Is KG on the move?



there have been many rumors that the TWolves are shopping KG do you guys think this is true? and if so where do yall think he will end up?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think the great majority of those many rumors are started by the drooling fans of every other team in the league (myself included ;) ). No idea if there is any truth to them at all. He might be the ultimate franchise player in the NBA right now, in that he made that franchise and has kept them afloat as their first and only megastar. Would have called him absolutely untouchable 6 months ago. Now, however, with his coach gone, his GM likely to follow suit, a rebuilding project likely to come...think the "hope" would be that maybe KG would ask to leave, and the Wolves would oblige to break up that mega-contract.

Quite obviously I am also in the camp of the Kings getting him at all costs if he is on the move. The absolutely perfect player for our system. As versatile as Webber was in his prime, and enormously hungry too. And we have as many pieces as any team to maybe legitimately pull that off.

But that's all the sheerest of speculation, as is I believe 99% of all the KG trade talk out there.
There have been zero legit rumors that he's being moved. But I can see him demanding out if McHale is fired this summer. I wouldn't blame him either, I hope he goes to a team on the verge of contending, he clearly deserves a ring (more). I'd love to see him in a Laker uni. :D
KA_2 said:
There have been zero legit rumors that he's being moved. But I can see him demanding out if McHale is fired this summer. I wouldn't blame him either, I hope he goes to a team on the verge of contending, he clearly deserves a ring (more). I'd love to see him in a Laker uni. :D
Would you like to see him in a Laker uni at the expense of Kobe, 'cause that's the only deal I can imagine the Twolves accepting for a guy of KG's caliber. I don't think there's much chance they trade KG to a WC contender for Odom, Butler and some spare parts.
Bricklayer said:
Quite obviously I am also in the camp of the Kings getting him at all costs if he is on the move. The absolutely perfect player for our system. As versatile as Webber was in his prime, and enormously hungry too. And we have as many pieces as any team to maybe legitimately pull that off.

But that's all the sheerest of speculation, as is I believe 99% of all the KG trade talk out there.
So who is the one King that is untouchable in your scenario? Bibby? Peja and Miller for KG works for me (of course, then the Twolves would have to unload Wally).
4cwebb said:
Would you like to see him in a Laker uni at the expense of Kobe, 'cause that's the only deal I can imagine the Twolves accepting for a guy of KG's caliber. I don't think there's much chance they trade KG to a WC contender for Odom, Butler and some spare parts.
you mean, those spare parts that la received for some guy named shaq? saying a team would have to give up a superstar to get kg kind of ignores why he would be traded in the first place. superstars are never traded to get better talent (except maybe if their numbers are in decline) look at the trades of shaq and webb- they were made for weaker players in the hopes of allowing for a rebuilding project in the future. the only situation in which kg leaves is if minnesota decides that they're not winning with this setup and so they're gonna clear house, top down, including mchale. in that situation they'll accept smaller, shorter contracts to free up space to actually build something in the future as opposed to being shackled to garnett and forcing to build around him rather than creating a system from the ground up.

i can't see minnesota doing this. they're definitely not in a situation where kg isn't going to produce anymore- it should be clear to everyone that he's got a terrible, disfunctional supporting cast, one that includes some players who will be attractive to other teams who want to trade. i cant see the twolves unloading garnett without dismantling the rest of the roster and trying one more (last?) time to build around him. im thinking the way houston did- there is no one left there who was a rocket when yao first arrived. the wolves would be much smarter to follow that path rather than give up on teh next decade because it's easier to just cash in and join the ranks at teh bottom of the conference. (but hey, it looks like the warriors are leaving that class so maybe minny will step up and fill the new role down there)

