Hornets @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
a good day for a masochist
No more back flashes in the glorious past. Have to save the material for the next 5-10 years until we maybe manage to get out of the mediocrity. It is pointless just like waiting for Godot. All those great years feel more and more distant every year. They don't even feel real. Are we going to get back up - someday perhaps but not any time soon. Some people say that luck has to be earned in a way and if that is true then we deserve to be where we are and when I say we - I mean the Kings and not the fans because Kings fans deserve much, much better than this and I am not sure what else can the fans do to "earn" that little bit luck.
After another devastating woss Kings go to 33-47 and lose 4 spots in the lottery race and after another woss tomorrow - Kings will be #13 which is as mediocre as it gets. On the other hand Kings are finishing the season strong:rolleyes: splitting the last six games. If we were 0-6 we would be 5th worst team in the NBA by ourselves with a chance to get to 4th. Why 4th when You can get #13 - right ? 2 more games left and we will split them adding the insult to injury because - we will split them the wrong way.
Lottery race which was our only hope - is almost lost. Chances of getting a top 10 pick aren't good anymore. Grizzlies, Celtics, Hawks and Bucks are set and then there are 7 teams between 31-33 wins. Pacers have 35 but they are done so a team like let's say Kings could catch them. Out of those 7 teams - Wolves will definitely not win another game. Everyone else might and we will tomorrow. I could give You our odds but I am sure that most of You are depressed enough. Not looking good.
Today we played against ourselves and for the Lakers. Now, we have played against ourselves the whole season so I am used to it. The second one hurts much more. We weren't even required to win a game to "hurt" the Lakers. We just needed to lose and we didn't. Maybe they will send us a gift basket with a "Thank You Queens" note. Did we really have to do that ? The worst part - checking up on their fan sites and reading about how they openly rooted for us. Makes me very angry. This must be a "twilight zone" episode in which I am stuck right now.
Muss days are over and he is making sure to drag us down as much as possible. He should have been fired right after the DUI. In his pathetic mind - he apparently still believes that 35 wins + power point presentation + 100 pages of stats = keeping the job. I wouldn't hire him as a janitor even though - I would like to see a process of fixing the clogged toilet in details on power point. Can't blame the players especially the kids. They are supposed to play as hard as You can. As a coach - You can always find the way to lose. Muss has proven that 47 times this season. You don't have to be a genious. If Potapenko played 30+ minutes - Clipps might have won the game. Ron playing 40 minutes is travesty regardless how afraid Muss might be to take him out.
So if we summarize this season - it becomes obvious the we deserve everything that is happening and more. This was an opportunity to start over and we missed it. Now it is time for us to be new Warriors and wait 10 years or more to even get to the POs. We also deserve to have Muss one more year as a coach. Why not ? It is not like the Kings care. Maybe we are still playing for that imaginary championship because we clinched the spot in the imaginary post season. Maybe NBA can invent their version of the college NIT - just to keep us occupied and make sure we don't realize how fast and how deep - we are going down.
I am also tired of being accused for being a "bad fan" while I want my team to lose. I am tired of being mediocre, I am tired of 30-35 wins in the season. I am tired of watching Suns every time I feel like watching a exciting basketball game. I am tired of an incompetent coach, I am tired of almost winning, of lins and wosses. I am tired of watching random people in Kings uniform walking around like a fake money. I am tired of the long hopeless summers. I am tired of the never ending "next year." I need some hope, something to look forward. I was looking forward to this draft opportunity 5o start over. I sold my "soul to the devil" in a way - if You understand what I mean. Why am I rooting for Kings to lose ? It is simple really. It because I never want to do it again in the future. For the rest of You - enjoy Your 30-35 wins. Don't mind me.
With 3 days till the end of the regular season - time to recap things. There was a pretty good NBA season outside of Kingdom.

