice in his veins, isn't afraid to step up in crunch time, and I love his passion.

The wild card on the Kings roster is Monia if this deal goes down. If he can step up and be a 6 ppg 4 rpg game player as the 8th man off the bench, that would be huge. I'm also curious to see if Jason Hart, a defensive oriented player, can thrive under Musselman's defense-oriented coaching style. I think he'll be on the opening day roster for 2 reasons: he picked up his player option, and I don't think anyone's interested in trading for him.
who here isn't.:p


Super Moderator Emeritus
1. Bonzi Wells is NOT going to agree to a sign and trade to Minnesota if Garnett isn't there.
2. The Timberwolves can get much better than what we can offer.
3. Consider the source.
2. The Timberwolves can get much better than what we can offer.
Are you sure they can? KG has a no trade clause, so if he doesnt like the deal, he can decline it. If the team he is going to will leave him as the last option, he can say no. If he comes to the Kings, there will be many pieces left.

3. Consider the source.
This is where the source actually HELPS. This guy is the founder and president of DraftExpress. HE IS A DRAFT EXPERT. He isn't one to make trade rumors, so I don't see why he would be making a rumor like this if there wasnt any truth in it. This is one of the more reliable sources we can get publicly.

VF, have you heard anything about the trade/rumors yet from sources?


Super Moderator Emeritus
xyrin said:
Are you sure they can? KG has a no trade clause, so if he doesnt like the deal, he can decline it. If the team he is going to will leave him as the last option, he can say no. If he comes to the Kings, there will be many pieces left.
And Sacramento is NOT an elite team in line for a championship run. There are other teams out there who ARE, and that would be a lot more attractive to Kevin Garnett. Us wanting him wouldn't make it so.

This is where the source actually HELPS. This guy is the founder and president of DraftExpress. HE IS A DRAFT EXPERT. He isn't one to make trade rumors, so I don't see why he would be making a rumor like this if there wasnt any truth in it. This is one of the more reliable sources we can get publicly.
I don't see the connection or the obvious credibility. You're saying being a draft expert makes him a trade expert?

VF, have you heard anything about the trade/rumors yet from sources?
The only thing I heard was laughter at the idea of Garnett coming to Sacramento for a bunch of our spare parts.

EDIT: And just to set the record straight. Kevin Garnett does NOT have a "no trade" clause. What he has is a "trade kicker." That means any team trading for him would have to agree to cash payment of some kind up front. Chris Webber had the same provision in his contract with the Kings. He waived it when he was traded to Philadelphia.
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Hall of Famer
several good bench players could be signed for little money. Matt Barnes in one that comes to mind to play behind Garcia as a SG/SF sub. The original trade rumor is great, when you swap Bonzi for Bibby it becomes doable but, a little more scarey as we don't have a pg then. We all willing accept Martin as a starter if Bonzi goes which could happen anyway Garrnett or no Garrnett.
I'm saying that since the guy is a draft expert, he wouldn't release a rumor about a trade unless he knew some truth in it, as it is not his job to do so. DraftExpress is usually a credible source, and as the owner of it, I doubt he will want to spread a false rumor on the site.


Super Moderator Emeritus
xyrin said:
I'm saying that since the guy is a draft expert, he wouldn't release a rumor about a trade unless he knew some truth in it, as it is not his job to do so. DraftExpress is usually a credible source, and as the owner of it, I doubt he will want to spread a false rumor on the site.
Then we'll simply have to wait and see. If he says there's a "no trade clause," then he has very little credibility with me.

Rumors are flying all over about Kevin Garnett and almost any team you can name.


Hall of Famer
VF to be fair the Other TEAMS you mention as contenders wouldn't be contenders after the trade for Garrnett. We are one of the Few that can equal the contracts with suitable players and still have a vialble lineup from top to bottom. But i see what angle you are you using. More of a pecimistic angle since you have wanted this for a while you don't want to add to the hype.
Sorry, its not a no trade clause, but something similar.

