When this thread was made the facts were not out yet.
There seems to be an obvious issue.
I think the Spurs made the right decision.
The truth of what he's done will come out. The severity and frequency, especially.
I'm more interested in seeing whether this is a redeemable offense? I guess it'll come down to the severity, the frequency, the punishment, and especially the recovery--if there is one.
I see a 19 year old kid, who probably should be in college still, who may have some trauma that created an environment where this is acceptable behavior. Or it may be an excuse. The truth lies somewhere in between.
I don't know if he'll be able to redeem himself, but I'm interested in tracking it.
He's 19 years old.
But, I guess, it'll come down to the severity, frequency, and recovery (if there are any).
This is coming from someone, who is a fan of a team, that would be in Seattle, if not for a mayor, who was/is accused of something similar, at a similar age, and in a similar role as an NBA player. But that was a different time. Would Phx cut KJ way back then? I don't know. Things change over time. Sometimes they regress, sometimes they move forward, sometimes they go sideways.
For the record, I have been and always will be a fan of KJ, warts and all.