Teams that impressed me - Bobcats, Hornets, Raptors, Warriors

Teams that didn't - Kings, Wolves, Kincks, Lakers, Pacers

Players that impressed me - Kidd, Wallace, Martin, Barbosa, Howard

Players that didn't - Bibby, Kirilenko, James,

Coaches that impressed me - Sloan, Scott, Mitchell, the guy who was subbing for Riley.
Coaches that didn't - Musselman, Musselman, Musselman.

All "jail" NBA - Tinsley, Artest, Jackson, Posey, Randolph, (Musselman)

In a game between 2 team in which one of them needed a win and the other needed the loss - the totally opposite happened. You have got to hand it to the Clippers - they will always be that - Clippers. They just sucked so bad that we couldn't lose. On the other hand - Muss needed a win for some unidentified reason. Ron played 40 minutes mostly because no one dared to take him out of the game. We did everything wrong this season so why change now - right ?

Quinton Ross won the TDM but that is not a consolation.
Hornets are next and they got nothing to play for and they will rest everybody they can so there is another woss coming up. Seeing Bobby is always nice. TDM will go to Pargo. 2 more frustrating nights and then a frustrating summer coming up. Yay!.
In his pathetic mind - he apparently still believes that 35 wins + power point presentation + 100 pages of stats = keeping the job. I wouldn't hire him as a janitor even though - I would like to see a process of fixing the clogged toilet in details on power point.
That's classic!:D Brilliant as always Piksi.
Maybe they will send us a gift basket with a "Thank You Queens" note.
Such an act would warrant physically hurting (to an unspecified degree) other human beings (at least as much as LAL fans qualify) in my moral code.

I wouldn't hire him as a janitor even though - I would like to see a process of fixing the clogged toilet in details on power point.
Ewww :(


Hall of Famer
So Spurs are capable of resting Parker, Duncan and Ginobili all in the same game.
We on the other hadn - play full strength. Go figure.
I generally HATE the hornet's tv guys, but one of them just said something insightful and funny. He said, referring to the kings, that they needed more muscle men and less Musselman!! How true, how true!
At this point we have already screwed up our draft pick, so I am just hoping for a fun game.

On a side note, I wonder if Mike or Brad are thinking that this may be their last game at Arco? If so, I am hoping for a good game for both. Bibby is already having a great game. I hope they have fun tonight and that the crowd responds accordingly.
What the heck? Where was this kind of play earlier? Jeez, little late now.
Having clinched the #1 draft slot, Memphis slaughtered Denver last night, with 6 guys in double figures and 3 double-doubles. Tonight they beat San Antonio, who didn't think they'd have to play their best guys, by 10.

Maybe we're doing the same, you know... clinched top 12, so what the heck? :rolleyes:
Their trade value isn't going to get better because of a few good performances at the end of the season. This is a game we need to LIN if we want to stay at the 10th pick and not drop farther but Muss is a clown and he is a horrible coach and he hates us so he wants to be teams playing only 50%! Man he is risking injuries and stuff for nothing! I hate this clown:mad:


Hall of Famer
Honestly...After dropping from 6th to 10th I could really care less if we go from 10th to 11th.

All the guys we coulda used are going in the top 7th or so.
Honestly...After dropping from 6th to 10th I could really care less if we go from 10th to 11th.

All the guys we coulda used are going in the top 7th or so.
With 2 losses and a little luck we could still get the 8th or 9th pick, which is definitely better then 11th.


Hall of Famer
Even a 60 win team like Spurs are capable of losing in Memphis easily. Nuggets also. We on the other hand are still fighting for the 'ship
so we have the 12th pick big deal not much differance between that and the 7th pick. Odds are we werent going to get a top 3 pick anyway so just stop with being mad about it and move on.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow. I've defended people for being upset about losing an opportunity for a great draft pick but this is getting ridiculous.

MY PERSONAL OPINION: Some of you are taking this draft position thing - especially now - WAY too seriously. These are the Sacramento Kings out there. I'm glad the kids are getting time and I hope it continues. I want them to do well. I can't even read this stuff any more. I NEVER thought I'd see Kings fans making some of the comments I've seen.

/end of rant - I'm putting my soap box away
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