Grades v. Houston 03/13

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
Peja was ok, I do think its saying something that we are all relatively happy with a 21pt 2reb 4ast performance where he disappeared after halftime though. In theory, tonight should be below average for him. Played a good first half, and then went bye bye. Passing the ball better now, but right now remains a weapon that teams are able to take away pretty much at will just by concentrating on him.
For three years I have referred to VF21's First Law of Peja Basketball. It is: Peja Stojakovic, if hot in the first half, will disappear in the second half. Transversely, if he is not a factor in the first half, he will undoubtedly torch the opponents in the second half.

For the first time this season, I actually remembered that law.

Zyphen said:
Yes, I was using sarcasm. Are you as well? I can't tell across this medium... And I refuse to use emoticons...
You should ... people tend to misunderstand comments when there's not a :) added.

But yeah ... I agreed with your comment, so my comment was sarcastic I guess.
funsc said:
it's not bad if Kings and Rockets would switch current positions,

it's always preferable to play Sonics than Maveric
Not a bad point, but I'd prefer to be talking about wins than rationalizing losses.

I dream for a season where Peja averages 25 7 and 5. There's your allstar, and mvp. There's always next year, or the playoffs. Every game is a new one.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
LPKingsFan said:
Not a bad point, but I'd prefer to be talking about wins than rationalizing losses.

I dream for a season where Peja averages 25 7 and 5. There's your allstar, and mvp. There's always next year, or the playoffs. Every game is a new one.
Keep dreaming. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Zyphen said:
Yes, I was using sarcasm. Are you as well? I can't tell across this medium... And I refuse to use emoticons...
If you refuse to use emoticons, which were designed specifically as aids to making one's self understood, then you're going to occasionally be misunderstood.

Why don't people utilize emoticons or, failing that, at least use something like /sarcasm so there's no misunderstanding?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
4cwebb said:
B/c "we" are stubborn --- at least that's my reason.
Its considered "girlie" I believe. Of course the fact is that in an internet environment NOT using them is the equivalent of speaking in a constant monotone all the time in real life and letting the listener try to divine your meaning from the words alone.
Bricklayer said:
Its considered "girlie" I believe. Of course the fact is that in an internet environment NOT using them is the equivalent of speaking in a constant monotone all the time in real life and letting the listener try to divine your meaning from the words alone.
I'll take that risk, Brick. You wouldn't understand, being whipped and all. And don't try to deny it! I saw your freakin' full month lineups of chick flicks. How do you live with yourself, man?

P.S.: See how many opportunites I had for inserting fruity emoticons to rub-in the good-natured ribbing while staying "clean"? If a completely straightforward person read this, they may think me ill-willed and plain mean. Am I willing to risk it? Yup. Damn right I am.
I wish we could keep the conversation to the Grades for Houston game...I think this discussion belongs in a different thread....If you don't want to use emoticons that's your choice but don't get bent out of shape when people misunderstand your sarcasm. ;) :rolleyes:


Homer Fan Since 1985
Zyphen said:
I'll take that risk, Brick. You wouldn't understand, being whipped and all. And don't try to deny it! I saw your freakin' full month lineups of chick flicks. How do you live with yourself, man?

P.S.: See how many opportunites I had for inserting fruity emoticons to rub-in the good-natured ribbing while staying "clean"? If a completely straightforward person read this, they may think me ill-willed and plain mean. Am I willing to risk it? Yup. Damn right I am.
Zyphen is ill-willed and plain mean...............or not. However, there is no question that he is stubborn. :p
VF21 said:
If you refuse to use emoticons, which were designed specifically as aids to making one's self understood, then you're going to occasionally be misunderstood.

Why don't people utilize emoticons or, failing that, at least use something like /sarcasm so there's no misunderstanding?
Some of us may be new to message board posting and not know how to use them.
tienchi3x said:
Some of us may be new to message board posting and not know how to use them.
Thats no excuse:p ;)

Descent grades. I cant complain too much.

I would have liked to see Tag and Martin more but Its Adelman and he just wont use them.
good grades. Question-- should the point guard of any team be the person who almost always takes the most shots (bibby)? name one team in the NBA that has a chance of winning a championship with their point guard taking the most shots. something is odd here. just a thought.
That's nothing. You should see the pic of Yao trying to defend Earl Boykins. For a minute, I thought some graphics guy had played around with the film.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
skenny said:
good grades. Question-- should the point guard of any team be the person who almost always takes the most shots (bibby)? name one team in the NBA that has a chance of winning a championship with their point guard taking the most shots. something is odd here. just a thought.
The old Bad Boys Pistons have to remain our model (ironically given their complete 100% reversed focus) unless we can somehow nab a legit #1 superstar type option to team with Bibby.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Zyphen said:
That's nothing. You should see the pic of Yao trying to defend Earl Boykins. For a minute, I thought some graphics guy had played around with the film.
:D I don't remember ever seeing this pic. If someone has access to it, please post. Thanks!
Bricklayer said:
The old Bad Boys Pistons have to remain our model (ironically given their complete 100% reversed focus) unless we can somehow nab a legit #1 superstar type option to team with Bibby.
Well, Billups was the finals MVP last year and he is the point guard.

Also, all bias aside I would give Adelman an F. The Rockets have a starting center that is 7'5" and his backup is 7'3". Yao played 30 minutes and Mutombo played 19 yet Tag is only playing 4???


Super Moderator Emeritus
EmKingsFan4 said:
I wish we could keep the conversation to the Grades for Houston game...I think this discussion belongs in a different thread....If you don't want to use emoticons that's your choice but don't get bent out of shape when people misunderstand your sarcasm. ;) :rolleyes:
It's all good.

Message boards are all about opinions, discussions, threads drifting off into strange directions, etc.

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