Grades v. Magic 03/02

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Peja ( A- ) -- about as good of a return as we could have hoped for from Peja. Did a nice job finding seams and picking his spots in the defense, and critically, found ways to draw fouls and get to the line. A little Reggie Miller in his performance tonight with a lot of flying legs and hips looking for contact -- stuff you hate to see against you, but love from your own guy. Threw a bad bad pass in the last two minutes that was picked off by Jameer Nelson who got fouled by Bobby for a breakaway foul (1 shot + posession) and got us in trouble. Played respectable defense, although Hill didn't seem to really notice him out there. Another one dimensional effort from Peja on the glass on a night when we desperately needed the help, but did grab the big one with 4 seconds to go to set up a last second chance at a tie...which Peja then missed. A hit would have done wonders for his confidence and status but was not to be. Based on his career thus far Peja is NOT the guy I want taking that shot, but I think convincing him that he CAN be that guy is important enough to this franchise that it was worth the chance in a regular season game.
Songaila ( B ) -- got off to a rough start looking just very very undersized in there against super-rook Dwight Howard (how come we can't ever get our hands on a young athletic freak like that?). But worked his way into the game and began to contribute in the solid ways he is able to -- hitting open jumpers, picking up loose balls, hustling. Ended up our best rebounder, which tells you all you need to know about our boardwork.
Skinner ( B- ) -- struggled in the first half -- looked undersized in there against all the 6'11" bodies the Magic were rotating through the paint. Recovered to give us a nice boost in the third quarter with both inside post work and another welcome burst of shotblocking (roughly the only defense we played all night). Boardwork was subpar as the taller Magic big men just snatched board after board before it ever got down to Brian's level. Missed a late driving layup that we could have really used after the Magic blatantly disrepected his jumper and backed a good 8 feet off of him into the paint -- the downside of having a non-shooting big man out there.
Mobley ( D+ ) -- wow. Was hoping for a much more inspired effort from Mobley in his return matchup with his old pal Stevie Franchise. Finally did hit a few clutch shots down the stretch -- remains his saving grace that even on his bad nights he is making them when it matters. Of course, like tonight, if he had just given us a better game before the stretch run then the clutch shots might have mattered rather than just being footnotes. Struggles weren't only on offense -- also frequently drew the defensive assignment on Francis, and if he's ever played the guy one on one before, you'd never know it from how easily he got beat.
Bibby ( B- ) -- got his points, but it was a struggle all the way. A shot here, a shot there, but took a lot of shots (26) to get his points and struggled from deep all night long. Also was largely ineffective containing mini-dart Jameer Nelson at the other end of the floor (ironically did a better defensive job against superstar Steve Francis than the rook). Our offense has changed so much that Mike was virtually the only creater out there for us tonight, and racked up nearly half our assists. Hit a big clutch three at the 30 second mark to give us one last gasp, but we could not complete the comeback. 26 and 10 and I'm giving him a B-? Kind of felt like that to me, but I suspose I could be argued into a B.
Thomas ( B ) -- another game where Kenny came right in with a dynamic start, and then quickly quieted down. I was surprised that Darius got the start, and equally surprised that Kenny got so few minutes off of three straight double figure boardwork games. Certainly could have used the extra rebounding from SOMEBODY. Anyway, while in there had good energy and also made a nifty interior pass, but was pretty much just ignored by the big front line players for the Magic.
Williamson ( B- ) -- aggressive as always, and with Peja back interestingly got a big chunk of his minutes as an undersized PF NEXT TO Peja. :eek: That is obviously not the best rebounding or interior defensing frontline, and the Magic big guys chewed us up while it was out there. On the other side of the court continued to show a nice ability to take big guys off the dribble -- not sure I want to see much more of Peja/Corliss together out there, but Corliss is showing that he still has offensive options even against guys too big to post.
Evans ( C- ) -- only got a brief stint, was ineffective against Francis, didn't do much else, and was gone. Might be a sign that he's out of the rotation now with all the new more experienced guys?
House ( INC ) -- short little stint where he did not help. Out of the rotation too? Not sure.

