Justin Williams house searched

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Hall of Famer
I like Watkins better than Williams anyway.
This is not a disagreement. I just don't know enough about Watkins. Just wondering what you saw to come to this conclusion. Watkins did have a better shot. The only thing I didn't like about him both now and in preseason was he is not active.
Did you read all the lyrics? They had already been censored with numerous ...******. Oh well, anyone who wants to read the already censored version can do what I did and just GOOGLE the song w/lyrics. No harm - no foul.
This is not a disagreement. I just don't know enough about Watkins. Just wondering what you saw to come to this conclusion. Watkins did have a better shot. The only thing I didn't like about him both now and in preseason was he is not active.
Watkins to me looks like an all around better basketball player. Justin is pretty much a stick with long arms and when he gets the ball he has no idea what to do with it unless he's right under the basket so he can dunk it.

Not that it makes much of a difference either way since both wouldn't see alot of action anyway.
Williams On Leave From Kings During Investigation

The Sacramento Kings have given Justin Williams an indefinite leave of absence while Sacramento Police investigate him for an alleged sexual assault.

Team spokesman Troy Hanson said Williams has been given an indefinite leave of absence and returned to Sacramento from a road trip to New Mexico to obtain a lawyer, a step recommended by team officials.

Hanson would not say whether the team planned to suspend Williams.

"We recently became aware of a complaint involving Justin Williams that apparently is being investigated by the Sacramento police," Hanson said. "We are currently in the process of evaluating any additional information that becomes available to us."
Well, at least they're consistent.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Watkins to me looks like an all around better basketball player. Justin is pretty much a stick with long arms and when he gets the ball he has no idea what to do with it unless he's right under the basket so he can dunk it.

Not that it makes much of a difference either way since both wouldn't see alot of action anyway.
Saw both in summer league play and think Justin is the superior player by quite a bit. And I kinda like Watkins. But Justin has things he can do out there at a high level in the NBA (rebound/block shots). A reason to play him. Watkins is just one of those borderline guys without a true elite skill. Looked solid, and even before this I was kind of hoping he might stick as a 15th man or whatnot. But there's little call to say he's superior at anything other than scoring 4pts a game rather than 3.
What really pisses me off about this whole deal is that no one learned anything from the duke lacross farce. When are we as a nation going to learn not to automatically proclaim the males guilt just because a female has accused him of rape? After the Duke lacross joke the female can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt. No one is guilty yet. And if she is lodging a false complaint then she has to go to jail for 20 plus years. The duke prostitute has yet to pay a price for ruining those guys lives and that is plain WRONG!
My knee isn't jerking.

I remember the repeated legal problems CWebb had, with drugs, and allegations of rape, and allegations of perjury. I wasn't around here then, so I have no idea whether people were calling for his expulsion for the team over the perjury thing (which looked far more damning than the case against Justin, who has not been charged with anything). But I wasn't. As with CWebb, I'm just going to wait this out, hope the whole thing is dropped, and that he stays with the team.

The only things I've been happy about in Arco during the last year and a half were the firing of Muss and the signing of Justin. If we lose him, my interest level is going to take a significant hit, and I'll probably spend a lot of time twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the lottery.


Super Moderator Emeritus
At this point, since Justin Williams has been given a "temporary leave of absence" from the Kings, any further discussion is just going to be heated and very emotional. We don't know who, if anyone, is guiilty and who, if anyone, is lying. And we may not know anything definitive for quite a while.

For those reasons, I'm closing this thread.
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