ESPN: NBA adopts 'business casual' dress code



It's sad that our society has come to a point where people are being forced to change their ways because of perception. I know there are some ex-hippies on this board (whether or not you'll admit it) that fought the powers and resisted conformity. What A.I. is doing is no different, he's taking a stand for what he feels is unjust, and he has every right to. And no, I'm not against the dress code, I just think it is a lame attempt to clean up an already tarnished image.


Bricklayer said:
Its a step in the direction the NBA needs to go to recapture Middle America and the glory years of the late 80's to mid 90's.
Yeah, lets bring back the nice dressed coke heads. The Glory Years.


Super Moderator Emeritus
thesanityannex said:
It's sad that our society has come to a point where people are being forced to change their ways because of perception. I know there are some ex-hippies on this board (whether or not you'll admit it) that fought the powers and resisted conformity. What A.I. is doing is no different, he's taking a stand for what he feels is unjust, and he has every right to. And no, I'm not against the dress code, I just think it is a lame attempt to clean up an already tarnished image.
Just for clarification:

Most hippies gave up their need/desire for material possessions if they truly lived the hippie lifestyle. What was fought wasn't about perception. The hippies WERE what they were.

When's the last time you saw an NBA player give up his stuff?
thesanityannex said:
It's sad that our society has come to a point where people are being forced to change their ways because of perception.
My dramatic. Have you ever had appearance requirements for work or school like most poeple?

They are changing their dress requirements on company time. That's more. They can do whatever they want on their own time.

In fact, the whiners can quit the NBA and never have to dress up if they want to fight for their noble cause.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Cry babies are Me-Me-Me types

Notice that the biggest cry babies about dress code are the me-me-me types more concerned with their image and never mention the team? I start with AI.... :mad:


sidney said:
My dramatic. Have you ever had appearance requirements for work or school like most poeple?

They are changing their dress requirements on company time. That's more. They can do whatever they want on their own time.

In fact, the whiners can quit the NBA and never have to dress up if they want to fight for their noble cause.
First, no, I have not had dress requirements for work or school. That is besides the point.

My argument is not with the dress code, my argument is the reasoning behind the dress code. This dress code will not clean up the image of the NBA. Will a suit make you forget about A.I. and his wife, or Kobe and his fling, or Jayson Williams shooting his driver, or Bonzi and his assault charges, or all the other wrong doings...............Nope. These players need to change their ways, not their attire.


Hall of Famer
thesanityannex said:
It's sad that our society has come to a point where people are being forced to change their ways because of perception. I know there are some ex-hippies on this board (whether or not you'll admit it) that fought the powers and resisted conformity. What A.I. is doing is no different, he's taking a stand for what he feels is unjust, and he has every right to. And no, I'm not against the dress code, I just think it is a lame attempt to clean up an already tarnished image.
One thing is for sure the dress code will NOT make the players act any WORSE. But agian too much is being made of race here many of the white players are fully capible of looking just as bad as players of any other race.
Bricklayer said:
And your argument, whatever its merits, is entirely beside the point. It doesn't matter what the turth IS. All that matters is the perception, erroneous or not, that the NBA's audience has.

And as an aside, it doubly doesn't matter because for as long as I've been watching NEVER before has ANY generation of NBAers, gangsters or saints, decide it had the God given right to dress for work the way it does at home. In many ways its irrelevant not only whether they are in fact gangsters or not, but also even whether anybody THINKS they are gangsters or not. All that matters is that are dressed "down" relatively speaking. And their employer wants them to dress "up" to look respectable. I don't look respectable in what I wear around the house either.
Thing is, wether you believe it to be rooted, culture , or background. Claiming someones dress inappropiate and very thug like, is basically like a smack in the face. I do agree with some of your statements however. Perception is a huge problem, and as long as the perceptions remain the same from a specific type of people (tip toeing VF21's line) it'll remain the same. Which is entirely sad. Btw.. good call on myself and the computer industry. I work for HP :)

sidney said:
My dramatic. Have you ever had appearance requirements for work or school like most poeple?

They are changing their dress requirements on company time. That's more. They can do whatever they want on their own time.

In fact, the whiners can quit the NBA and never have to dress up if they want to fight for their noble cause.
The problem I have, and I'm sure the naysayers have as well is that : if you read the description of the rules, it clearly states in-route and after the work day is over. That to me is a problem, and I can wholeheartedly agree with everyone that does have a problem with that portion of the rules. The last thing I'm going to want to have to do after a game, is throw on loafers, a blazer and a set of khakis or dress pants. At some point, people need to face facts. These aren't the Michael Jordan Armani suit for interviews or taking a leak days anymore. Looks like MJ's sport casual wear line is going to make alot more cash this year.
thesanityannex said:
First, no, I have not had dress requirements for work or school. That is besides the point.

My argument is not with the dress code, my argument is the reasoning behind the dress code. This dress code will not clean up the image of the NBA. Will a suit make you forget about A.I. and his wife, or Kobe and his fling, or Jayson Williams shooting his driver, or Bonzi and his assault charges, or all the other wrong doings...............Nope. These players need to change their ways, not their attire.
I agree, although I don't think that's the point of the code. There will continue to be incidents in the NBA regardless of dress. Stern will fine them, they will be dealt with by the authorities, or the press will hammer them as in all the cases above. That is beside the point.

In any company, image to the customer is managed to make the business more successful. The dress code will help improve the perception overall of the NBA, which is good for business. That's all it is...managing the public perception...very common in the business world.
Whatever happened to those players who claimed and swore up and down that they are in this "for the love of the game" or who love playing basketball so much they "would play for free?" If that were true, as those who I will choose not to name say it is, then why would it matter if there is a dress code? Are they not in this becasue they are doing what they love :rolleyes:

Bottom line for me, if I were getting paid what these players were (and heck at this point I'd take the 13th man's salary) I'd wear a potato sack and walk backwards if they told me to.
thesanityannex said:
First, no, I have not had dress requirements for work or school. That is besides the point.

My argument is not with the dress code, my argument is the reasoning behind the dress code.
Who cares what the reasoning is behind the dress code...the employer wants the new fress code and the employees are to abide by it. That's how it is at my work.


hoopsfan said:
Who cares what the reasoning is behind the dress code...the employer wants the new fress code and the employees are to abide by it. That's how it is at my work.
I do. Thats why I posted that. It seems so fake to me. Clean up the attire=Clean up the image..............don't think so.


Homer Fan Since 1985
thesanityannex said:
I do. Thats why I posted that. It seems so fake to me. Clean up the attire=Clean up the image..............don't think so.
So, why do you care? Do you think you should have control of the NBA? Do you think that unless it is an acceptable reason (to you) that it should not be implemented.

Guess what? Last I checked, you were not in charge of the business that is the NBA...David Stern is. So, what he says goes. And the reason is not important, nor is it even relevant.

Head of business..."this is what you will wear."

Employee of the business..."well, I don't like it and I won't do it."

Head of business..."then get the hell out of my business. There are more where you came from."



6th said:
So, why do you care? Do you think you should have control of the NBA? Do you think that unless it is an acceptable reason (to you) that it should not be implemented.

Guess what? Last I checked, you were not in charge of the business that is the NBA...David Stern is. So, what he says goes. And the reason is not important, nor is it even relevant.
Yes, I should have control of the NBA. If its not acceptable to me, it should not be implemented. I have already contacted Jay-Z and the two of us will combine our assets to take over the NBA and rid the league of David Stern.