Describe Your Basketball Game

Describe your game your strength's & weakness's on the court..

Alright here we go

Position- Pg,Sg,Sf (I played mostly point last year for my highschool team)

Height- 6'1

Weight- 175

Handles - (B-) I got good handles not a crazy cross-over but I can create my own shot off the dribble.

Shot- (C+) I have a really wierd mechanic (looks alot like Pejas) on my shot and I'm trying to fix it before ball starts this year, but I can hit threes, I prefer the short 10-12 pull up jumpers off the drive.

Passing- (A) This is the strength in my game, after watching the Kings play for so long I have just became such a good passer, in both half court and fast break sets, I think I dished out about 6 dimes a game last year.

Rebounding - (B+) Another strength to my game, I have a high vertical and long arms, thats why i'm able to play three positions at high school level, but I can grab alot of rebounds.

Athletiscism (B-, potential B+) - Hmmm. don't know what I can grade this one, I was very athletic last year but sprained my ankle numerous times, and lost a bit of vert, I have dunked 2 times, and im workin on gettin my vert back.

Overall- My game reminds me alot of J-will's passing and Tayshaun Prince on offence and Defence, I can score but I like to set my team mates up first.
Man I wish I had game...I used to wrestled in high school and now im just body building. I try to play ball when im cutting weight, I got a decent shot, but youd be suprised, for a short guy im pretty good in the paint.
Shall I grade myself compared to people I play least often (my peers) or most often (11-14 year olds)? lol...

Position- PG

Height- 5'10"

Weight- 145

Handles - (B+) I'm pretty confident in my dribbling skills. Often times I can juke out and drive past whoever is guarding me. For some reason, I'm predominantly a left-handed dribbler even though I do everything else right-handed.

Shot- (B) I have a very odd technique, although I wouldn't call it a technique. I shoot it more with two hands than one. I hit the harder shots, even though I miss some of the easier ones. When I think too much about the shot, I miss more often.

Passing- (A) This also is my strength. I like to sit on the outside and find the open man, but also driving in often and open a shot up for someone on the outside. I look to pass first, unless I'm playing 1 vs 3 with the 11-14 year old kids ;).

Rebounding - (C+) With kids, this is an A, cause I'm taller than all of them. But against guys my size I'm not so good at getting the timing down, and I often get pushed out of the paint.

Athletiscism (C) Being a white Jew, I don't have genetics working for me :D. No, seriously, This isnt my strength at all. I get torn apart by the really athletic guys. THe only reason I don't get worse than a C is that I can contort my body and shoot weird shots, and I count that as some athleticism. Plus I have an okay vertical.

Overall - vs kids, A+....vs good players, B-. I'm not the greatest, but I have my moments.

Only diff between me and Optimus is that I'm not on the team. Tried out freshmen year (two years ago) but the coaches didnt like that I shot funnily.
i have no game. every shot i attempt hits the backboard.

i used to have some game back in middle school, but thats a loooong time ago.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm retired. ;)

Once upon a time...

Handles ( C+ ) -- no left hand, but steady and hard to pickpocket
Shot ( C- ) -- highly erratic, but streaky and hit the big ones ;)
Passing ( B+ ) -- favorite thing to do on offense other than set picks
Defense ( A- ) -- only on a Kings board does this get left off. ;) Like to always take the other team's best player and try to lock him up.
Rebounding ( A ) -- do this freakishly well. My defining basketball trait. Fundamentals, yes, but also just natural timing and instinct. Always seem to know where the ball is going before everybody else, and sometimes just go nuts on the offensive glass.
Athleticism ( B ) -- as far as basketball goes. Quick and strong, but not long or with great hops.

The comparisons have always come from others, and mostly because of the rebounding. It was always Charles Barkley, and then Dennis Rodman (closer, minus the dress). And when I still had my football bulk, used to get Moses Malone comparisons for my tendency to blow layups in traffic and then just repeatedly grab the o-board and put it up again, and again, and again (nto stat padding in my case, just incompetence).