Adelman ( B ) -- Rick surprised by giving Darius the start again -- I had expected that with the way KT has played, and Darius' struggles in the first couple of games after the new guys arrived, that he would never get the starting spot back. But I suppose that Rick wanted to try to get somebody out there who at least knew the offense. Tried an unconventional pairing of Peja and Corliss on the frontline, and while it was effective offensively our interior was even more wide open than it was the rest of the game while they were together. Defense got TORCHED. Again tried to mix in a little zone, again did not matter. Rick had a couple of problems: 1) Mike is absolutely 100% critical at this point because he is virtually the only passer who knows the offense for us -- its his show, but his defense sucks; and 2) we were just simply too small up front to contend with all of the 6'11" athletes the Magic ran at us. Cato, Howard and Battie combined for 33 rebs against us -- as much as our whole TEAM! 3) we never did find anybody to contend with Francis. Mobley did not come up with an inspired effort, Bibby made one nice play (a block) and otherwise was a nonfactor, Evans came in briefly and could not handle him (would have actually liked to see us try that for a little longer) -- in fact the only guy who showed well against him was Peja once on a switch. So, down to 2-3 on this most ragged of roadtrips, and a toughie coming up against Miami. If we can pull off what would be an upset over the Heat, its still an ok trip given everything going on, but I really don't want to drop the last three and then come home to face the World Champs at Arco for a first game back while we're still getting introduced.
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A hit would have done wonders for his confidence and status but was not to be. Based on his career thus far Peja is NOT the guy I want taking that shot said:
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."

If missing now will help him make them later (hopefully in the playoffs), I'm all for him taking these shots now.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Vlad said:
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."

If missing now will help him make them later (hopefully in the playoffs), I'm all for him taking these shots now.
Well, actually missing now will NOT help his confidence. But I think it was worth it to give him a shot to make one. Even one make could do wonders. Maybe. It all depends. Some people just do not have it. Some people have it and just don't know it. Not sure Webb ever knew he had it until 2003 or so when he made one, then another, and soon was looking for them. As long as this franchise's wagon is hitched to Peja I think its worth the effort to see if we can figure out where Peja falls on that continuum. My only complaint wouold be that I might rather do it in a tied game where a miss still gives us a chance in OT than in a game where we lose if he doesn't make it. But you take what they give you.


Hall of Famer
How can Bibby get more than C is just beyond me at this point. Nelson had a career game and was much more effective than Bibby. Mike just force it tonight and he is just much better than the ofensively. Defensively he played as usual.
Bricklayer said:
So, down to 2-3 on this most ragged of roadtrips, and a toughie coming up against Miami. If we can pull off what would be an upset over the Heat, its still an ok trip given everything going on, but I really don't want to drop the last three and then come home to face the World Champs at Arco for a first game back whgile we're still getting introduced.
I think a 3-3 trip with everything going would be EXCEPTIONAL!

I agree that facing Detroit at 12:30 on Sunday after getting into Sac. at probably 4 or 5am on Saturday after a six game road trip spells TROUBLE!
I wouldn't give Adleman a B. Played Mobley too much, Evans not enough and this whole game was a sign of his reluctance towards defense.
the World Champs who may i remind everyone has quietly been the best team in 2005 (21-6) and they have the best record for Eastern Conference teams against the West teams

fair grades Brick

I must say i was rather dissappointed with Cats performance tonight...i really expected a big game from him at least a solid one from start to finish...but to tell you the truth i didn't really notice him as the game went on unless he committed a turnover...C'mon Cat!!

When Orlando rolls through SacTown (when? next week?) I expect us to knowexactly what we can throw at them to get the job done...they really aren't as good as they proved to be against us tonight

No way Pedja gets an -A his rebounding was terrible also Bibby get a D in my books no defense means no wins period.
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Good grading, Brick.

Very interesting point about Pedja's last second shot. We want him to make them to get confidence, while it is not necessary that we will want him to take last second shots in game 7 situations.

If you can get your mind around that, it makes a lot of sense actually.
Magics seem to have started the game off very well and that really helped them. They had a 2 days rest and practices and their core has been together longer than ours. Plus, Magics were on a 3 games losing streak? If you want to look at Magics' perspection, you'll understand why they came out tough and played good.

Bibby had a better game than yesterday, that's for sure. But I would give him a C (see piksi's post).

Thought Pedja played very well after being gone for a while. So I was happy with that. :) I agree with the A.

Disappointed in Cuttino. I was also expecting to see him have a big game vs his former team.

Glad there's no game tomorrow so the guys can rest or maybe have a short practice? Just 1 game left of the road guys.

Go Kings!
Brickie, I appreciate your "grades ritual" becasue I find out what I didn't see during the game.

I can't get too worked up about this Orlando loss. Francis and Howard were basically unstoppable, and the new Kings are still practicing. At least they didn't have 30 turnovers. Peja looked good, but he still needs more shots.
Frankly, I wasn't suprised that Mobley had a bad game. I think the whole "me vs. Stevie" thing only exasperated his penchant to force the issue.
ReinadelosReys said:
At one point during the game (actually for a pretty good strech), Peja was our tallest guy on the court. RA can't let that happen.
And, considering our 6'10" SF again had another stellar rebounding performance(4) I can see why we got killed on the boards.

