Grades v. Raptors 11/12

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Artest ( A- ) -- big start to this one, on BOTH ends of the court. Had 13 in the first quarter, and on perfect shooting to boot. Also continued the big boarding ways, once again topping his career average before half and finishing with 10. Quieted down thereafter, but still hit a big shot in the mid 4th to break up an ugly scrappy comeback attempt by the Raptors (actually it was more us letting them back in than anything they were doing). Overall more of an offensive effort with nobody of note to shut down on the Raptors, but set the tone early,was a leader tonight, hit the glass, and largely stayed in control.
Thomas ( C ) -- got lit up by Bosh in the early going and went on to a very quiet outing. Still a better effort than his invisible man bit on the roadtrip, with very modest numbers, but several solid plays along the way. Strict limit as to how big a grade you can get for a 2pt 6reb performance as a starting PF, but despite the invisible numbers, there was never really a point where you felt like he jsut had to be subbed out of the game (part of that may have been us being in control fo the game almost from start to finish). Did not help, but did not kill us.
Reef ( B- ) -- sloppy first half, but a few highlights including a decent number of boards and going up to attempt a monster jam on the break (he was fouled to stop it, but still as aggressive as you are likely to see latter day Reef). Ugly effort continued through the second half, but mixed in around the turnovers and misses were enough conversions and fouls drawn to secure a respectable statistical effort -- 18pts 7rebs...and 6 TOs -- with moments of scrap and hustle around the edges.
Martin ( A- ) -- struggled a bit in the early going, getting repeatedly challenged around the rim. But as the Raptors subbed in their cast of thousands Kevin began to squirt lose for shots here and there, threw in one nifty Kobe-style stepback move at the top of the key, and finshed the half as the third of three offensive amigos (behind Ron and Mike). In the second half it was more of the same, popping free whenever the Raptors lost focus (which is to say about every other play -- that team still sucks defensively) and in particular knocking down shot after shot from the left baseline. While Mike and Ron both cooled after half, Kevin just kept on doing his thing, 13 in half 1, 13 more in half 2. Game lacked a certain spark, or maybe worthy opponent. But a good sign when you score 26 and its not a blow you away night.
Bibby ( B+ ) -- carried us in the early going along with Ron, with the shot looking sweet. But got quiet in the second half while TJ Ford also began to come alive as the game went along (although remained brainless and out of control). Had 21, shot well overall, but never really dominated (although was a major part of the big first quarter) and continued to have random turnover problems.
Salmons ( B ) -- nothing offensively again until a smattering of points in semi garbagetime, but combined with Ron to really help us on the glass in the first half and played a smart solid floor game throughout. Pondered a B+, but he was more solid than spectacular, in particular while the game was still on, and if Mike was a B+ as one of the guys who mattered, John was a B as a guy who definitely helped around the edges but never controlled action.
Price ( C-) -- short first half stint -- we extended the lead with him out there, but individually he did little. Was back on the court at the end of the thrid/early 4th, and watched the lead begin to evaporate on his watch. Forced in one shot in the late going.
Williamson ( D ) -- definitely our first "big" off the bench now, coming in at center once again in Eric Adelman's short rotation. Did little in either of his stints, however, and looked like he had caught Mo Taylor disease one game after a nice throwback performance against Detroit.
Cisco ( B- ) -- came in the game and immediately hit a three, and outside of one forced three, gave us a solid first half stint in more of a normal rotation stint. In the second half came back with an ill fated bench group that gave the Raptors life in the early 4th, and was doing his somewhat out of control bit again.
Douby ( INC ) -- got a strange insertion for the final 15 seconds of the third quarter, and then returned for the last minute of garbagetime.

