Ok, you don't hate him, you just don't like him and would rather have Rubio. Fair enough?
i dont even dislike evans... i just wanted a pg that can run the team to its max... rubio was the type of pg that would be exciting to watch and would help set up martin, thompson and hawes... the threat of him passing to an open player that the defender cant see is just as deadly as a jumpshot. defending the pass opens up shots for other players. there is a reason why jason kidd and andre miller have been successful without a reliable jumpshot, their passes resulted in 2 or 3 points for a player that would struggle to average 10 points on their own.
we needed an identity, his style of play alone would give us that. just like any team lead by a pg of that mold, nash, paul, kidd... we know whats going to happen the minute that they step on the court... everyone will score more with them than they did without... kidd made kenyon martin an all-star. paul made west an all-star. nash made marion an all-star... who will rubio make into an all-star? i dont know, the twolves suck.... but on this team you cant tell me that you wouldnt be drooling over the idea of a 2-man game like that.
we dont have that with tyreke, he is just a force of nature all by himself... honestly, i would love for evans and martin to work out like that but i just dont see it happening. ive watched martin his entire career here and i watched some of evans in college and most of his games with the kings... they dont have the style of play that meshes well together...
if we trade for a player that can play with tyreke you wont ever hear me talking negatively about him. but we dont have that player and the teams front office is trying to run this gimmicky offense to sell the idea that it will work. it wont. they play the same position. since evans will more than likely be a much better player than martin, he needs to be moved. garcia isnt that player either. he's a energy/hustle player, he should be coming off of the bench playing defense and occasionally hitting an open three.
we need a pg that can play off the ball... bibby wouldve been awesome back in his prime, though his defense is horrible. ramon sessions would be a nice player to put next to tyreke, he can play off the ball and is a big pg who can run an offense. a young derek fisher would be perfect. we need a player that can feed off of tyrekes doubles and make the extra pass to dish to other players. man i watch way to many laker games.... i know that damn offense to a science. we should run the triangle, too bad rambis isnt the coach. granted he is sucking in minny, mainly because kahn is an idiot.
we have the personnel that could run the triangle to perfection and we wouldnt have the evans/martin problem. i officially blame westphal... my bad tyreke... its not your fault, you are what you are... its the coaches fault for not being good enough to coach you.