Jimmer Fredette

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I just don't think Jimmer would want to sign with the Kings even if they offered. They haven't shown him any loyalty from the time they drafted him.
The current ownership/management didn't draft him so loyalty doesn't/shouldn't be a factor. We don't at least I don't know what has been said between him and his agent, the coach and/or management. They may have been telling him straight or not and by his demeanor he seems to be understanding (even if disappointed) and not bitter. If I were him, I probably would not but I don't know everything (or anything in that regards).

He seems to have a good head on his shoulders along with skills (just not as a starter IMHO) and has a good attitude and is reported to be a good locker room presence. I don't expect him back but won't grab pitchforks and torches if he is.
The current ownership/management didn't draft him so loyalty doesn't/shouldn't be a factor. We don't at least I don't know what has been said between him and his agent, the coach and/or management. They may have been telling him straight or not and by his demeanor he seems to be understanding (even if disappointed) and not bitter. If I were him, I probably would not but I don't know everything (or anything in that regards).
Yeah, definitely. It’s going to be nice that I’ll be a free agent after the season. So I can go out and see the interest in (me) and sort of choose where I want to go, so to say. And go to a team that definitely wants me and it will be nice to go out there be able to see what’s going on. But obviously, the season’s not over. I need to continue to play well, continue to grow and get better as a basketball player and see what happens after the season is over.
JF: Sacramento’s a great place. I’ve loved it here. The people have been great. The fans are always supportive. We haven’t been the best team since I’ve come here to Sacramento and they still have supported us and loved us. They kept the team here and then everything that was going on here this summer. It’s been really really (great) to play for these fans and hopefully, we’ll continue to do that.

I think it's safe to say he won't be back unless there are no other takers.


Unless he had no choice I wouldn't give this team a whiff of my last fart if I were him. I don't think he is that good but he hasn't been treated well.

Could they have waited to tell him about his option?
Basically it "benefits" the Kings in not just letting him go for a very late second rounder or just waiving him. Insurance in case of some PG injury, and it's basically nothing to lose from the FO's perspective. However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
Basically it "benefits" the Kings in not just letting him go for a very late second rounder or just waiving him. Insurance in case of some PG injury, and it's basically nothing to lose from the FO's perspective. However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
Yes - sums it up exactly...


Could they have waited to tell him about his option?
No way... what would you say? "We made a decision about your option (they had a deadline to make that call), but we aren't going to tell you until after the season"
Basically it "benefits" the Kings in not just letting him go for a very late second rounder or just waiving him. Insurance in case of some PG injury, and it's basically nothing to lose from the FO's perspective. However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
Still feel worse for Granger. Face of the franchise for almost five years and dumped into a tire fire when the team is on the verge of a championship.
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less whether Jimmer plays 5 mins or 15? He has little to no bearing on the success of this team and the future success of this team. His playing time is incredibly low on the totem pole of our issues.

You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction.

Any serious Kings fan knows Jimmer has little influence on how this team is doing. It's a complete waste of time debating Jimmer of all people with the numerous more important issues facing this squad right now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
...However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
This is the one part that actually bothers me. And, it's not isolated. Loyal long-time employees were dumped without so much as a "thank you, kiss my arse" when the new ownership took over. I know it's business but some really good folks got left by the side of the road. Maybe I'm just too sensitive...

I think it's safe to say he won't be back unless there are no other takers.
You have to give the man credit. That was a very diplomatic answer leaving all options open and not burning any bridges prematurely. I suspect there will be takers but at what price and opportunities? I hope he does well even if it's here.:)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less whether Jimmer plays 5 mins or 15? He has little to no bearing on the success of this team and the future success of this team. His playing time is incredibly low on the totem pole of our issues.

You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction.

Any serious Kings fan knows Jimmer has little influence on how this team is doing. It's a complete waste of time debating Jimmer of all people with the numerous more important issues facing this squad right now.
The thread is titled "Jimmer Fredette" and Jimmer is still a part of the team. The more rabid Jimmer fanboys have, for the most part, departed. In all seriousness, if you don't give a rat's patoot about discussing Jimmer, why not just skip the thread?
The thread is titled "Jimmer Fredette" and Jimmer is still a part of the team. The more rabid Jimmer fanboys have, for the most part, departed. In all seriousness, if you don't give a rat's patoot about discussing Jimmer, why not just skip the thread?
Because I don't feel like it, much like you don't feel like skipping game threads even though they bother you on a regular basis.