Muss ( B+ ) -- So, to copy something I posted in the thread: We played the Raptors. On the season the Raptors allow opponents to shoot .489, score 102.4, and get outrebounded by 5.4 a game. So we come out on out home floor and shoot .487, score 107, and outrebound them by 9. Good performance, but pretty much par for the course against that team. They are young, soft, and play no defense. Controlled the game from damn near the outset, and never did meet any real resistance defensively. Even when we slowed down offensively, it was largely because we ourselves started to get selfish, started to turn it over, and squished our own offense more than anything the Raptors did. The sort of game you need to get on your home floor, and we got it for our first real winning streak of the season. Muss himself didn't have much work to do this time out, and the few notes he does have are kind of shrugs: first, Corliss is now our backup center. Literally. Not only is he the first big off the bench now, but he is routinely playing alongside KT, and often alongside Ron. This is smallball beyond anything that Rick ever dreamt of. On the other hand, given what Mo has shown, or rather not shown, what do we have to lose? Ugly though, and tonight Corliss did basically nothing. On a happier note, Cisco got some semi-rotation minutes this time out, perhaps helped by our healthy lead, and once again helping himself by coming in and immediately making a positive play (hit a three) to stave off the quick hook. And along the way, no real huge complaints or significant problems against this team. Our three best players tonight all played heavy minutes, but in the reasonable 37-38min range of heavy rather than 40+. We kind of/sort of went a bit into the bench, although nobody other than Salmons had more than 10-12min. And it was just a fairly relaxed + easy effort for everyone out to and including the coaches. We were better, established it early, and were never really threatened therafter. Solid win-padding victory + with our best game long offensive effort (of course against just about the worst defensive team in the league) of the young season.
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Hall of Famer
who didn't play well tonight? still out rebounding everyone. The theory that someone had of more opputunities becuase of poor shooting is shot to **** now that we shot 48% so what excuses for our rebounding success do you have now?


Super Moderator Emeritus
who didn't play well tonight? still out rebounding everyone. The theory that someone had of more opputunities becuase of poor shooting is shot to **** now that we shot 48% so what excuses for our rebounding success do you have now?
??????? Why the pee-poor attitude before the grades are even posted? Geez...


Hall of Famer
ehhh just knowing what is to come. TDOS tranformed into the season and we still hear the same thing. Instead of getting up for what we accomplish we hear reasons of why our numbers are scued and we really aren't that good at this or that its just cicumstantial. Can't even come in and say how well we are rebounding without hearing its only because of the shooting % or how we are holding teams to 90ppg without someone saying "well we are only averaging 91ppg so we aren't that good"


Hall of Famer
I would love to go on about Salmons who had a great all around game with 6pts 8reb and 6ast but you know it will get shot down by saying he can't do it all the time and he is not consitant. Its like some are wanting us to fail to say i told you so.
It's kind of hard to judge anything right now. Outside of the Spurs, the West is sort of tough to tell. Utah has been good, but AK just got his yearly injury so *shrug*.

The team rebounding has been better and it hasn't dropped off with Shareef starting, which surprises me. There are more Kings around the basket on shot attempts this year than I recall previously. That may just be my perception though.


Hall of Famer
Other than that though i am fine we had a great game deserves A's all around noone should be under a B. Every player did his job and played his role. That translates into victories every time. KT is doing quite well against this onslought of great PF's here lately. KG twice, Sheed, Bosh. some of the same names can be included in the teams we out rebounded. Bosh, Sheed, Wallace, KG twice we are out rebounding those teams with the some of the top 10 rebounders in the league. Its great


Hall of Famer
It's kind of hard to judge anything right now. Outside of the Spurs, the West is sort of tough to tell. Utah has been good, but AK just got his yearly injury so *shrug*.

The team rebounding has been better and it hasn't dropped off with Shareef starting, which surprises me. There are more Kings around the basket on shot attempts this year than I recall previously. That may just be my perception though.
Yes everybody is rebounding and we are still able to get out on breaks. Also the elbow passing **** is gone so our bigs are in position for some offensive rebounds finally and can box out for Martin or bibby to get rebounds instead in the past if one of the guards wanted a rebound they had to fight off Bosh, KG, Wallace, Sheed because our big is 18 ft from the basket making a pass.
Ron Artest is unbelievable. His rebounding is just blowing my mind. This guy is the MOST dedicated individual I have ever seen.

Kevin once again showing his stuff and Cisco getting a go!
We are playing defense because our coach is preaching defense. We already had some offensive talent when he arrived so he is just figuring out how to harness that power. I see improvement every game which means I give Muss an A+++.

He has really answered the call.

On another note, after only 6 games I'm excited with what I'm seeing but I don't think its time to pre-maturely freak out after beating the Raptors. We are doing some things well and others not so well and it is going to be fun to watch this team develop throughout the course of the year.

