For sake of arguement....Are our Bigs good enough?

SDKing said:
I'd also like to see tyson chandler get a shot. Or get a new center and move Brad to PF.
With our luck Chandler would be out most of the year with his heart murmur problem. And that's the only reason Chicago would let him go.


Rowdyone said:
With our luck Chandler would be out most of the year with his heart murmur problem. And that's the only reason Chicago would let him go.
wrong player.... thats curry
Elton Brand would be the choice if hes in our price range. Hey everyone, my names tony and im 17 years old, i live in omaha nebraska and have been a kings fan for as long as i can remember. I've been looking at alot of threads and posts for some time on this site but this is my first time posting, i just decided to post because I'm getting tired of those of you that bad mouth our bigs because bottom line is, they all can play. I'm also tired of hearing those of you bad mouth our core of bibby, peja and miller. Just because those 3 arent as flashy as some other cores there still good players, bottom line is, the team next year is not going to be intimidated by anyone. We're going to have a tough team that rebounds the ball better because when we added thomas and skinner you saw how much better our rebounding was. Also Bibby and Miller are as tough as nails, and well if we had the peja from 03-04 lighting it up every night we would be a contender. Anyways just thought I'd let you know whats on my mind, just remember that now we have some guys that arent afraid to attack the rim and we have guys willing to do all the dirty work.
Omaha-King7275 said:
We're going to have a tough team that rebounds the ball better because when we added thomas and skinner you saw how much better our rebounding was.
Rebounding average went 43rpg to 42rpg when Skinner and Kenny came in, not much of a difference.

Also those two pieces (as well as the 'core') might not be on the team next year. ''No one is untouchable.'' -Geoff

Omaha-King7275 said:
Just because those 3 arent as flashy as some other cores there still good players, bottom line is, the team next year is not going to be intimidated by anyone.
It's not because they aren't flashy enough, it's because they don't defend well enough.

Omaha-King7275 said:
Also Bibby and Miller are as tough as nails, and well if we had the peja from 03-04 lighting it up every night we would be a contender.
If the team had Vlade and Doug from 03-04 that might be possible.

But saying something like that is like saying ''if we had Bibby of 01-02 playoffs we would be a contender.''
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CaminoChaos said:
Can you imagine Rip Hamilton, Ray Allen, Manu Ginobili trying to cover Peja.

We all saw Peja contain T-mac and he is better offensively then all three of those guys. I wish Peja had a post up game.
Yes...have you seen trenton hassel? the guy is 6'5 and he gives peja trouble.
Bibby is still the same guy that we had in the playoffs, he still hits big shots when it matters, and as for the rebounds, I'm talking about rebounding margin, guys would go up for boards unlike webber, playing on one leg he would just wait for the ball to come to him, and your right were still not going to be a better defensive team it doesnt matter who we get through free agency but given a training camp and practice together the team will be better all around. Don't forget when they traded for skinner thomas and williamson that team was just thrown together and had to play the next night they didnt have alot of time for practice.
Bricklayer said:
You know what I would like to see? And this has been covered elsewhere and I don't want to derail the thread, but nonetheless: assuming Brad is coming back, I would like to see us keep Skinner and MAYBE Tag (he might not play and could be a useful ending contract trading chip), swap out ALL of the other parts, and somehow get our hands on any two of the following: Nene, Brown, Griffin, Darko, Swift, Gadzuric, Evans, Chandler. Any two. Much like the OG spot where I would be uncomfortable with one young guy, but maybe if you have two SOMEBODY works out, go get two new bigs. It adds insurance, and with most of those names would give you such a burst of youth/athleticism etc. that it could entirely change the mentality and entire tone of the frontline. No more smallball. Easier said than done of course, but within the realm of possibility if a good GM really put his mind to it.