garnett is happy in minnesota and he can be built around. minnesota has no one else to build around. whenever a superstar is traded, either they're unhappy enough that the franchise decides to go another direction completely (see: carter, t-mac) or the franchise has other pieces in place that they decide they would rather build around and that the time has come for the current setup (see:shaq, cwebb). minnesota has nowhere to go after a trade, it makes no sense, and if they're at all sane they'll hold on to him.
4cwebb said:
So who is the one King that is untouchable in your scenario? Bibby? Peja and Miller for KG works for me (of course, then the Twolves would have to unload Wally).
if minny did decide to go the implosion route, i can see them taking some spare parts/expiring contracts for him. kg, mark madsen and eddie griffin for cat, k9 and tag. real gm says its ok :) same theory as the webber trade (unload a massive contract to build for the future) cat and tag are both free agents after one season in minny makes the trade even more attractive. not that i actually ever see this happening, but you get the idea.
You are all wrong here. First off - they're not getting rid of arguably the best player in the NBA. Secondly if they DO trade KG he's not going anywhere in the Western Conference. See Shaq's trade - everyone thought Shaq was coming to Dallas (he already has a few houses here in the Dallas area). Shaq wanted it. Shaq's wife pleaded for Mark Cuban to make the deal to bring them here on Entertainment Tonight. There were also rumors that he was going to Sacramento at one point...None of this came true the Lakers wouldn't dare send him to a rival WC team. So this is what's gonna happen with KG, if they even send him off in the first place.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
captain bill said:
if minny did decide to go the implosion route, i can see them taking some spare parts/expiring contracts for him. kg, mark madsen and eddie griffin for cat, k9 and tag. real gm says its ok :) same theory as the webber trade (unload a massive contract to build for the future) cat and tag are both free agents after one season in minny makes the trade even more attractive. not that i actually ever see this happening, but you get the idea.
No way on the spare parts for KG -- he IS the franchise, and they will be needing/expecting to get back pieces they think can equal out that contribution. With him gone, the Wolves could easily end up having to move out of Minny if they fall apart. Can't even draw a full house now. Can't throw out a garbage team. Webber was aging and had health issues, ditto Shaq even. But KG is right in his prime contending years and is a rock physically -- never gets hurt. There is absolutely no reason to move him for rebuilding purposes. And if he were on the move, no way they would ever accept spare parts because every team in the league would make them far better offers than that. All-Star players, lottery picks, you name it, it would be out there.

As an aside, yes, Bibby would be the one untouchable player for me in any scenario like that. He looks and feels like a championship PG given the right team, and he and KG would be the core (and yes, the thought that the PGs in the league who have most closely resembled Mike have also always been KGs PGs does occur to me -- Brandon and Cassel had similar games and KG knows how to play with that type of PG. But anyway, again sheerest speculation.
ugh i can't stand KG, but if the kings could get him, oh man go for it. i agree with brick, he's the PERFECT player in our system. only thing is, as great as he is, he's never done ANYTHING, save one trip to the WCF that didn't happen until sam and spree came along. if he came to sac, bibby would HAVE to stay. bibby is the clutch iceman in the playoffs, can't lose that. brad and peja would be a nice offer, not sure it would get it done.
Evenstar said:
ugh i can't stand KG, but if the kings could get him, oh man go for it. i agree with brick, he's the PERFECT player in our system. only thing is, as great as he is, he's never done ANYTHING, save one trip to the WCF that didn't happen until sam and spree came along. if he came to sac, bibby would HAVE to stay. bibby is the clutch iceman in the playoffs, can't lose that. brad and peja would be a nice offer, not sure it would get it done.
Wow, I thaught I was the only one who felt this way. I just don't like KG. Brick is right, he is probably perfect for us and right now he is one of the three best NBA players despite poor season for Minny.

I may be in minority here (not drooling over KG), but I always saw him as someone who is what Webber was supposed to be according to Webber detractors. I would rather have Webb back, or to be more precise, I would not trade healthy Webber for KG straight up.
I gotta agree on KG he hasn't proven anything yet, a bunch of first round exits, then they get some talent around him and get to the WCF, and then this year the team he is supposedly the leader of tears itself apart. You can blame everyone else on that team, but last year when they did well it wasn't because of everyone else, it was, "OH KG is such a great leader to get these guys playing as a team", and "Wait till next year",(lol) so now he has to take some of the blame as well. If KG can't get a championship, or even make some noise in the playoffs again he will be a bust, plain and simple.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
KP said:
so now he has to take some of the blame as well.
A very small part of the blame.

Come on. This was the utterly predictable result of importing a Portlandesque collection of cancers onto one team. That it worked for one year was remarkable. But its not KG's fault that he is surrounded by a bunch of aging malcontents primarily concerned with the need for $14 million rather than #11 million to feed their family.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
As an aside, yes, Bibby would be the one untouchable player for me in any scenario like that. He looks and feels like a championship PG given the right team
You mean the team where 4 other guys will play D and cover for him.

Everybody can win a ring in the "right team"

As good as Mike is - he is just "one way" baskettbal player


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
piksi said:
You mean the team where 4 other guys will play D and cover for him.

