Grades v. Hornets 11/01

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6th said:
And CWebb had 32/14/5 tonight. *sigh*
why is C-Webb still being brought up? He's gone. We are all sad, but it needs to end there. Are Webb's stats going to be posted every time the Kings lose? Webb had great numbers, but the Sixers still lost. Sac 0-1 Sixers 0-1.
I agree with all the grades aceept Skinner. A B or up woulkd be better because he did his job today which what he was suppose to do and was the best player for the Kings today.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
thesanityannex said:
why is C-Webb still being brought up? He's gone. We are all sad, but it needs to end there. Are Webb's stats going to be posted every time the Kings lose? Webb had great numbers, but the Sixers still lost. Sac 0-1 Sixers 0-1.
I rarely raise him myself -- don't see the point. Of all the players in the NBA, he might be the absolute last that is likely to ever put on a Kings jersey again unless it be at his retirement ceremony. However, that said, the OBVIOUS reason it is raised is simply because of the lingering doubts whether Geoff, or the Maloofs if they made the call, ****ed up. If the team fails, Rick will be fired, but it will be Geoff's team, not Rick's. Geoff made the moves. He acquired these guys. He traded away local hero after local hero. IF the current team falls apart, then it is the front office that comes under fire. THAT is why Webb gets raised. Are we really better without him? Really? Tonight the answer was "absolutely not". We'll have to see where the tally goes from here.


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thesanityannex said:
why is C-Webb still being brought up? He's gone. We are all sad, but it needs to end there. Are Webb's stats going to be posted every time the Kings lose? Webb had great numbers, but the Sixers still lost. Sac 0-1 Sixers 0-1.
Webber will be brought up because of the number of people who made such a fuss about him being over the hill, it being such a great trade, etc.

It's natural to compare how he did to how the three amigos did. The Sixers may have lost but it wasn't because a crippled Webber wasn't able to contribute.

Are Webb's stats going to be posted every time the Kings lose? Quite possibly.
C Webb hit the wall bad in the 4th and missed probably 5 straight and got hammered by Bogut. He was playing on adrenaline early. He looked wonderful in the 1st quarter, but won't do it for 3-4 games in a row. promise.


Brick and VF21,

I see both of your points clearly and I share similar views, I just hate looking back on things and bringing up all the "what if's".

These are our guys now, Webb is no longer with us. Part of me wishes he was back, and the other part is glad to start a new chapter.
I agree this game was garbage

Actually I was not a true fan tonight, I listened to the beginning on drive home from work -then watched the 3rd and part of 4th.

It's only one game though, but overall everyone on the team was having a bad performance. Last I heard they were shooting 32-35%

So so sad - Miller was lousy, Garcia typical ball hog mentality he's still learning -- Kenny off bench was only guy that got rebounds... Shareef was only guy producing it seemed :-(

Hornets looked good (PJ Brown, Smith) Statistically they killed the Kings on the boards.
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hey brick

are the kings purposely tanking this season to get a high draft pick? ;)
Bricklayer said:
Well that could have gone better. mommy.

