Dominoes startng to fall and other latest news, rumors, etc.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I figured this tweet by Carmichael Dave was a good a place as any to break the thread. We're really in the home stretch, fellow Kings fans.

Carmichael Dave ‏@CarmichaelDave 45m Folks. All I can say is, we MAY not be done today. MAY not be. The dominoes are starting to fall. May be tonight, tomorrow, but buckle up.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ideal scenario would be for Hansen/Ballmer to withdraw offer, leaving the path clear for the Vivek offer to be accepted. No BoG vote, no fuss, no muss, no bother.

I don't think that will happen, but I do think (as Dave says) that things are going to start happening fairly quickly once the first domino falls. Once the water breeches the dam, it's all over but the cleanup.
Hmm, I'm a little confused by that CD tweet. I thought we wouldn't be done until the vote Wednesday? What was supposed to happen today that would end this saga? From what I understand, Hansen was going to make a presentation to the BOG before the vote in a last-ditch effort to change their minds.


Hall of Famer
I don't think there is any chance for another presentation. They have already done that. They are thick headed in not knowing the issue is not about them but Sacramento's ability to satisfy the NBA and that hasn't changed.
Hmm, I'm a little confused by that CD tweet. I thought we wouldn't be done until the vote Wednesday? What was supposed to happen today that would end this saga? From what I understand, Hansen was going to make a presentation to the BOG before the vote in a last-ditch effort to change their minds.
If the committee agreed that if the Maloofs refuse to sell to Sacramento the league will buy the team.
That's what they need to focus on now-- what are they going to do with the maloofs. They're the ones that are continuing to make deals with Hansen/Ballmer. It may be true that the league didn't want Ellison to buy the Warriors and move them to San Jose, but ultimately it was former owner Cohan that accepted the Lacob bid in spite of Ellison's last minute maneuvering. I keep hearing that all the Maloofs care about is money, that it would be stupid of them to pass up the sure thing of the Vivek bid for an uncertain chance at more money through other options, like their ridiculous plan to sell 20% of Hansen/Ballmer to give them a foot in the door.

But I'm convinced there is more to this-- they don't just want to cash out to the highest bidder. They're convinced that they have some future dealing with Hansen/Ballmer. Not sure exactly what it is, whether they think they can get their foot in the door with an NHL franchise in Seattle, maybe they would somehow be involved with the Sonics, maybe their hoping Hansen/Ballmer will help fund other investment opportunities of theirs in the future. Whatever it is, it's not just about getting a big check for the Kings and then being done with it. Even if their plans go down in flames, I still think they would stay loyal to Hansen/Ballmer because I think they're hoping the favor will be returned to them somehow. And even if it comes down to the league taking over the team from them, they'll probably get the fair market value that has been established. So instead of choosing to take the honorable path, they're sticking with Hanen/Ballmer.

It's become this simple-- we're past the point of bluffs. The league has made it clear that they want the Maloofs to sell to Vivek. They responded by saying they won't. Therefore, is the NBA going to take the team away from the Maloofs in order for this to get resolved?
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Hmm, I'm a little confused by that CD tweet. I thought we wouldn't be done until the vote Wednesday? What was supposed to happen today that would end this saga? From what I understand, Hansen was going to make a presentation to the BOG before the vote in a last-ditch effort to change their minds.
Although there is nothing formal until the BoG actually turns down the relocation with a vote, there is every indication that the vote is going to follow the recommendation of the relocation committee. They're saying both Hansen and KJ will be allowed to make a final presentation, but I think it's more along the lines of a BRIEF closing argument and a mere formality.

The BoG is beyond tired of the Maloofian tragedy/drama that has occupied way too much of their time for the past several years. They want to move on. They want this over and done with and they want to be able to think about things other than the three-ring circus that comes to town every time the Maloofs show up.