From HoopsWorld:
What is interesting about Garnett's contract is a trade kicker that must be waived for Garnett to be moved


Though Garnett does not have a no-trade clause, if he refuses to waive his trade kicker that acts as a veto. Therefore the Wolves cannot move Garnett without his consent.
I think we should go after Trevor Ariza. He can mix it up and that dunk on Ben Wallace was nasty.
This is assuming we trade Bonzi, Miller and KT for KG.


Super Moderator Emeritus
^^That's what I just explained, xyrin.
I've just merged the two threads about Kevin Garnett since people were duplicating posts.

A trade kicker isn't a veto. If someone wants him badly enough, they pony up a certain amount of his contract up front.

The Wolves have said, however, they wouldn't move Garnett without his consent AND he hasn't said he wants to move. All this stuff is mere TDOS conjecture. And, in my case, a nice dream to occupy time until October.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Sac.Kings said:
I think we should go after Trevor Ariza. He can mix it up and that dunk on Ben Wallace was nasty.
Erm, what? This is an ongoing discussion thread about Kevin Garnett.



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The source is very solid in his field. Much more so than 90% of the print journalists. Its just his field is not normally trade rumors for established players. Indeed, his focus/angle would likely be on the idea of the #19 being involved moreso than the rest. But that's what actually makes it MORE interesting. More inclined to believe he heard something than if the same rumor came down from Sam Smith or Chad Ford or somebody who feels the need to start 10 rumors a week as some sort of quota.

As an aside, we have no idea at all what KG has or has not demanded/said behind closed doors. That's where I would expect any such demand to come about given the longstanding relationship.
Ryle said:
With horrible contracts as well. Both Kenny and Brad go for another 4 years and you would expect Bonzi to be about the same. Only thing I could think of is that they are taking the Kings route and say that 3 contracts are more "tradeable" thank one monster deal(see Webber) but Garnett's ends the year before both KT and Miller.
This would be nothing like the Webber trade. When we traded Webber, we got someone we wanted to be a backup PF and two end of the bench players. Assuming the Wolves would make this trade they would be receiving 2 or 3 starters (Bonzi and Brad are definitely starting) and a draft pick. Bonzi is a legitimate shooting guard. Brad is one of the top 4-5 Centers in the league, who can average 15-10-3.5. Again, I'm not saying it's a great deal for the Wolves, but if they feel they are strapped by KG's deal, they would be filling 3 holes and getting a 1st round pick for 1 player. I've known mediocre teams to make similar trades to spark their season in fantasy basketball, trade a top five player for depth.
Sorry, Jonathan Givony, who released the rumor, didn't say anything about the no-trade clause or trade kicker, I was just adding that in myself.

Sure, KG has said he wanted to stay in Minnesota, but there have been a lot of problems. He is becoming frustrated with the team, and McHale has limited pieces to build around Garnett. It might be easier to trade Garnett away for pieces, cap space, and picks. We can offer some pieces and cap space, as well as a 19th pick. Garnett will still be coming to a Sacramento team that has Martin, Artest, and SAR as well as Bibby, if he isnt swapped into the trade to even it out more.
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As an aside, we have no idea at all what KG has or has not demanded/said behind closed doors. That's where I would expect any such demand to come about given the longstanding relationship.
Exactly, KG is a classy player despite some of his on court antics that many hate (but I actually enjoy) and any sort of statement to the media that he wants out and immediately the amount the Wolves can get in return will plummet. I'm sure if there is a trade, it will be hush hush until it goes down, and KG will probably never publicly admit he wants out until when/if he's traded.
I've hated almost every KG deal I've ever seen but I like this one (as originally proposed). Gets rid of a problem player, a player who may no longer fit in our system and a player who I really like but is about to be signed to a huge contract which is always risky.
Heard. While giving Minny viable pieces to build around to give McHale the best chance of winning sooner rather than later. This trade is good for both teams, but better for us.
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