Do you LIKE the idea of Coach Whis being the new Kings coach?

Do you LIKE the idea of Coach Whis becoming the new Kings head coach?

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SacTownKid said:
The "gambles" have paid off so far, lets see what the next one has in store.

The "gambles" so far have been gambles on absolutely 100% proven talent, with the question being attitude. Gambles in the nature of hiring Larry Brown gambles.

But this, this is something else entirely. This isn't trading Peja for Artest to be our new team leader. This is trading Peja for an NBDL All-Star to be our new team leader. Completely unproven "talent" at this level. This is pure 100% cronyism. And that is never a good thing.


Ike I said before this guy is just a temporary coach until they can find one to coach in Vegas. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
R1LOVER said:
Ike I said before this guy is just a temporary coach until they can find one to coach in Vegas. :)
And that conspiracy theory STILL doesn't hold water.

The Maloofs want the Kings to win. They love being winners. They like the spotlight, they like the whole idea - not only for the Kings but for the great publicity it gives the Palms. They aren't doing this because they want to lose.

They're doing this because they somehow think their close family friend is a better choice as successor to Rick Adelman than anyone else out there.

This isn't "Major League" or "Eddie."



VF21 said:
And that conspiracy theory STILL doesn't hold water.

The Maloofs want the Kings to win. They love being winners. They like the spotlight, they like the whole idea - not only for the Kings but for the great publicity it gives the Palms. They aren't doing this because they want to lose.

They're doing this because they somehow think their close family friend is a better choice as successor to Rick Adelman than anyone else out there.

This isn't "Major League" or "Eddie."

I agree to most of that, but I'm thinking the players are the ones that are going to make it win or loose at this point. We now have Ron who has stepped up big time to lead this team just in his first few months. Wait until he starts the new season, he will be the true leader of this team imo. The coach........................ might not make too big of a difference for this season. I know some will disagree, but with everything that has happened they all might just look at themselves and say hey let's pull it together damit...... and "get-r-done"


I also need to add it will be nice if we do get someone who is not afraid to call a time out... lol


Super Moderator Emeritus
yeah, time to take another dig at Adelman.


Yes, the players need to buy into this and they need to do it fairly quickly. But if they don't, what happens? Do the Maloofs fire their friend? Or do they start dumping players?

We all want the Kings to win. I was just honestly hoping for a season without a lot of behind-the-scenes drama...



Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
yeah, time to take another dig at Adelman.

I seriously consiered opening a thread calling out all the folks who were screaming "Dump Adelman" to see how they liked what they got but in the interest of harmony and not really wnating to hear them each snivvile about how much better __________ would have been as a choice I decided to let it alone.
HndsmCelt said:
I seriously consiered opening a thread calling out all the folks who were screaming "Dump Adelman" to see how they liked what they got but in the interest of harmony and not really wnating to hear them each snivvile about how much better __________ would have been as a choice I decided to let it alone.
I was a dump Adelman guy and quite frankly I'm not too happy about their choice(if this is indeed their choice) but I'm willing to take a chance and see what he can do.
VF21 said:
This isn't "Major League" or "Eddie."

Try telling Maloofs that because they sure as hell are treating it that way :(

There is no logical argument that can be backed up with any sort of facts, that would have Whisenant in front of Musselmen or Elie in the pecking order.

I am just dumbfounded as to how a professional franchise could make such an amateurish decision. I really am.
I'd like to say, I'm number 15 on the yes side of things. Of course I'd like to see Coach Whis get a shot at the Kings. I'm also the gal telling you No Deal, No Deal, all the way through to a million bucks.

Honestly, I just want to see how he does. With all his health issues and inexperience, I wonder if he'll even make it half a season.

I'm sure Geoff can help pick up the pieces at that point, if he hasn't also left by then.

Many versions of this Kings team could have been great. The cynical side of me says "at this point, how much worse can this be than Roop the Hoop?" and the positive side of me see's only Coach Whis' potential, if ONLY because of all the previous disappointments. Give us a decent shot with a reputable NBA coach? Where's the fun in winning in a regular way for a bunch of gamblers? :p
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HndsmCelt said:
I seriously consiered opening a thread calling out all the folks who were screaming "Dump Adelman" to see how they liked what they got but in the interest of harmony and not really wnating to hear them each snivvile about how much better __________ would have been as a choice I decided to let it alone.
So...what's too early to start a 'Dump Whis' thread??:D
HndsmCelt said:
I seriously consiered opening a thread calling out all the folks who were screaming "Dump Adelman" to see how they liked what they got but in the interest of harmony and not really wnating to hear them each snivvile about how much better __________ would have been as a choice I decided to let it alone.
I have to admit I was a "dump Adelman" guy as well. I didn't want to extend his contract but at the same time, I did not want to fire him if he had time left on that contract. So I guess I was kind of a "whatever" guy when it came to Adelman.

