Jason Williams going somewhere... (merged)



JWill on his way to M I A?

Jason Williams Close To Being Traded?31st July, 2005 - 4:44 pm
Commercial Appeal - Jason Williams is close to being traded in a three-team deal that would include Miami, according to an NBA source familiar with the Grizzlies' dealings. It is not known where Williams would land in the proposed deal.

Griz president Jerry West already has Williams's replacement in the starting lineup on the radar.

Although Damon Stoudamire is atop the Grizzlies' wish list, West downplayed a Houston Chronicle report that the Griz and Stoudamire have agreed on a four-year, $17 million contract.

"We have interest," West said Saturday. "We're exploring a lot of options, and he's not the only one. We have interest in a lot of people." [READ]
source: http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/36839/20050731/jason_williams_close_to_being_traded/
Wade, Shaq and co would be a very interesting group for JWill to work with. Wish him all the luck in the world if he ends up landing there. Somehow I can't seem to think that this would have a major impact or change for Miami.


what tradeable pieces do the heat have? jones? that could be a dangerous team unless they get walker.... then they would suck....


Jason Williams to LA?


[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Two NBA sources familiar with the situation have told Pro Basketball News that the Los Angeles Lakers are actively pursuing a trade for Memphis point guard Jason Williams.
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Sources: Lakers want Memphis' Williams
By Sam Amico
July 31, 2005

Two NBA sources familiar with the situation have told Pro Basketball News that the Los Angeles Lakers are actively pursuing a trade for Memphis point guard Jason Williams.

“They need a point guard, and (Williams) appears to be the best one available,” the first source said late Saturday. "He is who they want."

Added the second source, “The Lakers are secretly going after Williams. He’s probably the easiest (starting point guard) for them to get right now. They wouldn't have to give up much to get him.”

Both sources are employed by teams other than the Lakers and Grizzlies.

Williams reportedly has been on the trading block since the season ended. The Grizzlies have also signed longtime Portland starter and free agent Damon Stoudamire -- perhaps making a move involving Williams imminent.

The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported Sunday that Williams may be part of a three-team trade involving Miami, but did not know of the third team.

Meanwhile, the Lakers have already traded Chucky Atkins, their starter from last season, to Washington in a deal that brought them Kwame Brown (Lakers forward Caron Butler was also part of the trade). That leaves perennial backup Tierre Brown and second-year player Sasha Vujacic as the only point guards on the Lakers roster.

The Atkins trade was made shortly after Phil Jackson was re-hired to coach the team following a one-year layoff. Both sources said that Jackson would be able to reach the talented-but-erratic Williams, who has had difficulty getting along with coaches in the past.

“(Jackson) handled Dennis Rodman pretty well in Chicago, so I’m sure he could lay down the law with Williams,” the first source said. “Phil specializes in those kinds of things, I guess.”

Neither source indicated who the Lakers might trade to bring Williams to Los Angeles.

"I don't know about that," said the second source. "All I know is they don't think it would take much at this point. Not after Memphis signed Stoudamire."

Williams averaged 10.1 points and 5.6 assists per game last year for the 45-37 Grizzlies, who made the playoffs for the second straight season. Both of Memphis’ playoff appearances have come with Williams as the starting point guard -- although the Grizzlies were eliminated in the first round each time.

Williams, 29, has been in Memphis for four years after getting traded by Sacramento for Mike Bibby in 2001. Williams has never shot better than 41 percent from the floor and has a career field-goal percentage of 39.0.

The Lakers finished 34-48 and missed the playoffs last season -- their first after trading center Shaquille O’Neal to Miami.

Neither Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak nor Memphis president of basketball operations Jerry West could be reached for comment.
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You should post the entire article next time so that people don't have to take the time to click the link.

Very scary as a Kings fan. Jwill, Kobe, Odom, Brown along with PJ should put the Lakers back into the playoffs. I really dread seeing Jason come back to burn us regularly. Which just gave me the new title of JWill to LA trades..."Jason Goes to Hell." Jackson could turn this team into something really scary, especially if Kwame can become a legit player.


Hall of Famer
captain bill said:
You should post the entire article next time so that people don't have to take the time to click the link.

Very scary as a Kings fan. Jwill, Kobe, Odom, Brown along with PJ should put the Lakers back into the playoffs. I really dread seeing Jason come back to burn us regularly. Which just gave me the new title of JWill to LA trades..."Jason Goes to Hell." Jackson could turn this team into something really scary, especially if Kwame can become a legit player.
The Zen Master's hair can't get any greyer so I don't see Jwill making it to LA.


Super Moderator Emeritus
captain bill said:
You should post the entire article next time so that people don't have to take the time to click the link.

Very scary as a Kings fan. Jwill, Kobe, Odom, Brown along with PJ should put the Lakers back into the playoffs. I really dread seeing Jason come back to burn us regularly. Which just gave me the new title of JWill to LA trades..."Jason Goes to Hell." Jackson could turn this team into something really scary, especially if Kwame can become a legit player.
Very scary? Any real fire Jason had was doused by Hubie Brown. He's just not the spark he once was...


hey that just means that he will be taking ill advised three's for them.... i doubt that the lakers will be this juggernaught next season. we all know that shaq was the reason for their success, mihm and brown arent going to do much for them.... phil had it easy after the "shot" and got lucky with the "other shot(0.4)"....

but i definitely dont want jwill to go to the lakers.... please let him go to the heat.....
VF21 said:
Very scary? Any real fire Jason had was doused by Hubie Brown. He's just not the spark he once was...
Yeah, but put him with Phil Jackson and you never know. That team will be loaded with talent and Phil may just be able to make them play. Maybe a change on scenery will be what Jason needs to come back to a shadow of his old self. I don't think he'll ever be a Mike Bibby, but he damn sure will be an upgrade over Chucky.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hoopsfan - Just in case you do go to a game in Staples, it might be wise to avoid sitting in the first 12-15 rows.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Apparently, JWill is headed towards Boston...