I stated my opinion. If people don't like, not really my issue. You're all free to skip over it.
Basically it "benefits" the Kings in not just letting him go for a very late second rounder or just waiving him. Insurance in case of some PG injury, and it's basically nothing to lose from the FO's perspective. However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
That I agree with, and I'm beginning to wonder how much of a plan our FO and coaching staff actually has and how much they're just making up on the fly.

I don't feel all that bad for Jimmer. This is a big boy league and he's well compensated. Don't feel that bad for JT either. However, going public with this comes across as amateurish(as was singling out MT of all people for poor defense a few weeks back). It's as if our FO is creating situations they didn't foresee and therefor don't quite know how to handle all that well. I think there will be greater turmoil these next few months as we'll have a number of unhappy players who know they don't have a future here.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Because I don't feel like it, much like you don't feel like skipping game threads even though they bother you on a regular basis.

I stated my opinion. If people don't like, not really my issue. You're all free to skip over it.
I was asking an honest question, nothing more. I regularly skip the vast majority of trade threads because they don't hold much interest for me. I was truly wondering why you felt you had to post in this thread when you aren't interested in the discussion and don't even feel like it's worth having. That's all...nothing more. It seems IMO like it would have been much easier for you to just skip the whole thing than to ask that everyone who is interested in the discussion skip your comment.

My thought is to just leave this to the people who do want to continue to discuss Jimmer.
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less whether Jimmer plays 5 mins or 15? He has little to no bearing on the success of this team and the future success of this team. His playing time is incredibly low on the totem pole of our issues.

You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction.

Any serious Kings fan knows Jimmer has little influence on how this team is doing. It's a complete waste of time debating Jimmer of all people with the numerous more important issues facing this squad right now.
Petrie had one thing right, he's a King until he's no longer a King. And I'm not a serious fanboy. I like all the Kings even the ones I don't like. There is a number of players that have no future here or have little to no bearing on the success of the team. He shouldn't be penalized because he has had some obnoxious fans who have either quieted up or gone away. Just stating my opinion. When he's gone, I'll still be here.
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less whether Jimmer plays 5 mins or 15? He has little to no bearing on the success of this team and the future success of this team. His playing time is incredibly low on the totem pole of our issues.

You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction.

Any serious Kings fan knows Jimmer has little influence on how this team is doing. It's a complete waste of time debating Jimmer of all people with the numerous more important issues facing this squad right now.
Well bro sorry but I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. I mean agree that it is a waste of time and what not, but in some sense so is debating anything here really. The real annoying fans like VF said have mostly if not completely gone from this site.

Maybe if I explain why I continue to discuss Jimmer it'll help. The way I see it, the only thing that has really dictated that Jimmer isn't going to be here in a few months is the FO. It's not his play, because his play has at very least been comparable with Ben's, and I would argue even better. I still think Jimmer has more to offer and that the team could use his skills, though it will take continued development on his part. He has improved steadily in most of the aspects asked of him, and IMO can be a good role player going forward on a team that lacks quality role players. Basically, I don't see why the FO feels a need to write off Jimmer so quickly. Just what is there to lose in playing him more? Of course by now I think that ship has sailed, Jimmer wont' want to come back anyway with how we've handled him, and nobody can blame him for that. My question is - can we be 100% certain that Jimmer is going to be less valuable than (for example) Ben or McCallum going forward?
Malone just said on the Grant Napear show that Ray McCallum is going to be the backup PG from here on out and it doesn't necessarily mean Jimmer wont play but Ray is the priority
Well bro sorry but I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. I mean agree that it is a waste of time and what not, but in some sense so is debating anything here really. The real annoying fans like VF said have mostly if not completely gone from this site.

