garnering interest in group buy on maccabi elektra casspi jersey

hey guys,

i've contacted a company in israel about the casspi jerseys. i was wondering if anybody else on the forum was interested in getting one also. depending on how many are ordered, we could possibly get the shipping free and/or discounts on each jersey. to be on the up and up, i will not be making any money on this and will be more than happy to show the receipt of the order. i'm doing this because i want a maccabi casspi jersey. the jerseys cost about $73 USD. the company i've contacted ships via fedex also. i plan on ordering one regardless if this group buy goes through or not.
sure frodo.

i checked w/ another company and they ship it another way which is cheaper. i went with the company who is shipping fedex since there might be other parties involved and would like some type of tracking system to ensure it's arrival.
BTW I am reading this forum for a couple of months now and i have to say that I never seen a sport forum with so many nice folks and such a great vibes. keep up the good work guys :cool:


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BTW I am reading this forum for a couple of months now and i have to say that I never seen a sport forum with so many nice folks and such a great vibes. keep up the good work guys :cool:
We work hard to keep it that way. Some don't appreciate it (the effort we put in to keep it that way), but thanks for the kind words!

And welcome! We are glad you are here.