KJ did everything right and now it's just a matter of following procedure and protocol to get to the end. In doing so, the NBA severely restricts the potential for lawsuits. They aren't going to take any shortcuts but they're not diverting their path, either. As Micky Arison tried to make clear to that Seattle fan last week, it was never about Seattle. It was about Sacramento proving itself to still be worthy of an NBA franchise, of doing everything they were asked to do. We did it all, even after our owners tried to circumvent us and the NBA to sell the team to anyone who would remove it from our town.


Super Moderator Emeritus
That's what they need to focus on now-- what are they going to do with the maloofs. They're the ones that are continuing to make deals with Hansen/Ballmer. It may be true that the league didn't want Ellison to buy the Warriors and move them to San Jose, but ultimately it was former owner Cohan that accepted the Lacob bid in spite of Ellison's last minute maneuvering. I keep hearing that all the Maloofs care about is money, that it would be stupid of them to pass up the sure thing of the Vivek bid for an uncertain chance at more money through other options, like their ridiculous plan to sell 20% of Hansen/Ballmer to give them a foot in the door.

But I'm convinced there is more to this-- they don't just want to cash out to the highest bidder. They're convinced that they have some future dealing with Hansen/Ballmer. Not sure exactly what it is, whether they think they can get their foot in the door with an NHL franchise in Seattle, maybe they would somehow be involved with the Sonics, maybe their hoping Hansen/Ballmer will help fund other investment opportunities of theirs in the future. Whatever it is, it's not just about getting a big check for the Kings and then being done with it. Even if their plans go down in flames, I still think they would stay loyal to Hansen/Ballmer because I think they're hoping the favor will be returned to them somehow. And even if it comes down to the league taking over the team from them, they'll probably get the fair market value that has been established. So instead of choosing to take the honorable path, they're sticking with Hanen/Ballmer.

It's become this simple-- we're past the point of bluffs. The league has made it clear that they want the Maloofs to sell to Vivek. They responded by saying they won't. Therefore, is the NBA going to take the team away from the Maloofs in order for this to get resolved?
I have a suggestion but this is a public forum and I don't want to get arrested.

In all seriousness, the Maloofs sealed their fate when they agreed to sell the team to Hansen/Ballmer. Stern was not amused at their end-around and he was not at all vague when he said that once an ownership group has decided to leave the group they are no longer able to dictate where the team will play. What wasn't said but was incredibly clear was that the Maloofs made their choice to relinquish their membership in the NBA and Stern is going to do everything it takes to help them complete the process>


Hall of Famer
I have a suggestion but this is a public forum and I don't want to get arrested.
I know some people who know some people ...................

Here is where I heard that Maloofs hadn't slammed the door on Vivek. I suspect they muct remain totally loyal to Hansen until that door is slammed shut. They still want an option that makes them look les foolish than the league taking the team away from them.

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I think VF21's "first domino" is it. The Seattle duo has to withdraw freeing the Maloofs to openly work with the Sacramento ownership group. Once that can happen its a down hill run. The first evidence could be action to have or not to have the Seattle presentation to the BOG.
I know some people who know some people ...................

Here is where I heard that Maloofs hadn't slammed the door on Vivek. I suspect they muct remain totally loyal to Hansen until that door is slammed shut. They still want an option that makes them look les foolish than the league taking the team away from them.

Right, but it sounds like they'd be open to negotiate with Vivek, not necessarily take the offer that is out there. The same games they've been playing for years with the arena negotiations. They probably want to drag it out and then in the end say they weren't able to work out a deal. No way the NBA will allow this charade to continue, but it is the Maloof's modus operandi to always leave a crack in the door.