Maybe if I explain why I continue to discuss Jimmer it'll help. The way I see it, the only thing that has really dictated that Jimmer isn't going to be here in a few months is the FO. It's not his play, because his play has at very least been comparable with Ben's, and I would argue even better. I still think Jimmer has more to offer and that the team could use his skills, though it will take continued development on his part. He has improved steadily in most of the aspects asked of him, and IMO can be a good role player going forward on a team that lacks quality role players. Basically, I don't see why the FO feels a need to write off Jimmer so quickly. Just what is there to lose in playing him more? Of course by now I think that ship has sailed, Jimmer wont' want to come back anyway with how we've handled him, and nobody can blame him for that. My question is - can we be 100% certain that Jimmer is going to be less valuable than (for example) Ben or McCallum going forward?
That's fair and you're more than welcome to disagree with me. I don't post worrying about whether people will agree or not. I do see your side of it but I just don't see how it matters at all right now. He's not going to impact our win/loss record, he's not an asset at this point and whether he plays well or doesn't play much at all the rest of the season has no real bearing on our future.

If anything, I see more value in discussing what exactly is going on with our FO and coaching staff and why publicly relaying this information was a good decision in their eyes. The public comments about Jimmer makes me question the source of the comments and the reason for those comments much more than Jimmer himself. Not fair for Jimmer but he'll get a chance to move on 5 months from now. Greater concern IMO is the mindset of our organization in going public and the effect that'll have now, in the near future and down the road and why they think this strategy is a positive one and there's a few examples lately which raise my attention, from throwing MT under the bus publicly to backing Ben over IT(while IT is still a member of this team) to the recent comments on Jimmer/JT. That is not a trend I'm a fan of.
That's fair and you're more than welcome to disagree with me. I don't post worrying about whether people will agree or not. I do see your side of it but I just don't see how it matters at all right now. He's not going to impact our win/loss record, he's not an asset at this point and whether he plays well or doesn't play much at all the rest of the season has no real bearing on our future.

If anything, I see more value in discussing what exactly is going on with our FO and coaching staff and why publicly relaying this information was a good decision in their eyes. The public comments about Jimmer makes me question the source of the comments and the reason for those comments much more than Jimmer himself. Not fair for Jimmer but he'll get a chance to move on 5 months from now. Greater concern IMO is the mindset of our organization in going public and the effect that'll have now, in the near future and down the road and why they think this strategy is a positive one and there's a few examples lately which raise my attention, from throwing MT under the bus publicly to backing Ben over IT(while IT is still a member of this team) to the recent comments on Jimmer/JT. That is not a trend I'm a fan of.
Very well said, and I have this growing sense of discontentment with the FO for reasons including those you just summed up so nicely. I'm certain these issues will continue to be raised, particularly if the team chemistry starts falling apart even more (which isn't that farfetched an idea)


Hall of Famer
Well bro sorry but I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. I mean agree that it is a waste of time and what not, but in some sense so is debating anything here really. The real annoying fans like VF said have mostly if not completely gone from this site.

Maybe if I explain why I continue to discuss Jimmer it'll help. The way I see it, the only thing that has really dictated that Jimmer isn't going to be here in a few months is the FO. It's not his play, because his play has at very least been comparable with Ben's, and I would argue even better. I still think Jimmer has more to offer and that the team could use his skills, though it will take continued development on his part. He has improved steadily in most of the aspects asked of him, and IMO can be a good role player going forward on a team that lacks quality role players. Basically, I don't see why the FO feels a need to write off Jimmer so quickly. Just what is there to lose in playing him more? Of course by now I think that ship has sailed, Jimmer wont' want to come back anyway with how we've handled him, and nobody can blame him for that. My question is - can we be 100% certain that Jimmer is going to be less valuable than (for example) Ben or McCallum going forward?
Probably not fair to compare jimmer and Ben. Ben is rookie having played only one year of college. Jimmer in his third year after 4 years of college. So 7 years of high level basketball compared to 2. Never can be 100% certain of future value. I can say jimmer is prob second best shooter I have seen in kings uniform. If he was a 6'9 SF he would probably have more value. But at 6'2 with really nothing else that just pops out at you talent wise it really hurts his value
Probably not fair to compare jimmer and Ben. Ben is rookie having played only one year of college. Jimmer in his third year after 4 years of college. So 7 years of high level basketball compared to 2. Never can be 100% certain of future value. I can say jimmer is prob second best shooter I have seen in kings uniform. If he was a 6'9 SF he would probably have more value. But at 6'2 with really nothing else that just pops out at you talent wise it really hurts his value
Also Ben has been given consistent minutes with the starters for most of the season even though he has been terrible. That is something that Jimmer never received from the organization.
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Hall of Famer
Also Ben has been consistent minutes with the starters for most of the season even though he has been terrible. That is something that Jimmer never received from the organization.
He actually started some his rookie season as well. Not saying much as far as experience playing with these starters anyway. 3-4 shots a game lol
He actually started some his rookie season as well. Not saying much as far as experience playing with these starters anyway. 3-4 shots a game lol
I think he started 7 games his rookie year. That isn't nearly the same kind of opportunity that Ben has been given.