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Position: F/C

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 250 (at my playing weight; current weight classified)

Handles: (F-) - I have club hands, when it comes to handles; I dribble like I have cerebal palsy. I have good enough hands to catch and shoot...

Shot: (C-) - And I don't do that particularly well, either. I'm money from the baseline out to about fifteen feet, but that's the only shot I'm good for.

Passing: (A-) - I can hit cutters on a dime. My passes out of the high post are impeccable. I'd probably be able to pass off the dribble, if I knew how to dribble.

Defense: (B+) - My perimeter defense is a little flawed, but to paraphrase Tyson, my post defense is impregnable. I've played against guys who had up to an eight inch height advantage that couldn't score on me in the paint. Quite simply, if I don't want you inside, you're not getting inside. Tremendous shot blocker for my height.

Rebounding: (A+) - I go AFTER the ball. Especially since, 99% of the time, all I'm asked to do on the court is defend the paint and rebound. I clear people out with reckless abandon, and take inside position by force.

Athleticism: (B+) - If I didn't have natural atheticism, I wouldn't have any business on a basketball court at my size.

I'm not sure that I can think of anyone off the bat that my game could be compared to; maybe Moses Malone, I don't know.
Height( 5'7") :: Not much I can do about it

Handles: B- Both hands, steady, but no go-to move I can use to break down somebody.

Shot: B+ This is how I score my points. Either I draw my defender out to the point where I have enough room to outrun him to the basket, or my defender gives me enough space that I can sink a trey

Passing: C I can get the ball to my teammates no problem, but I'm not doing them any favors beyond that. I'm not gonna set them up for a basket

Defense: D If you try and shoot over me, you'll succeed. If you try to drive over me, I'm not going to change your path much. If you try and muscle your way into the hoop, you'll succeed.

Only reason this isn't an F is that I do a fair job at denying the ball to my man

Rebounding: For my height an A, but when not playing other oompa loompas, a C

Athleticism: C I have just enough to get open, or just enough to drive past a tall dude that gets too close and falls for my pump fake.


I like turtles


by the way, great Thread

Position- PG, SF

Teams: Sacramento Country Day School - Starter all 4 years
Savannah College of Art and Design - Bench warmer (1 year)
NYU - Did we even have a basketball team?
Chapman - Yeah right.

Height- 6'1

Weight- none of your business

Handles - (B) Nothing too special. I watched a lot of basketball, so I imitated moves.

Shot- (F) This is the sole reason I didn’t make it to solid college ball. During my sophomore year I averaged 12 point a game and NONE of them were off any jump shots - all lay-ups and free throws. I think the shot is something you really have to develop when your young.

Passing- (A) 4th grade through 6th I watched Pete Maravitch videos. Enough said.

Rebounding - (C+) Eh, I was mostly half way down the court when we got a rebound. Had to make the fast break man.

Athleticism (A-) - Ok, so I wasn’t the biggest guy on the court, but damn I could run. No one could ever keep up with me. I guess all those years of soccer really helped

Defense (A+) Best part of my game. CVCL “Defensive player of the year” two years in a row. I held two time league MVP to his only three shut outs in his high school career. We created a diamond defense (4 guys playing a diamond zone) and one guy playing man-to-man defense on the best player….guess who was the one man-to-man guy…

Overall- I really hate the fact that I couldn’t shoot because that’s what stopped me from becoming one of the best. I LOVED to lead and pass and all that. Basketball was my life.

Career Highs
31 points freshman year
6 steels senior year
23/28 Free throws made senior year.

You know, after years of enduring the same old "I was a damn good athlete in High School" from my dad, I always told myself I would never do it. Great.
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Position: PF/SF

Size: 6'1"
190 lbs.

Handles (D)- no left hand WHATSOEVER; limited handles with the right hand. I am not breaking anyone down off the dribble ever. Dribbling is not the strength of my game.