I would lower Adelmans grade at least one notch considering Tag didn't get off the bench when all the 7 footers Orlando had out there were killing us inside. Skinner's a scrapper but when you are out "lengthed" it makes it difficult.
I was actually surprised that Peja was as in rhythm as he was. And we don't pay him to get a whole lot of rebounds. But i would have given him maybe a B.

Bibby seems tired. Not having a backup pg seems to be wearing him down. (Lets be real, Eddie House sucks.) He just doesn't seem able to bring it all anymore.

Our best rebounders are our new guys. Obviously Brad will help a bit on the boards, but rebounding is still our biggest weakness, even moreso than our lack of defense.

I agree that i would have liked to see Evans spell Cat for a while longer on the defensive end. Both Cat and Bibby are playing horribly of late. But its nice to have Cat to always count on in the fourth no matter what.


Hall of Famer
decent grades. Iprobalby would have been a little harder on Cat whodid very little out there. I'd would have been harder on Adelamn if Ihad any idea what he could have done different except maybe give Mo a little longer look at Cat's expence.
piksi said:
How can Bibby get more than C is just beyond me at this point. Nelson had a career game and was much more effective than Bibby. Mike just force it tonight and he is just much better than the ofensively. Defensively he played as usual.
Someone had to fill the role of one-point-per-shot scorer with CWebb out.

Debating whether to be too upset about this loss. Season's not over by any stretch, but it will be tough for the Kings to catch Dallas at this point. Do they want to hold off Houston and play Dallas, or would falling to the 6th seed to face the Suns or Sonics be a better first round matchup? Not to mention that way they probably avoid Spurs / Mavs until WCF (not trying to count my chickens early here, just speculating).


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
4cwebb said:
Someone had to fill the role of one-point-per-shot scorer with CWebb out.

Debating whether to be too upset about this loss. Season's not over by any stretch, but it will be tough for the Kings to catch Dallas at this point. Do they want to hold off Houston and play Dallas, or would falling to the 6th seed to face the Suns or Sonics be a better first round matchup? Not to mention that way they probably avoid Spurs / Mavs until WCF (not trying to count my chickens early here, just speculating).
I'd rather face dallas -- the enemy you know + have some confidence against.
Bricklayer said:
I'd rather face dallas -- the enemy you know + have some confidence against.
I guess I just worry about the Kings' ability to contain Dirk, but it's not as if the other teams don't provide matchup problems as well. Plus, I'm thinking of the Kings version that has played these teams recently, and the biggest omission in that regard has been the absence of Peja (going forward).


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
4cwebb said:
I guess I just worry about the Kings' ability to contain Dirk, but it's not as if the other teams don't provide matchup problems as well. Plus, I'm thinking of the Kings version that has played these teams recently, and the biggest omission in that regard has been the absence of Peja (going forward).
I'm not at all sure we can take Dallas without Webb -- he was always the separator there. But we do know them, they won't squeeze our disjointed crew on defense, and they have no athletic freaks or super-board bashers to pummel us with inside. Furthermore, in the past Peja has had a lot of luck agaisnt Dirk. Think they are our best matchup now of the top 4.
Bricklayer said:
I'm not at all sure we can take Dallas without Webb -- he was always the separator there. But we do know them, they won't squeeze our disjointed crew on defense, and they have no athletic freaks or super-board bashers to pummel us with inside. Furthermore, in the past Peja has had a lot of luck agaisnt Dirk. Think they are our best matchup now of the top 4.
Agreed about Peja's success against Dirk in past seasons, and with KThomas on board, Adelman might be inclined to even let Peja guard Dirk a bit more as KThomas would be much better at chasing a guy like Josh Howard around than CWebb.

However, this season, in the two games Peja has played against the Mavs, he has 21 total points (both of course before the CWebb trade), while Dirk has 60 points in those two games.

I also agree with your assessment of the rebounding problem, but with this new Kings lineup, I'd like the Kings' chances against the Sonics much better than I did before, mainly because KThomas or DSong will work harder than CWebb would to keep Reggie Evans / Danny Fortson / Nick Collison off the offensive glass.

I also think that of the bottom 3 of the top 4 (read: excluding the Spurs), the Mavs are the only team with a legitimate PF/C combo in Dirk and Dampier. Could just be that I for some reason give more respect to this year's version of the Mavs more than past versions due to the roster changes (mainly the addition of Dampier).
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