Francisco Garcia is a bum

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King's fans have been asking for young players and to develop them. Garcia is just what some people have wanted. Don't expect Garcia to play like a 5 year vet.


Hall of Famer
Wow a really unnecessary and hostile thread. It's one thing to criticize a palyer, still another to criticize a rookey, and yet another to resort to name calling.
kennadog said:
Did someone expect him to be the player that made a big difference in this team this year? Be a starter, put up big numbers? I think people just have way too high expectations for a low pick in his 1st NBA season. Geez, how many minutes of game time total has he had? Not to mention he didn't join a nice, stable team, already working well together.
No, I did not expect him to do any of these only point is when he is hurting the team he should probably sit. If he comes into the game and contributes he should get more time.


GoSACtown said:
na i like francisco, he just shoots too much...i kinda feel bad for him though, he seems like a nice guy......
you like him, yet you call him a bum.
Garcia's best game was the first game he started after Peja's injury. Adelman told him he would be in the game for a while. That calmed him down and he didn't force anything. I think he just tries too hard and forces things.
Well I guess you can't win with some fans. They've gripped and gripped about not letting the young players play and develop. Now we don't want them out there if they make mistakes? If you want to develop players, you have to let them make mistakes and not chop them off at the knees when they do make the inevitable mistakes. Garcia playing did not lose this game for the Kings. BTW, I looked: Counting this game, Garcia's minutes amount to just under six 48-minute games.


Kings fans are just spoiled from the recent success we've had and are not patient enough for a rookie(s) to mature. They want instant success and contention again without having to wait... Heck I'll even admit that I suspected them to contend in the offseason(many remember my thread of "contention") but I've quickly discovered that it won't happen this.... But I didn't suspect anything major out of garcia... So I don't see why you(gosactown) expect more than that for a low first round pick....
kennadog said:
Well I guess you can't win with some fans. They've gripped and gripped about not letting the young players play and develop. Now we don't want them out there if they make mistakes? If you want to develop players, you have to let them make mistakes and not chop them off at the knees when they do make the inevitable mistakes. Garcia playing did not lose this game for the Kings. BTW, I looked: Counting this game, Garcia's minutes amount to just under six 48-minute games.
Agreed-but do you do this at the cost of winning now (referring to season as a whole and not tonight)?
natedizzle said:
Agreed-but do you do this at the cost of winning now (referring to season as a whole and not tonight)?
This team is not going to contend for a championship this year. They have not made Garcia a starter. They are giving him a reasonable amount of time on the floor to actually get some experience other than garbage time. If not this year, when?
Heck I'll even admit that I suspected them to contend in the offseason
Yes I even remember you knocking me for my prediction of low 4X something wins. Which now I have lowered since...

But thats okay 1Z, :) Your okay no matter what Piksi says! :) LOL
Allright, I'll admit to being an eternal pessimist. I didn't think we were championship contenders last year and I didn't expect that going into this season. I figured it was time to start moving toward that opportunity again, but it wasn't going to magically happen overnight,

I will say, I was a bit shocked at just how bad we were out of the gate.:eek: The advantage of being a pessimist is you can never be let down too much, but you can be thrilled at ANYTHING positive. It's all gravy.:p


rookie or not he is still a bum.... there were much better players left in the draft when we picked him up....


BigWaxer said:
Yes I even remember you knocking me for my prediction of low 4X something wins. Which now I have lowered since...

But thats okay 1Z, :) Your okay no matter what Piksi says! :) LOL
For shizzle mynizzle big waxizzle.... Its all gravizzle....

And I don't really careizzle what piksizzle says cause he's againstizzle every memberizzle.... Hahaha.
Call it bad luck. But I have NEVER seen Fransisco hit a 3... EVER... Not one time that I've seen him take one have I seen him make one. O he's 4-26 I guess it's a rare sight...


wow, hey I got an idea... Lets blame the Kings performance and the bench on the Rookie Garcia!!!! Brilliant ;)

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
PFFFT!! said:
This is Garcia's first year. Im relaxed on him. I don't know about Kevin though. Give Francisco at least a couple more years.
Eh? Can I take notice of that statement? Why does the 23rd pick get 3 years to prove himself (this year + "a couple more") and the 26th pick only gets one?

Garcia is the one that played for a major university, and is allegedly supposed to be the player with all this "potential." If anything, he's the one that should be given less time to prove himself, because he should, in theory, be able to play better sooner.

I, for one, very much doubt that he will, which isn't an endorsement of Martin so much as it's a criticism of Garcia.
Wow some of you are unbelieveable... I can't believe how much of you are down on a rookie.. HES A ROOKIE. The people complaining have obviously never seen a rook develop, its not easy for him but it will get better in time. Yah Garcia's not shooting well but who cares he's out there to make mistakes and learn. I'd rather him making the mistakes now and learning from them opposed to him making the mistakes when he plays a signifacant role for this team in the future.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
OptimusRhyme said:
I'd rather him making the mistakes now and learning from them opposed to him making the mistakes when he plays a signifacant role for this team in the future.
If he does.

You can see flashes of potential here and there, but the fact of the matter is that probably about 75% of the people down on a rookie drafted that late SHOULD be down on a rookie drafted that late, because they aren't going to amount to much. Most guys picked in the 20's are busts or marginal contributors. Get a good one here or there. But its not like there is any remote guarantee even once they are no longer a rookie.

I think he's shown just enough to still be interesting, but its certainly not an auspicious start. Thought this thread was sort of ridiculously timed, as if he had failed spectacularly against the Pistons. But has he failed thus far? Yes he has. And heat is deserved for that, although I think a total write off is not for a player this early in his NBA career (note Garcia's age though -- would be more promising if he was still 18 and learning the game -- he's as old as some 5 yr vets are anymore).
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Bricklayer said:
If he does.