Everybody can win a ring in the "right team"

As good as Mike is - he is just "one way" baskettbal player
Nope, I mean a fearless, clutch leader at the PG spot. Not talented enough to do it alone, but he is the sort of PG you can win a title with helming your club as an active contributor to the run, rather than as a Derek Fisher along-for-the-ride PG. Of all of the current Kings, he is the guy who looks the most like the champions and near champions we have seen in the past. Moxie wins titles.
Bricklayer said:
A very small part of the blame.

Come on. This was the utterly predictable result of importing a Portlandesque collection of cancers onto one team. That it worked for one year was remarkable. But its not KG's fault that he is surrounded by a bunch of aging malcontents primarily concerned with the need for $14 million rather than #11 million to feed their family.
Utterly predictable Brick? Did you think Minni was going to miss the playoffs this year? If you did, could you give me the winning lotto numbers for next week?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
KP said:
Utterly predictable Brick? Did you think Minni was going to miss the playoffs this year? If you did, could you give me the winning lotto numbers for next week?
No, I though Minny was going to miss the playoffs last year in an ugly meltdown. Just took them an extra year. Making it work last year was the remarkable thing, not having it fall apart this year. SO many bad apples, and old ones at that.
mavsman said:
You are all wrong here. First off - they're not getting rid of arguably the best player in the NBA. Secondly if they DO trade KG he's not going anywhere in the Western Conference. See Shaq's trade - everyone thought Shaq was coming to Dallas (he already has a few houses here in the Dallas area). Shaq wanted it. Shaq's wife pleaded for Mark Cuban to make the deal to bring them here on Entertainment Tonight. There were also rumors that he was going to Sacramento at one point...None of this came true the Lakers wouldn't dare send him to a rival WC team. So this is what's gonna happen with KG, if they even send him off in the first place.
I don't disagree with you about KG being traded, but the Dallas trade didn't happen because LA wanted Dirk, and Dallas wasn't going to trade him. The situation with Sac was similar-- Sac would've had to gut their team. My point is, it just depends on the talent the team would be getting back. A deal with the Kings could've netted more suitable players compared to what LA got from Miami.
However, Petrie probably wasn't willing to give up that much.

As far as KG, the year before last year, I remember hearing a lot of "trade KG" talk (from Minny and NBA fans both). Then last year, they were having a great year and the trade talk faded. At the end of last year, some fans were even comparing him to Jordan. Things have come full circle with the talk of trading him floating around once again.

Last year with Spree and Cassell was a surprise. I thought they would explode sooner than they did and even then I would've never fathom it going this far. The success they had last year contributed to their freefall this year. If they were just a middling team last year, this year might not have gone the way it has.

I don't believe the Wolves organization would trade KG. He's just too good, and you can build around him quickly-- if not a championship team, you can still be a very competitive team. Like others have said, most of the talk is probably coming from fans of other teams. The only reason you would want to trade him is if he was disgruntled and even then you would deal with it for a while before you pulled the plug. There has been no indication that things are anywhere near that dreary yet.

As a Kings fan, if he was on our roster right now, we’d be deep into planning a summer parade down K street. He would fit our team so perfectly right now. Unfortunately, a trade would most likely leave our roster with all kinds of holes and we could just end up where Minny is right now; a team with a player of enormous talent, but no one to surround him with. It’s a risk I would take, though hesitantly.

So is anyone wondering if Minny is tanking on purpose? The thought just crossed my mind. It would be hard to net anything good with the pieces they have outside of KG. They might as well see what they can get through the draft. The sad thing is that if that was the case, they're not even doing that right.
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it would only take thomas and corliss to get kg, but minny wouldnt do that...... we would lose absolutely nothing in the process....
I would love to see Dallas trade:

Jason Terry (last year contract)
Keith Van Horn (last year contract)
Marquis Daniels (young talent for them to build with)
1st Rd Pick (s)


Minny's worst contract

I seriously, seriously doubt the Wolves would even look at that deal but one can hope!


Hall of Famer
Mc Hale will no doubt dismantle the team but I am sure that he will want to rebuild it ARROUND KG, if possible. The problem of course being that both Spree and Sam are problems to trade and may not net much in return. The most likely way to restock with tallent will be to ship KG and his bloated contract for 3 good role palyers even better force the other team to take Sam or Spree or even the broke down Wally. This will be a big move and my guess is that more than one team will work to make it happen. Dallas is not a very likely candidate as neither KG nor Dirk will WANT to move to the 5 and with Dampier on board Im not sure the Mavs will be able to do much, but who knows. Kings can make some offers but again IF Mc Hale can rebuild arrond KG that is what he will do.