Grades v. Raptors 11/12

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Hall of Famer
There is a difference between cautious optmisim and being giddy over some home courts wins.

This was a good game against a pretty bad team. Detroit a better team playing worse, but hey if the Kings can consistantly bring out teams worst games it will make for an interesting season.
Are they bringing out the worst games or are they Causing their worst games that is the question.
Are they bringing out the worst games or are they Causing their worst games that is the question.

They really are causing it... The team is a good defensive team, KT is underrated defensively he always has a hand in the shooters face.. If we can score like we did tonight everynight and play defence like we can, this team will be very interesting....
Another thing I noticed on defence is our rotations are very fast, all of our players arent the best defenders but Muss has got them rotating great.


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Staff member
I think I, like many here, am probably just glad to see our team showing improvement and still managing to win games.

I still expect ups and downs, some blown games and some blowouts in our favor, but I like what I see so far. Swarming defense. Intensity. Kevin steping up in the starter's role. Steals. Rebounds! KT playing good defense and not hearing complaining in interviews. An offensive game maybe just starting to form some cohesiveness, but not much yet. In time, perhaps.

We are not world beaters. For now, I love the effort, the team buying into a coaching staff and their philosophy, and taking it to heart. I still think this team might get to 45 wins or so, but if they keep playing this hard and improving, that may be low. I hope that is the case.


Edit - see sig. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
We kind of/sort of went a bit into the ebnch, although nobody other than Salmons had more than 10-12min. And it was just a fairly relaxed + easy effort for everyone oouty to the coaches.
What's "oouty"?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Detroit just got squashed by Golden State 107-79 or some such yesterday.

I've mentioned several times now, this isn't 2004. Detroit may eventually get their act together, but right now, they aren't very good, have lost their chemistry, and just look old and finished. Sheed scored all of 8 against the intense in your face defense of Troy Murphy.

Utah is interesting -- I don't think they are really this good, AK47 may be banged up again, and somebody is going to bring them back to earth I would think. Might as well be us. The Spurs aren't flowing yet -- doable, but not easy. We own the Clippers, or have. We could take all those games. Maybe. More likely we split 1-2, 2-1, whatever.


Hall of Famer
Ouch i just realized last season we had an early 5 game losing streak right. Well 4 of those 5 were at home. yes we lost 4 straight at home. i didn't remember that.
Game Ball to the inimitable Ron Artest for the outrageous snuff running from behind as whoever that Raptor was cruised in for what he thought was an easy breakaway 2 and then Ron Ron slamming the hand on the backboard for his efforts. Great all around game from Ron and a clear leader in, yes fellow King fans, raising the level of play on the court. He was everywhere, doing everything, as usual. That guy has always got his game face on!

Special mention to Salmons who had a nice feature piece done on him today in the Sunday Bee. Interesting stuff and makes you appreciate the guy a little more.

And finally another rap on the knuckles for Mr SAR who continues to shoot those ridiculous looking 15 footers. Man, would you just leave that to the shooters and do what you are paid to do. Play in the paint, guy. In the paint...
The underlying reason for all the Kings early success at home.

I'm not jumping for joy yet, but I am seeing promise.

We've quit playing jack-a-shot and it's translating into more of a pounding style of play. KT/SAR frontcourt, while not perfect, looks pretty dang nice and they play well together.

I'm not so worried about SAR's TOs or shooting %, those will take care of themselves. KT is going to rebound, we know that and he's playing really nice D. The way the two of them were hustling on defense really made me smile. Really nice switches and rotations.

Artest is getting in the post and then letting the outside shot come after he hits some gimmees.

Bibby is becoming more of a distributor than I saw from him last year.

Martin is a dang stud.

I'm seeing the coach make adjustments - and they are the right ones.

I'm not jumping for 50 wins, but I'm seeing improvement and heart from ALL the players and that makes me smile.