Peja ( C- ) -- popped in jumpers here and there, but never really on, and never an impact in any other aspect of the game. Got his points, but with roughly the least impact possible. And the sad part was that he was still probably our second best starter. Rebounding reverted to 04-05 form after a few semi-encouraging games there in the late preseason.
Reef ( B ) -- fast start, picked up two early fouls, but liked the type of fouls they were -- ofensive fouls over the back aggressively going after rebounds. Team rebounding fell way off when he left. made a nice hustle play as well after returnign in the 2nd to knock a ball off of Hornets PG Chris Paul. Very satisfied with his hustle and boardwork tonight., repeatedly left PJ Brown open to hit side pop after side pop. Nonetheless, while I can't in good conscience give anybody an A of any sort tonight, Reef was the one King who brought it.
Miller ( D- ) -- slow statistical start, but playing good defense. Unfortunately that was all he was doing, and after the defense began to fade the charm wore off quickly. Just completely invisible out there. 4 pts 3 rebs? Lost his cool in the 3rd and headed to the bench never to return. Given the way he was playing, no big loss. Misses the F purely by actually proving he could defend for a few minutes there.
Bonzi ( F ) -- grabbed a few rebounds but otherwise did nothing at all to help. Looked sluggish from the start. Struggled to contain the aptly named Speedy Claxton when the Hornets went small, and was not able to return the favor by taking advantage of the little man in the post on the other end. Began to lose his cool in the 2nd quarter after a questionable no-call. And then capped off the wonderful night by getting repeatedly beat by 2nd year pro J.R. Smith in the 3rd. As good as he occassionally was in the preseaon, just completely ineffective tonight.
Bibby ( F ) -- nondescript first quarter, but in the second began to slip back into that icky zoned out look he had for much of preseason. Miss open shots. Make bad mistakes. And in the third just got run over, around, and everything else by rookie Chris Paul. The Hornets had TWO PGs better than Mike tonight. So much for waking up. Again got the real feeling that he is thrown completely for loop by the teamwide malaise. Unexpected. And not the stuff of a leader. Leaders have to pull you out of a funk, not sink into it with you.
Thomas ( C ) -- missed everything on offense, but gets a little grade for at least grabbing a few aggressive boards in there on a night when we were getting crushed.
Hart ( D- ) -- really struggled to contain Speedy in the first half, did make a nifty steal running across the court to double a Hornets big up top, but against his own man was really struggling. And could not run the team at ALL. He, like many of the other Kings, just looked baffled out there and ended up resorting to trying to score the ball himself. Avoids the F merely by effort and by not being that good in the first place, but did not in any way accomplish his job tonight.
Martin ( F ) -- brought in for Bonzi at the end of the first to try to get a quicker OG to match up with the small ball tactics of the Hornets. Didn't work. And Kevin did absolutley NOTHING to help us tonight other than come up with a couple of loose balls. His offense was passive. And when he shot he missed. He turned it over. Had no real effect defensively.
Skinner ( B- ) -- came in with a bang, rejecting another high flyer (Desmond Mason) at the rim, and then running down to the other end to hit an open bank shot. Got Mason again a few mintes later. Good active first stint, but wasn't getting on the glass and struggled against Birdman when he was in there. Less effective in the second half, and while the shotblocking was definitely appreciated, he really didn't do much else for us out there tonight (4pts 2rebs).
Garcia ( D- ) -- entered his first NBA game int he second and immediately badly forced a shot, followed up with a missed three, and only lasted a couple minutes therafter. Not preseason anymore and he has to stop that to get minutes. Got beat off the dribble by Mason, but bailed out by Skinner, later inexplicably turned his head against Chris Paul with the result that the dart ran right by him. Eventually scored a few points in garbagetime, but did little else and just not an auspicious start for him.
Corliss ( D ) -- didn't get in until garbagetime, and came in and immediately traveled and turned it over. Oh, and in case I didn't mention it, with no Sampson, he basically came in at center. Woohoo!
Price ( INC ) -- garbagetime, not enough to tell

Adelman ( D- ) -- Wow. Well, the good news is that we played about 6 minutes of pretty good defense there. And...Shareef looked good. And...we didn't lose by 30 to the worst team in the NBA??? As usual much of this grade is a team grade -- which tonight was a complete F. I gave Rick the smallest of bumps above that grade because while us being completely unready to play lands in his lap, after the game started, Rick had almost NO place to go. It was Shareef and...Shareef...and. I couldn't even put together 5 Kings who would have been close tonight. We shot 31%. We got outrebounded by 16. Outscored by 26. 13 assists to 18TOs. Very sad. Rick actually did go with the 10 man rotation this game, and if I never see it again I will be thrilled. As in the later preseason games, the bench unit completely fell apart. But this game actually counted, and so Rick did not stay with them long. Unfortunately the starters were no better and we just got our asses handed to us by nobody and his pal nonexistent. Maybe more disturbingly, the expected 2nd half charge due to pride not only did not materialize, but we actually got WORSE. Just one game. But one of, if not the, worst game I have seen the Kings play in 5 years at least. Maybe I should go back and make this grade an F after all. But Rick didn't lose this one. In the game at least. The team just flat out sucked in the worst way from the very opening bell. Most bad grades I've handed out. But still only one game. Has to be the mantra after tonight.
VF21 said:
Webber will be brought up because of the number of people who made such a fuss about him being over the hill, it being such a great trade, etc.

It's natural to compare how he did to how the three amigos did. The Sixers may have lost but it wasn't because a crippled Webber wasn't able to contribute.