Hall of Famer
Right, but it sounds like they'd be open to negotiate with Vivek, not necessarily take the offer that is out there. The same games they've been playing for years with the arena negotiations. They probably want to drag it out and then in the end say they weren't able to work out a deal. No way the NBA will allow this charade to continue, but it is the Maloof's modus operandi to always leave a crack in the door.
I suspect the league will expect the Maloofs to accept $341 mil, the same "binding" deal they had with Hansen, and I expect Vivek, et al to accept it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Right, but it sounds like they'd be open to negotiate with Vivek, not necessarily take the offer that is out there. The same games they've been playing for years with the arena negotiations. They probably want to drag it out and then in the end say they weren't able to work out a deal. No way the NBA will allow this charade to continue, but it is the Maloof's modus operandi to always leave a crack in the door.
There won't be any negotiations with the Maloofs once the Seattle offer is dead. Georgie and his brothers will have only one option - take the existing offer from Vivek, as Glenn says, or face the possibility of Vivek deciding to knock off $10 million for each day they stall. Remember, the only thing that made the franchise attractive to Hansen was its mobility. That's gone. The price on it will plummet if the Maloofs try to leave a crack in the door or do any other of their normal Maloofian tricks.
$525 million is the team valuation, or the value of 100% of the team. Hansen's offer is for 65% of the team, hence the $341 million.
Thanks. So the SAC group would be paying $341 mil to the Maloofs for their % , correct? Not sure why i am blanking in this now.
Thanks. So the SAC group would be paying $341 mil to the Maloofs for their % , correct? Not sure why i am blanking in this now.
Somewhere around that number. It's been implied that the offers are not an EXACT match, but close enough. Nobody really knows for sure what the numbers are, wether they include assuming or paying off loans, or how the Seattle group's $30M non-refundable deposit comes into play (although it's been implied that the Seattle group would get their money back and be made "whole").
There won't be any negotiations with the Maloofs once the Seattle offer is dead. Georgie and his brothers will have only one option - take the existing offer from Vivek, as Glenn says, or face the possibility of Vivek deciding to knock off $10 million for each day they stall. Remember, the only thing that made the franchise attractive to Hansen was its mobility. That's gone. The price on it will plummet if the Maloofs try to leave a crack in the door or do any other of their normal Maloofian tricks.
I think the league gives them an ultimatum. Sell to Vek or we are starting the process to revoke the franchise from you.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think the league gives them an ultimatum. Sell to Vek or we are starting the process to revoke the franchise from you.
Yeah, that makes the most sense. And it will probably be done discreetly, depriving us of the pleasure of seeing George Maloof reduced to tears. I like my idea better, though...complete with a jumbo countdown billboard showing what the new reduced offer is every day until they fold.
That 1st and goal from the 1 comment sticks me when it was first announced that the Kings were sold. It was 1st and goal from the 1 for Seattle to get the NBA back.

Not only did we have a goal line stand, we are now marching the ball 99 yards down the field.
If the Maloofs just want cash why do they not want to sell to the sac group? Spite? Some sneaky deal? They will get just as much cash selling to the sac group I have heard which begs the question what are their motives? Anyone have any insight?

I have read that they only want to sell if the team gets to move which crushes my heart to think of another stunted season under the maloof ownership to look forward to.

Please Mr. Stern make them sell to the sac group. I would love to never hear the name Maloof spoken again and of course to keep our kings.
That 1st and goal from the 1 comment sticks me when it was first announced that the Kings were sold. It was 1st and goal from the 1 for Seattle to get the NBA back.

Not only did we have a goal line stand, we are now marching the ball 99 yards down the field.
The thing is, it was never first and goal. It was never really even a game. The only thing that ever mattered is whether or not Sacramento showed up to the fight. We always controlled 100% of our own destiny.
The thing is, it was never first and goal. It was never really even a game. The only thing that ever mattered is whether or not Sacramento showed up to the fight. We always controlled 100% of our own destiny.
Agree. This decision was never about Seattle. Now, just one or two more steps.


I like turtles
Looking forward to firestone's on wedsday... pizza/beer/celebrating the poachers going down in flames with fellow kings fans.. whats better?
I love it! Is there a big gathering? Remember to meet us when we come back from Dallas. I think the mayor gets in around 11pm. Late, I know, but think how late he's been staying up fighting for the Kings.