As for saying "it's the competition" ... the simple fact is: You've got to beat the teams you should to be a contender. Period. Every game counts as a W, doesn't matter who it is and almost any team can compete on a given night. Home/Away ... it's still a W.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Which is all very nice, but it just means we did what we are supposed to do. Its not cause to break out the bubbly. Solid team, at home, should beat the Raps very much the way we did. We did so. So good for us, high fives all around, but its really no measuring stick of anything much beyond us not being one of the 5 worst teams in the league. Just more of a relief game than anything else -- the sort you hate to have a letdown and lose, but winning is just expected.
And finally another rap on the knuckles for Mr SAR who continues to shoot those ridiculous looking 15 footers. Man, would you just leave that to the shooters and do what you are paid to do. Play in the paint, guy. In the paint...
I wasn't upset at SAR's 15 footers tonight, because he took 3 of them. 1-3, if I remember correctly. I'll take that. SAR is a capable shooter and he should step out occationally. It's jsut got to be the secondary part of his game rather than the area he's taking the most shots from.

They are starting to put him in the paint more and more... and that makes me smile. I think the game will come to him. Basketball is a confidence game and his shot will start to fall. I think the travel calls have him second guessing his moves and it's hurting his game. He'll adjust. 6 TOs can't happen again!


Hall of Famer
Which is all very nice, but it just means we did what we are supposed to do. Its not cause to break out the bubbly. Solid team, at home, should beat the Raps very much the way we did. We did so. So good for us, high fives all around, but its really no measuring stick of anything much beyond us not being one of the 5 worst teams in the league. Just more of a relief game than anything else -- the sort you hate to have a letdown and lose, but winning is just expected.
yet still better than last year in whish we won 44 games when we lost to the Knicks on our first homestand.
Which is all very nice, but it just means we did what we are supposed to do.
They always say the difference between a good team and a great team is that a great team wins the one's they should.

Are we a great among the greats? I don't think so. But, we're a great among the decent and that's a start.

At the beginning of the season we lose this game.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
It's always fun to watch a team win. But how people react to the win is going to fluctuate. Always has around here. A lot of us have been members of this forum for years. We've seen the super-highs and the super-lows.

My thought is that I don't want to peak on the giddy-meter too early.
I wasn't upset at SAR's 15 footers tonight, because he took 3 of them. 1-3, if I remember correctly. I'll take that. SAR is a capable shooter and he should step out occationally. It's jsut got to be the secondary part of his game rather than the area he's taking the most shots from.

They are starting to put him in the paint more and more... and that makes me smile. I think the game will come to him. Basketball is a confidence game and his shot will start to fall. I think the travel calls have him second guessing his moves and it's hurting his game. He'll adjust. 6 TOs can't happen again!
Tend to agree. And I want to add that I think it will take a little time before communication between him and the other players is smooth. It's coming together...slowly.
Tend to agree. And I want to add that I think it will take a little time before communication between him and the other players is smooth. It's coming together...slowly.
KT gave him that sweet pass! Man, that was an easy two, but he couldn't handle the rock until too late.

I think it's going to take some time, but I agree I think it'll be nice when it clicks.

Right now, though, I think he's overthinking moves. He's getting it in good spots on good feeds, but he's not getting calls and the calls that do come are quite often against him. One of his charges tonight was just a bad call and the travelling they keep pinning him with can be called almost every play on every player ... especially on spin moves, and I think it's got him second guessing instead of attacking naturally. This is leading to a more forced look and more charges.


Hall of Famer
Tend to agree. And I want to add that I think it will take a little time before communication between him and the other players is smooth. It's coming together...slowly.

Yeah it will come about the time miller comes back which will bring forth ALOT of dicussion around here. The Webber come back comes to mind.


Hall of Famer
Well I am off to bed just remember 2-4 last year 4-2 this year. Don't let gangren set in fellow kings fans have a good night and remember you may only see 40 to 50 wins in 365 days so savor them all.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Indeed, our 6'7" 2pt 6reb PF and 6'9" ghost of Reef C good for at least 5 rebs and 5 TOs a game, all backed up be two stubby againg SFs in MJo and Corliss CLEARLY leave no room for Brad Miller in the frontcourt. :rolleyes:

good lord -- we have just about the saddest frontcourt in the league right now. ANYBODY they bring in to help, Miller included, is an immensely good thing. We won tonight, as we have been, because wegot about 75 out of our 1-3 spots.
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All I know is that, so far, these guys must be reading those signs in the gym because they are doing everything Musselman said they were going to be asked to do when he got here.

