Justin Williams house searched

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Hey I just heard on a news 10 newsbreak that Justin Williams house was searched on a warrant. I only saw a tiny news brief and they didn't give any reasons for the search. I tried searching doing a google news search for more information but didn't see anything. I think they will be talking about it on news 10 at a later time tonight.

I really hope this is nothing. But even so, this is a distraction that Williams will have to deal with. However, I think that any such negative distraction will lead to a lesser performance by the whole team.

I'll try to watch the news and see what's up, and give an update soon.
I'm not saying anything until we know for sure what happened...

but one things for sure, He doesn't have former DPOY and All-Star under his belt to secure I'm a spot in this league. He ****s up, he'll be playing over seas in no time.
I just saw another bit on My 58 (comcast cable 4), (I missed the first few seconds) but I think they basically reiterate the same things. Something tells me that it will be a few days before the details come out. News 10 isn't on yet, but I bet they will be saying the same things at 11pm when the news comes on their station.
yeah, there was a little tidbit on kovr, but they didn't elaborate because there's no details released yet, but i hope nothing too serious, or else j-will's nba days could be very short if he screws up big time.


Super Moderator Emeritus
All the local stations are jumping on this and it will undoubtedly hit ESPN, etc. - probably first thing in the morning.

I was so hoping this would be the year without drama.



Police investigating Kings player Justin Williams
Last Updated 10:16 pm PDT Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Bee has confirmed that Sacramento police are investigating a case in which Kings player Justin Williams figures. A department spokesman said that Williams' Natomas house had been searched as part of the investigation that began last week. He said the department plans to release more information Thursday.

Investigators found evidence in the house, but spokesman Sgt. Matt Young did not provide details.

"We can't be specific about it at this time," Young said. "It's still way too early for us to come out with any type of definitive conclusions."

Williams' agent, Byron Irvin, said late Wednesday night that he had just been alerted to the situation, though he did not confirm any details.

"I think once everything comes out, the truth will come out in this situation," Irvin said. "It's somebody trying to get something out of Justin."

Williams is entering his second season with the Kings, although he had to play his way back onto the team during his rookie season. After being cut during the 2006 training camp, Williams played for the Dakota Wizards of the NBA's Developmental League. On Jan. 5, he signed the first of two 10-day contracts and was eventually signed for the remainder of the season.

The 23-year old played his final two collegiate seasons at the University of Wyoming, then signed with the Kings as an undrafted free agent in the summer of 2006.
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News10 just said rape.


Sacramento authorities served a search warrant on the home of Kings center Justin Williams Wednesday in an investigation involving a woman who claimed she was raped by the player, a source close to the investigation said.

The warrant was served on Williams' Natomas home at approximately 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sacramento Police Sgt. Matt Young said.

A source close to the investigation told News10 that a woman in her mid-twenties reported that she suspected she was drugged and raped by Williams at his home on Oct. 11. The woman reportedly went to the UC Davis Medical Center for treatment and notified authorities.

Several people associated with the Kings organization were also at Williams' home on the night of the alleged assault, according to the source.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
There's a key word in there... ALLEGED. The media is gonna jump all over this and make it as sensational as possible. I think the best thing is to keep in mind these are allegations and accusations thus far, and nothing more. My advice is to let everything unfold before we start jumping to any kinds of conclusions, and to NOT give too much credence to what the talking heads have to say right now.
Well I guess that's what Williams' agent meant by somebody is "trying to get something out of Justin."

Man, to think Justin has been dealing with this pretty much all preseason. Hopefully the truth comes out in the end and justice is served.

And thanks for the updates everybody!
Fox40 didn't mention the rape part in their story. They said Police are still at his house, were searching all day.

The release was pretty standard...Kings are evaluating info, no charges have been filed, blah, blah.
I will be very surprised if Coach Theus doesn't cut Justin Williams over this incident rather quickly, although it might be painted a bit differently. I think he'll do it as a tough lesson to the team and because JWill is relatively expendable. It probably means Watkins makes the team by "beating out" Williams in the competition for last remaining big man on the Kings bench.

The Coach will let the judicial proceeding play out (assuming charges are filed), but doesn't want nor need what is surely to be a season long distraction. If Williams is found not guilty or the case dropped he might get another look, but for now he's history IMO.

This won't be exactly like the BIG Kobe rape case in Colorado a couple years ago I dare say.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Man, we seem to be attempting to do our own Jailblazers imitation these last few.

Don't know why an NBA player, who by rep get it just thrown at them, would have to drug a girl, but that's a healthily nasty acusation. If he did it, well, that's that. If he didn't, that's some considerable lingering stink for a young borderline NBA player to have to deal with.
Good thing he's been in New Mexico the past few days. But that doesn't prove anything. I hope he wasn't dumb enough to do anything like this. Man.

There was a party at the house that night. Neighbors say parties at the house are frequent. Woman woke up the next day and felt she may have been drugged, raped.

10:00 AM press conference according to News10
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Kings.com had a pic of Justin Williams on the front page hyping the next game a few minutes ago. Just checked again, and it is a Bibby picture.
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