It's doable. We have the MLE to chase somebody like Evans, Griffin, Haslem, Gadzuric, Swift and Brown. In fact, those guys are the big reason that I think both Songaila and Mo are gone. They're not direly needed and we could use the MLE on a true big. We also have plenty of pieces to use to go after a guy like Chandler or Nene.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Superman said:
...And wouldn't a player like Gerald Wallace fit nicely into that lineup? ...I don't even want to think about it.
I don't want to think about it, either. Wallace didn't work out here the first time; he didn't light up the sky in Charlotte; there is no reason to bring him back that I can think of. ALL he had going for him was athleticism and that simply isn't enough IMHO.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Omaha-King7275 said:
i just decided to post because I'm getting tired of those of you that bad mouth our bigs because bottom line is, they all can play.
No one is saying they can't play. What people are saying is that they aren't the right mix for our team. It's not bad mouthing, BTW. It's called discussing and it's what message boards are for.

I'm also tired of hearing those of you bad mouth our core of bibby, peja and miller. Just because those 3 arent as flashy as some other cores there still good players, bottom line is, the team next year is not going to be intimidated by anyone.[/.QUOTE]
Intimidated? Could you tell me the last time a game was won by intimidation?

We're going to have a tough team that rebounds the ball better because when we added thomas and skinner you saw how much better our rebounding was. Also Bibby and Miller are as tough as nails, and well if we had the peja from 03-04 lighting it up every night we would be a contender.
A "tough" team? I could think of probably 1,500 adjectives to describe the Kings before I came up with "tough."

Anyways just thought I'd let you know whats on my mind, just remember that now we have some guys that arent afraid to attack the rim and we have guys willing to do all the dirty work.
"Guys that aren't afriad to attack the rim" and "guys willing to do all the dirty work? Oh please. This is the Sacramento Kings we're talking about. Not Detroit; not San Antonio; Sacramento Kings. Unless you're talking about the ability of our "bigs" to make pouty faces and argue with the officials, I don't think "willing to do all the dirty work" is really appropriate either.
I'm not saying that we have the toughness of san antonio or detroit. But were getting there, apparently some people on this board think that there still soft because theyve earned that reputation with webber over the past couple of years.
I'm not saying that we have the toughness of san antonio or detroit. But were getting there, apparently some people on this board think that there still soft because theyve earned that reputation with webber over the past couple of years.
Webber was just one member of a that team. One player by themselves doesn't make the team soft. Webber was not there when they were getting their backsides handed them while Seattle was doing layup drills.
Superman said:
Too bad Elton Brand is the only player Donald T. Sterling has ever payed out for, and probably the only player he'd never move.

Tyson Chandler or Kwame Brown, on the other hand, would work out quite nicely here at power forward.
Chandler is definitely the guy we should go after. Other than the 3 core players anyone else would be expendible to get him


Super Moderator Emeritus
We don't know what our price range is... That's a big question. Are the Maloofs willing to spend more? What are they telling Petrie about spending limits?

Those are the questions without any answers... We most likely won't know until after the fact.
I for one think our bigs all together may have the qualities we are looking for, but it sucks when you have to choose which quality you want on the floor at any given time. KT can shoot, Skinner plays a little D and Corliss can score from the post. Those are all good things but we need somebody with a little balance (and size) in all those areas. Taking Corliss out of the equation (because he isn't "big") the Kings need someone who can score in the post, someone who just might demand a double team once in awhile. Don't get me wrong, our big guys are all capable players, I just don't like the combination we have at all. Too much sacrificing one aspect of the game for another.
Exactly. Too much "big man by committee".

It's just like in football. You can have three 500 yard running backs, but you'd be much better off with one 1500 yard running back. Yeah, you're putting all your eggs in one basket, but one in the hand is better than two in the bush. ;) Just like how the Patriots became that much more dominant with Corey Dillon than they were with Kevin Faulk and Antowain Smith.

We need a big man who can can score and isn't a liability on the defensive end. I'm not asking for a superstar, just someone who isn't one-dimensional, undersized or injury-prone. That would be nice.