Free throws. Deflections. Rebounding. Hustling.
Indeed, our 6'7" 2pt 6reb PF and 6'9" ghost of Reef C good for at least 5 rebs and 5 TOs a game, all backed up be two stubby againg SFs in MJo and Corliss CLEARLY leave no room for Brad Miller in the frontcourt. :rolleyes:
Size is an extremely overrated thing. Size for size's sake is quite worthless.

I know that knocking SAR/KT is a passtime for you, you must get a kick out of it, but you're not giving them enough credit.

KT is getting more than 6rebs per game since he's been lined up with SAR. Getting 2-10 points is what we want out of him. He's our "garbageman". He cleans up and gets the put backs. Getting a load of points isn't his job. I've been impressed with him ever since Brad went down.

SAR is obviously having TO issues right now, but most of them are because of the new rules and the fact that he's no longer viewed as an "elite". Calls he used to get, go against him. He's also been rebounding nicely. Yes, he could get more - like tonight - but the game was over. He was going through the motions in the final 5-6 minutes. Before that stint, he was at 7 rebounds in 27 minutes, not shabby.

Right now, I like our frontcourt. I think I'll like it more in a week when SAR gets his sea legs and some confidence. Right now, SAR is our weakpoint up front and like the coach says: "He's the known commodity." His game will come.
Size is an extremely overrated thing. Size for size's sake is quite worthless.

I know that knocking SAR/KT is a passtime for you, you must get a kick out of it, but you're not giving them enough credit.

KT is getting more than 6rebs per game since he's been lined up with SAR. Getting 2-10 points is what we want out of him. He's our "garbageman". He cleans up and gets the put backs. Getting a load of points isn't his job. I've been impressed with him ever since Brad went down.

SAR is obviously having TO issues right now, but most of them are because of the new rules and the fact that he's no longer viewed as an "elite". Calls he used to get, go against him. He's also been rebounding nicely. Yes, he could get more - like tonight - but the game was over. He was going through the motions in the final 5-6 minutes. Before that stint, he was at 7 rebounds in 27 minutes, not shabby.

Right now, I like our frontcourt. I think I'll like it more in a week when SAR gets his sea legs and some confidence. Right now, SAR is our weakpoint up front and like the coach says: "He's the known commodity." His game will come.
sea leg or not, we're going to need some big bodies when we face the rockets or Spur with the likes of Duncan and Yao
Indeed, our 6'7" 2pt 6reb PF and 6'9" ghost of Reef C good for at least 5 rebs and 5 TOs a game, all backed up be two stubby againg SFs in MJo and Corliss CLEARLY leave no room for Brad Miller in the frontcourt. :rolleyes:

good lord -- we have just about the saddest frontcourt in the league right now. ANYBODY they bring in to help, Miller included, is an immensely good thing. We won tonight, as we have been, because wegot about 75 out of our 1-3 spots.
Do you get money for everytime you knock SAR or KT? If they're the "saddest front court in the league," then why exactly were KG, Sheed/Tayshaun, or Bosh not able to take advantage? This just in: We WON The last three games.
sea leg or not, we're going to need some big bodies when we face the rockets or Spur with the likes of Duncan and Yao
SAR/KT can handle Tim Duncan just as well as anyone in this league. SAR played him well last year without help and without the great TEAM defense we've been playing.

Yao is a handful for anyone. Brad Miller gives very little against Yao. We'd still have to zone him or sandwich him to stop him or slow him. The flipside is that SAR can actually create issues for Yao inside on offense, whereas Miller cannot and this will allow Yao to play safety.

Most teams have gone to more athletic, shorter centers. SAR/KT match up well in this respect.

The few teams that have dominant centers will dominate this team down low. With or without Brad Miller. Brad is 7'0" but plays like he's 6'8". At least KT/SAR hustle and body up and make people work.
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