I don't have time but it would be interesting to go back and compare stats of those 7 games to Ben's first 7 games.


Hall of Famer
Jimmer rookie year he was 38% and 36%. Ben 36% and 33%. Jimmer actually had 30 games at 20+ min his rookie year that didn't start until January because of lockout
You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction..
Thanks, I like you to.
Jimmer is a borderline NBA player. I root for him while he is on our team and enjoy the good games he has. But I won't be thinking much about him when he's gone.

We've been trying to trade him the entire season and no team would take him. Why do people think that is? We've been showcasing him for weeks and still no real interest. Is the whole league devoid of scouts who understand real talent?

I don't buy this whole notion that no one gave him a chance either. You have to deal with the situation in front of you. In a strictly results oriented business like pro sports, the cream rises no matter what.
Basically it "benefits" the Kings in not just letting him go for a very late second rounder or just waiving him. Insurance in case of some PG injury, and it's basically nothing to lose from the FO's perspective. However, it's a pretty darn ***hole way of treating a guy who's been a good pro by making it publicly clear that he's not in the long term plans of the organization (already made earlier in the season), and then not trading him and now essentially saying "sorry bro, we don't care how you play or how hard you work in practice you're not going to see the floor and we're going with McCallum instead". It's part of the business, but still you have to feel sorry for Jimmer.
It doesn't "benefit" the team, because crappy rotations in case of injury has only one consequence: more ping pong balls. Be professional and score a very small favor with his agent. Go pick up some D-Leaguers for final run. Take a look at guys, and maybe you find some bargain guy, who fits and can fill your bench for years to come.
Jimmer is a borderline NBA player. I root for him while he is on our team and enjoy the good games he has. But I won't be thinking much about him when he's gone.

We've been trying to trade him the entire season and no team would take him. Why do people think that is? We've been showcasing him for weeks and still no real interest. Is the whole league devoid of scouts who understand real talent?

I don't buy this whole notion that no one gave him a chance either. You have to deal with the situation in front of you. In a strictly results oriented business like pro sports, the cream rises no matter what.
That's not always the case when playing on one team. Sometimes you have to be in the right situation like coaching style, teammates, extended playing time etc. how else do you explain players suddenly excelling when switching teams or bouncing around team to team and then playing great when put in the right situation like Chauncey billups, Jermaine O'neal, or Jeremy Lin.
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less whether Jimmer plays 5 mins or 15? He has little to no bearing on the success of this team and the future success of this team. His playing time is incredibly low on the totem pole of our issues.

You have to be a serious fanboy to go on and on about Jimmer of all people, a 10th-12th guy on this roster who likely won't be here a few months from now. I personally can't wait until he's gone and his annoying fans go with him, as the annoying Sergio fans, Beno fans, Omri fans, etc, did as well. It's basically just a distraction.

Any serious Kings fan knows Jimmer has little influence on how this team is doing. It's a complete waste of time debating Jimmer of all people with the numerous more important issues facing this squad right now.
Oh like how when LMAM got traded people thought the world going to end?

Nice of you to call out Jimmer fans.
That's not always the case when playing on one team. Sometimes you have to be in the right situation like coaching style, teammates, extended playing time etc. how else do you explain players suddenly excelling when switching teams or bouncing around team to team and then playing great when put in the right situation like Chauncey billups, Jermaine O'neal, or Jeremy Lin.
Doug Christie and Bobby Jackson were our Kings examples
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