How do I feel about this move? CRAPPY! I hate this move, and think it is all wrong. They should at the very minimum get a guy with NBA coaching exp, or if no coaching exp maybe a former player!
It was interesting to read in the Sacbee that Jerry Reynold’s has positive things to say about Whiz being the coach. He must not be as smart as most the people on this board or he must not be saying what is really on his mind because he is fearful of the Maloofs. :rolleyes:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kupman said:
It was interesting to read in the Sacbee that Jerry Reynold’s has positive things to say about Whiz being the coach. He must not be as smart as most the people on this board or he must not be saying what is really on his mind because he is fearful of the Maloofs. :rolleyes:
a) he may NOT be as smart as people on this board; but

b) more importantly he is chuckles the company man, nary a negative word will ever escape Jerry's lips. He loves everybody, all of the time, so long as they are employed by the Kings. He is the rah rah guy who's job it is to sell the public on the Kings no matter how stinky the topic.
The maloofs has known that Whis was going to replace Adelman, since last year... Adelman never had a chance of being renewed... the maloofs wanted to let Adelmans contract expire, to try to curb the outrage if they would had fired a 700 win coach in order to hire their friend, a WNBA coach...

I think it would be more tolerable, if Whis would have been brought in as an assistant coach first, and then promoted to head coach... but he has zero NBA experience...

and he is no spring chicken either, from my calculations (graduating in 1966) he is about 62 years old, which would make him one of the oldest rookie head coaches ever in the NBA...
ockingsfan said:
and he is no spring chicken either, from my calculations (graduating in 1966) he is about 62 years old, which would make him one of the oldest rookie head coaches ever in the NBA...
Does "better late then never" ... apply here ???? :eek:
ockingsfan said:
The maloofs has known that Whis was going to replace Adelman, since last year... Adelman never had a chance of being renewed... the maloofs wanted to let Adelmans contract expire, to try to curb the outrage if they would had fired a 700 win coach in order to hire their friend, a WNBA coach...

I think it would be more tolerable, if Whis would have been brought in as an assistant coach first, and then promoted to head coach... but he has zero NBA experience...

and he is no spring chicken either, from my calculations (graduating in 1966) he is about 62 years old, which would make him one of the oldest rookie head coaches ever in the NBA...
im sure all the players will be VERY happy to wait around and adjust to a 62 year old rookie head coach that has no idea how to play the nba's an ideal situation for a team that was one of the hottest at the end of the season last year:rolleyes:
Bricklayer said:
a) he may NOT be as smart as people on this board; but

b) more importantly he is chuckles the company man, nary a negative word will ever escape Jerry's lips.
So Reynolds is the "Ed Mc Mahon" of the Kings? :)
I just don't see how this is going to make Ron Artest happy/keep Bonzi around/fire up Bibby/help the young kids blossom/make up for firing Rick.

Did I miss anything?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SoupIsGood said:
Woah! I did not expect such one sided results.

How would you guys react if that was your replacement for Rick Carlisle, and that to all appearances the reason was because he was an old pal of your owners (not even sure who they are) while Walsh and Bird were cut out of the process. Kosher? Breaking out the tickertape for the inevitable championship parade nexy June?
Bricklayer said:

How would you guys react if that was your replacement for Rick Carlisle, and that to all appearances the reason was because he was an old pal of your owners (not even sure who they are) while Walsh and Bird were cut out of the process. Kosher? Breaking out the tickertape for the inevitable championship parade nexy June?
Simons I believe. The kind of oweners who bring in Larry The Legend to work with their great GM Donnie Walsh for years before Donnie's contract actually expires. Not a fickle bunch by any account. And unlike Dolan, they fired Isiah. What's there not to like?
Did anyone else hear on the news (Fox 40) that the Maloofs are still looking to interview some more candidates. One of which could be Don Nelson. :confused:

I had the opportunity this morning to speak directly with a current, respected NBA veteran player about the Kings' coaching situation and the potential hiring of Whiz.

What he said was this...

The majority of NBA players would have no respect for Whiz, given his non-NBA background. They would simply not listen to him when told things by Whiz that might be counter to other things they have learned from others in the past. The player I spoke with added that he does not understand what the Maloofs are doing even entertaining the possibility of Whiz as the Kings' new coach. He believes that Whiz' hiring would create a lot of internal turmoil on the team and off-the-court issues.

So, although this is just one NBA player, albeit a veteran, I would tend to say that he knows pretty well what would happen.

Therefore, if there was any doubt amongst fans about whether or not players would respect Whiz, I think the question has been answered with a high degree of certainty. So this NBA player, if given the opportunity, would vote with the 90% of fans in this thread's poll.