Are Webb's stats going to be posted every time the Kings lose? Quite possibly.
I wonder if your response would be different if Webber had a very bad game and someone posted his stats? I can see where this thing is going and how it will end up. Nothing good comes out of a thread when Webber's name comes up.
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I was at the game tonight and although I was very excited and happy to finally see the Kings play in person it was one of the worst games I have seen them play. We had floor seats alongside the Hornets basket. It was awesome to be so close to the action, but unfortunately there wasn't much action from the Kings. They all had a serious case of butterfingers and bobbled the ball away numerous times. The Hornets just flat outhustled them and they played with intensity that was sorely lacking from the Kings. Skinner was the bright spot from our point of view. I think that Byron Scott who knows the Kings well was ready for them and his game plan was effective. How the Kings played tonight was very disappointing but the experience of being right down there on the floor was awesome. I took two rolls of film and will get them processed an hopefully will post pics tomorrow. I got Brads autograph. :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
AleksandarN said:
I wonder if your response would be different if Webber had a very bad game and someone posted his stats? I can see where this thing is going and how it will end up. Nothing good comes out of a thread when Webber's name comes up.
I don't know. Webber didn't have a bad game...

A number of people around here were very emphatic about Webber's future, saying it was absolutely the best possible move to trade him because there was NO way he could ever be productive again.

I'm sorry, but tonight's game showed them to be wrong AND excuse me if I'm just a little remorseful that he's gone.

This "thing" as you call it is going nowhere in particular. It's just that tonight we really could have used a LEADER, which Webber was.

Nothing good comes out of a thread when Webber's name comes up? So it was okay for people to bash the crap out of him but when the table is turned, nothing should be said? Chris Webber was an integral part of this franchise. I'm sorry if it bothers you that his name is brought up, but it's going to happen. Just like Jimmy Jackson, Doug Christie and any other Kings we really miss.

There hasn't been any real conflict about this. Webber played a tremendous game. We could have used him. The three amigos we got in exchange, with the possible exception of Brian Skinner, did very little to make up the differences.


Super Moderator Emeritus
ImaKingsFan said:
I was at the game tonight and although I was very excited and happy to finally see the Kings play in person it was one of the worst games I have seen them play. We had floor seats alongside the Hornets basket. It was awesome to be so close to the action, but unfortunately there wasn't much action from the Kings. They all had a serious case of butterfingers and bobbled the ball away numerous times. The Hornets just flat outhustled them and they played with intensity that was sorely lacking from the Kings. Skinner was the bright spot from our point of view. I think that Byron Scott who knows the Kings well was ready for them and his game plan was effective. How the Kings played tonight was very disappointing but the experience of being right down there on the floor was awesome. I took two rolls of film and will get them processed an hopefully will post pics tomorrow. I got Brads autograph. :D
I wish they would have played better for you, but you got to see them... and they weren't wearing gold. ;)

Were there a lot of Kings fans there?
VF21 said:
I don't know. Webber didn't have a bad game...

A number of people around here were very emphatic about Webber's future, saying it was absolutely the best possible move to trade him because there was NO way he could ever be productive again.

I'm sorry, but tonight's game showed them to be wrong AND excuse me if I'm just a little remorseful that he's gone.

This "thing" as you call it is going nowhere in particular. It's just that tonight we really could have used a LEADER, which Webber was.

Nothing good comes out of a thread when Webber's name comes up? So it was okay for people to bash the crap out of him but when the table is turned, nothing should be said? Chris Webber was an integral part of this franchise. I'm sorry if it bothers you that his name is brought up, but it's going to happen. Just like Jimmy Jackson, Doug Christie and any other Kings we really miss.

There hasn't been any real conflict about this. Webber played a tremendous game. We could have used him. The three amigos we got in exchange, with the possible exception of Brian Skinner, did very little to make up the differences.
I have no problems with Webber and yes nothing good comes out of when Webber's name is brought up one way or the other. He was apart of great team we had but now is what is important. I think when ever Webber's name is brought there will always be conflict that is because he polarized the fan base more than other King in the last 10 years.
VF21 said:
I wish they would have played better for you, but you got to see them... and they weren't wearing gold. ;)

Were there a lot of Kings fans there?