I like what I see so far against these average teams. Now we gotta start doing it against good teams and get more consistent.



Hall of Famer
I am really impressed with how the team is buying into what Musselman and the staff are telling them.

Exactly he wanted Kev to get the line and he has. He wanted Artest to board and he has. Wanted KT to not look for offense and play good D and rebound and he has. He wanted to play good team defense and we have. Now i just wish he would tell JSalm to trim the beard a little.
Instead of getting up for what we accomplish we hear reasons of why our numbers are scued and we really aren't that good at this or that its just cicumstantial. Can't even come in and say how well we are rebounding without hearing its only because of the shooting % or how we are holding teams to 90ppg without someone saying "well we are only averaging 91ppg so we aren't that good"
How about Toronto is 24th at .469, Milwakee is tied with Minnesota for 26th at .459 in rebounding percentage?:p
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We played the Raptors.

On the season the Raptors allow opponents to shoot .489, score 102.4, and get outrebounded by 5.4 a game. So we come out on out home floor and shoot .487, score 107, and outreboudn them by 9. Good performance, but pretty much par for the course against that team. They are young, soft, and play no defense.
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We played the Raptors.
And we beat them just like we should beat a team of their nature... Even with turnovers galore, we managed to rout them... I hate it when people try to always make less out of a win, or vice-versa when people make too much out of a win but, like I said, we routed them, so I don't care if we played the Raptors or the Spurs, it was a rout.

EDIT - This is your last warning; KINGSFAN-FROM-L.A. Turn off Caps Lock before you type. Further attmepts to type in all caps will be interpreted as deliberate, and deleted without prejudice.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
The point is that some people are way too giddy over us at this point in the season. Yes, we show promise. Yes, we've won three games in a row at home.

That doesn't make us contenders and it doesn't make us a 50-win team. Going too far in one extreme is just as bad as giving us no credit whatsoever. People need to remember this season consists of 82 games. You can be cautiously optimistic at this point without insisting everyone needs to make plans today for the playoffs.
We played like a team. I don't care who we played.

The turnovers are still a problem but the cohesion of the starting unit is beginning to solidify.

Also liking Ron Artest at the 4.
The point is that some people are way too giddy over us at this point in the season. Yes, we show promise. Yes, we've won three games in a row at home.

That doesn't make us contenders and it doesn't make us a 50-win team. Going too far in one extreme is just as bad as giving us no credit whatsoever. People need to remember this season consists of 82 games. You can be cautiously optimistic at this point without insisting everyone needs to make plans today for the playoffs.
yeah thats why i said i dont like when people get overly happy or overly pist with a games outcome in the regular season


Super Moderator Emeritus
Martin ( A- ) -- struggled a bit in the early going, getting repeatedly challenged around the rim. But as the Raptors subbed in their cast of thousands Kevin began to squirt lose for shots here and there, threw in one nifty Kobe-style stepback move at the top of the key, and finshed the half as the third of three offensive amigos (behind Ron and Mike). In the second half it was more of the same, popping free whenever the Raptors lost focus (which is to say about every other play -- that team still sucks defensively) and in particular knocking down shot after shot from the left baseline. While Mike and Ron both cooled after half, Kevin just kept on doing his thing, 13 in half 1, 13 more in half 2. Game lacked a certain spark, or maybe worthy opponent. But a good sign when you score 26 and its not a blow you away night.
It was brought to my attention at half-time that Martin had his shooting wrist wrapped from the beginning of the game ... I certainly hope it's just a fashion statement.
I noticed Kevin had a wrap around his shooting hand this game. I remember his hand getting hit, or something like that, in the last game and him trying to shake it off. Whatever is wrong with it clearly isn't affecting his shot though! :)


Hall of Famer
There is a difference between cautious optmisim and being giddy over some home courts wins.

This was a good game against a pretty bad team. Detroit a better team playing worse, but hey if the Kings can consistantly bring out teams worst games it will make for an interesting season.


Hall of Famer
Nobody played over 40 mins tonight for us which is good. Offense stepped up and defense still stayed strong. Also i can't quite put my finger on what we are doing on defense to keep from getting killed in the post with this small lineup. You would think we would get attacked by these premeir PF we are playing is KT in fact that good on defense?
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