You can see flashes of potential here and there, but the fact of the matter is that probably about 75% of the people down on a rookie drafted that late SHOULD be down on a rookie drafted that late, because they aren't going to amount to much. Most guys picked in the 20's are busts or marginal contributors. Get a good one here or there. But its not like there is any remote guarantess even once they are no lnger a rookie.

I think he's shown just enough to still be interesting, but its certainly not an auspicious start. Thought this thread was sort of ridiculously timed, as if he had failed spectacularly against the Pistons. But has he failed thus far? Yes he has. And heat is deserved for that, althought I think a total write off is not for a player this early in his NBA career (note Garcia's age though -- would be more promising if he was still 18 and learning the game -- he's as old as some 5 yr vets are anymore).
Good points, I know he is suppose to be matured right now, but it may take longer to adjust to the NBA game, He can pass, defend, and he can shoot, he hasn't shown it but he can, He shot lights out in the Worlds tournyment this year, I am still very high on Garcia and what he could bring to the table, this was a retarded thread to start, its been 22 games and people are down on a rook, give him a chance. I just wonder sometimes, what if Garcia comes out next game and drops 25 , what are people gonna say then? Is your perspective still going to be Garcia is a bum? Theres alot of opinion changes on this board I have noticed, like if Peja plays a bad game it's "Ohh Peja sucks trade him", then next game he'll drop 25 and they'll love him again... So much drama in Kingsland these days...
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kennadog said:
If you want to develop players, you have to let them make mistakes and not chop them off at the knees when they do make the inevitable mistakes.

Kevin is now the latest Adelman victim of parapalegia.

Cisco has done just fine so far, and he needs to continue to get some minutes.

I am still a bit perplexed at Kevin's ushering to the doghouse only 3 games after he has a career game, especially since Cisco hasn't really been a world beater. Each has his own problems on the floor, and they are different. Garcia is getting a chance to work his out with meaningful minutes, but Kevin will not unless he gets the chance to play in more than a few minutes of low-adrenalin, garbage time laced amongst the DNP-CD's.

I would have really liked to see Kevin get some "rhythm minutes" tonight when the game mattered and the zone was being employed. He looked good in some short stints last year when the Kings played zone.

In the end, though, Garcia does not suck and neither does Kevin. They just need more time. The coaches need to do whatever they can to develop them both and address their floor weaknesses and maintain their confidence levels. So give them floor time and don't give them quick hooks when they make mistakes.

I still wish RA could work out a rotational strategy that would place these young guys on the floor with at least 3 starters, because that makes all the difference in the world. It's also too bad that it looks like it's an either-or for Garcia and Martin in games, where Garcia mostly sat at the start of the regular season and now Martin is mostly sitting. There was a brief period where they both got reasonable floor times but that was short-lived.
Bricklayer said:
If he does.

You can see flashes of potential here and there, but the fact of the matter is that probably about 75% of the people down on a rookie drafted that late SHOULD be down on a rookie drafted that late, because they aren't going to amount to much. Most guys picked in the 20's are busts or marginal contributors. Get a good one here or there. But its not like there is any remote guarantess even once they are no lnger a rookie.

I think he's shown just enough to still be interesting, but its certainly not an auspicious start. Thought this thread was sort of ridiculously timed, as if he had failed spectacularly against the Pistons. But has he failed thus far? Yes he has. And heat is deserved for that, althought I think a total write off is not for a player this early in his NBA career (note Garcia's age though -- would be more promising if he was still 18 and learning the game -- he's as old as some 5 yr vets are anymore).
Should be down on a rookie drafted that late? Well, I guess my point is they shouldn't have expected a whole lot to begin with. Overall he hasn't been too impressive and its fair to point that out, but some people seem awfully harsh, like they were expecting a lot more.


Anyone ever think that the kings are thinking of shipping martin out.... I mean he hasn't played that much worse than cisco has... So I don't see any reason for him sitting THIS much... They both have their weeknesses, they both have their strengths(minimal right now, but they'll show in the future), but why is martin sitting? I mean don't get me wrong, from the very limited amount of kings basketball I've seen I like ciscos game a little more, but not to the degree that kevin should be roughting on the bench every game.... Maybe the kings are thinking of shipping him out and want to develop cisco more than kevin... Hey its just a little thing I thought of while reading this thread... Don't try and attack me for bringing this idea up.
Anyone ever think that the kings are thinking of shipping martin out.... I mean he hasn't played that much worse than cisco has... So I don't see any reason for him sitting THIS much... They both have their weeknesses, they both have their strengths(minimal right now, but they'll show in the future), but why is martin sitting? I mean don't get me wrong, from the very limited amount of kings basketball I've seen I like ciscos game a little more, but not to the degree that kevin should be roughting on the bench every game.... Maybe the kings are thinking of shipping him out and want to develop cisco more than kevin... Hey its just a little thing I thought of while reading this thread... Don't try and attack me for bringing this idea up.
Screw you man! You suck for bringing this idea up. What are you retarded or something?!

Just kidding! :D

You bring up some possibilities that may be true. I don't know. I think its more so that Adelman is trying to find a spot shooter off the bench and Kevin is not good in that role. 8 man rotations don't leave much room for error.


AriesMar27 said:
rookie or not he is still a bum.... there were much better players left in the draft when we picked him up....
please, name a few, and show me some stats to back that up.


OptimusRhyme said:
I just wonder sometimes, what if Garcia comes out next game and drops 25 , what are people gonna say then?
the "any questions" thread will be started.
Francisco, Francisco

When I heard we drafted him I was immediately pleased. Watching him has been tough but I think he will come-around sooner than later. What do ya'll think? Real deal or real flop?
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