Not many Kings fans there, but there were a few of us. I talked to a couple of fans that I saw, but when I mentioned that I would have liked to have seen the Kings when Webber and Vlade played; I pushed the wrong button and she copped an attitude and started going off on Webber so I just wished them a good time and walked away. And yesss VF at least they were not wearing gold. Bibby had a heckler right by us and I was hoping he would fire Bibby up, but no luck. But the highlight was getting a Kings autograph---the low point I got Bill Waltons too.;) It was still a totally awesome experience and one I will never forget to finally see my Kings play in person.
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AleksandarN said:
I have no problems with Webber and yes nothing good comes out of when Webber's name is brought up one way or the other. He was apart of great team we had but now is what is important. I think when ever Webber's name is brought there will always be conflict that is because he polarized the fan base more than other King in the last 10 years.
Yes, there will always be conflict when Webb is brought up. Heck, that started before the trade & it isn't going to stop now. He was part of an incredible team, and an incredible time in Kings history, as were Vlade, Doug, Bobby, etc. The difference is, Webb was part of a controversial trade. I said at the time of the trade (okay, after I stopped crying) that we'll never really know if the trade was a good thing until we get through the next couple of years and see how Webb's health is, and how the players we got for him do (or who we trade them for). Webb's stats over the next year and the leadership and heart he brought to this team are very relevant in determining if that trade was ultimately a good thing.

Anyway, I'm rambling (time for bed), but to make a long story short--- when the Kings play like they did tonight where they are so obviously lacking something & when Webb tears it up in Philly on the same night... it makes many of us miss him and what he brought to the team....
Goodness gracious, the whole board should get the chicken little award today.

Yes. The Kings sucked. They sucked big time.

But seriously, come on people. This was one game. One terrible, miserable game that made me want to stick hot pokers in my eyes, but it's just a tad early to be jumping off the Kings bandwagon. Anyone remember last year, when the Kings started 1-4? Anyone remember two years ago when the Kings went on the road early and got pasted by Denver and also lost to the Knicks? Isn't it juuuuust a tad early to be second-guessing the Webber trade, especially when his replacement was the only decent Kings player on the floor??

Truth is, when the Kings weren't, well, killing themselves slowly and painfully there was actually some promising developments, in my opinion. Here are a few:

- I don't know how many point blank shots the Kings missed, but they repeatedly got to the bucket, and those shots will fall on other nights.
- The fast breaks were actually fast!!! Sure Bibby turned it over just about every time, but heck, if you hadn't run a fast break in three years you might be rusty as well
- The high-low game between Miller and Bonzi is a very intruiging development, even if Bonzi missed everything
- Shareef looked pretty awesome, especially the hustle, although yes, he made PJ Brown look like an All-Star
- The team defense didn't look great, but the new quicker Kings were constantly in the passing lanes. There's some promise there.
- Peja was getting his own shot.

And I'm sorry, Philly can have Chris Webber. He can put in 50 points in the next three games, I really don't care. The new Kings are here, and even if they laid an egg in the first game I'm happy to watch a promising bunch with loads of potential.
- I don't know how many point blank shots the Kings missed, but they repeatedly got to the bucket, and those shots will fall on other nights.
That's true. The ball didn't bounce our way most of the night.

- The fast breaks were actually fast!!! Sure Bibby turned it over just about every time, but heck, if you hadn't run a fast break in three years you might be rusty as well
The fast break was terrible. Someone needs to tell Bibby he is a PG ... and that it is his job to PASS the ball. He forced it to the rim more times than I can count and he had a better option on the wing.

- The high-low game between Miller and Bonzi is a very intruiging development, even if Bonzi missed everything
That's true. As did the high-low of everyone. The problem is that we don't get the ball into the post consistantly enough.

- Shareef looked pretty awesome, especially the hustle, although yes, he made PJ Brown look like an All-Star
PJ Brown was initially covered by Miller ... and it wouldn't have mattered. Reef and Miller were constantly shuffling about the floor trying to cover Paul. Paul drove and kicked it out to Brown for 10 foot jumpers all night. Reef did the correct thing and force Paul to kick ... blame Bibby for allowing his man to penetrate at will.

- Peja was getting his own shot.
That's scary, because he shouldn't be trying to.
By the way, NOK has a nice little backcourt for the future. Paul and Smith make a nice athletic line-up and you add Mason into the mix and they are going to do some damage in a few years. Get a post player or two and they should be good.

Ryle said:
By the way, NOK has a nice little backcourt for the future. Paul and Smith make a nice athletic line-up and you add Mason into the mix and they are going to do some damage in a few years. Get a post player or two and they should be good.

As I said, indeed.
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