Probably for the best. I cannot imagine the horror if an errant pass from JWill as a Laker bounced off Jack Nicholson's head.

VF21 said:
Apparently, JWill is headed towards Boston...

Probably for the best. I cannot imagine the horror if an errant pass from JWill as a Laker bounced off Jack Nicholson's head.

oh my...i would laugh my *** off in that scenario. i love jack as an actor. one of the best. but seeing j-will throw a bad pass off his head would send me over the edge rolling. i get so sick of seeing jack ref the games. and he's been doing it for over 30 years! the man's got stamina...and time to burn, for such a busy actor.

and, for the record, i think what hubie did for j-will was for the best. j-will's no where near as exciting as he used to be, but he's under control, and a decent point guard now. he needed to slow down for his career to survive. the sacto team he played for was fun as all hell to watch, but they werent going anywhere fast, and we all know that. when we got a cool-as-friggin-ice and always-under-control PG like mike, we really started to thrive. j-will's last season in sac was not a good one. he was in adelman's dog house because he couldnt play under control. b-jax was logging more minutes a game than jason was. it aint easy for an offensive minded player to get into adelman's (of all people) doghouse, but somehow jason williams did. hubie revived his career, and they really liked each other, from all accounts. sucks that fratello doesnt much like him. jason williams has a future in the nba--his "monetary value" matters little--and i think hubie brown deserves most of the credit.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Padrino said:
...and, for the record, i think what hubie did for j-will was for the best. j-will's no where near as exciting as he used to be, but he's under control, and a decent point guard now. he needed to slow down for his career to survive. the sacto team he played for was fun as all hell to watch, but they werent going anywhere fast, and we all know that. when we got a cool-as-friggin-ice and always-under-control PG like mike, we really started to thrive. j-will's last season in sac was not a good one. he was in adelman's dog house because he couldnt play under control. b-jax was logging more minutes a game than jason was. it aint easy for an offensive minded player to get into adelman's (of all people) doghouse, but somehow jason williams did. hubie revived his career, and they really liked each other, from all accounts. sucks that fratello doesnt much like him. jason williams has a future in the nba--his "monetary value" matters little--and i think hubie brown deserves most of the credit.
I won't argue that what Hubie Brown did was probably best for all concerned. All I know is the last couple of times I've watched games with Jason, he's just not the exciting player who first knocked our socks off. More dependable? Probably. "Under control"? Sadly enough, it appears to be true. I just miss the old JWill, at least a little, because he was nothing if not total excitement to watch...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Padrino said:
... i get so sick of seeing jack ref the games. and he's been doing it for over 30 years! the man's got stamina...and time to burn, for such a busy actor.
I was told once, several years ago, that Jack has clauses put into all his contracts that make it clear he does not have to work when the Lakers are at home at Staples.
VF21 said:
I was told once, several years ago, that Jack has clauses put into all his contracts that make it clear he does not have to work when the Lakers are at home at Staples.
it wouldnt surprise me a bit. ;)


Hall of Famer
Well I am not sure this trade actually improves any fo the teams involved, but The Griz are obviously over stocked on Point Gaurds, and Miami is perhaps one of the few teams that Walker would not HURT. Boston did upgrade from the fossilized mitten but not by much, and their defesense, such that it is, got worse.
That would certainly be interesting. I haven't followed JWill in Memphis as he seems to have fallen off the NBA radar and I don't really know what to expect from him. He's not the show he once was and I don't know that he would really be that big of an improvement for the Cavs.
As long as he doesn't end up in Sacramento, I am happy wherever Williams ends up.
And I will not be holding up my breath. Getting him and ditching him were Petrie's worst and best moves.
JWill doesn't play D either. Most pgs don't. The only 2 effective PG defenders in the last 15 years are Payton in his hayday and I guess Jason Kidd otherwise a defending PG is a rarity in the league, atleast one with any offensive skill to go along with defensive skill. I guess you could include Mookie and Dumars if you'd like. Stockton wasn't bad but that's really it. Look at the top PGs in the league today and there defensive ability:

Kidd-Good (better when not injured)
Arenas-Slightly above Average
Parker-Not bad but probally the worst starting defender on his team-Above Average
Miller-Above Average
Iverson-If you want to count him he's pretty good, a workhorse
Marbury-Average, maybe slightly below
Terry-Average, maybe slightly below (saw how he defender Nash in the Playoffs)
Billups-One of the top 5 PG defenders, maybe the top now
Jwill-Slightly below average
LPKingsFan said:
I don't quite follow. By getting him AND ditching him, we effectively got the #2 pick in a draft where we picked seventh.
There's nothing to follow ... Taking a player who defined the term 'inefficient basketball' in 1st round was a mistake. Trading that same player for Bibby was a steal.