Shot (B)- MONEY from 15-18 feet, especially from the baseline. I also love to hit the mid-range shot off the pick and pop. Inconsistent from 18-21 feet. Not much success from the outside. I have one post move- the baby hook- and it is pretty good.

Defense (C+)- I do well with my skill and size. Not particularly big or fast, but I try harder on defense than 99% of players. Always fight through picks on the perimeter, and am always willing to bang on the block. However, great heart and tenacity can only cover some physical shortcomings. Just ask Mark Madsen.

Passing (C) - Great at feeding the post, and decent at hiting cutters. Generally make good decisions. My problem is a severe lack of court vision. I often miss things as they occur or notice them a split second too late.

Rebounding (A-) - I hustle and get after the ball on every shot, frequently get very good position. I don't give myself a solid A because my lack of size means I sometimes get outbattled down low. But oh, there will always be a battle.

Athleticism (F)- I am not fast, I cannot jump, I am NOT an athlete

Heart (A)- The only thing that keeps me in the game. No one will try harder, dive to the floor more, or jump into the stands more.

Big Shot (A)- Sort of like Horry. I have taken 4 game winning or tying shots in the last five seconds of games and have hit 3. I can't explain it.

NBA comparison- Horace Grant- love the baseline J form 18 feet. Good rebounder, slight frame, a lot of hustle.
Since most of my basketball experience as of the past ten years revolves around a couch and a remote, we'll go with this angle:

Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs
Handles (C): Although I can handle pizza in one hand and Beer/soda in the other very effectively, my ability to pick them up from the table using the "no-look-reach" as I gauze at the game on the tube is often embarrassingly ineffective with often highly unpredictable results.

Shot (B): Though effective under general conditions, I am occasionally prone to feeding beverages/food items into my chin or cheek rather than my mouth during particularly high pressure moments of television viewing.

Passing (D-): Although I consider myself an unselfish viewer, my inability to look away from the action frequently results in my responding to a call for food by handing a slice of pizza to a very pleasantly surprised dog. Suffice it to say, my dog loves basketball.

Rebounding (F): Forget about it. That's my dogs area of specialization and there's no point of my even trying.

Athleticism (A+): I take great pride in my ability to make it to the quickstop & back between any commercial interruption, and to the bathroom & back at any timeout without missing a beat.

Defense (A+): Ain't nobody touching my remote OR my plate during a game. They wouldn't dare.
Height - 5'10"

Weight - 170lbs

Handles (C): I can dribble with both hands in traffic, but I'm only good in the half-court. Anything faster than a jog and the ball bounces everywhere.

Shot (B): Used to be my forte. Now it is just decent, and I'm not consistent at all from deep.

Passing (B+): A little too wild and fancy at times, but I can see the open man and I like to pass first.

Defense (D+): Waffle back and forth between Bibby and Stojakovic style defense depending on my interest, the competitiveness of the game, and how tired I am.

Rebounding (D): I'm taller than the people I play against, and I pay attention to where the ball will come off the rim, but I never learned what jumping was so I don't do it.

Athleticism (D-): I am neither fast nor quick. I cannot jump. This is not an F only because I am not horribly slow. I do have good hand-eye coordination... does that count?

Overall - Against the people I normally play, I am a Brad Miller/Chris Webber (after the injury) player - mid-range jumper, passing, and someone who uses height instead of athleticism to play defense and rebound. Against better/taller players my age, I am Paul Shirley - a bench warmer and wiseacre.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Height - short
Weight - fluffy

Skills: I can type a play-by-play faster than can do their running commentary.

Height: 5'10" I guess

Handles: (B-) Not an Allen Iverson by any stretch of the imagination but I have a decent crossover and I can dribble fairly well running at full speed. Weak with the left hand but I can still take a couple dribbles with it while I'm driving if I need to.

Shot: (A+) My shot is my pride and joy. Reigning 3-point champion at my high school, nicknamed Peja for my fondness for the long ball. When I'm on, I'm ON. But even on off nights I'm better than most of the people I play with. Virtually no post game to speak of, however.

Passing: (B-) I can hit a cutter pretty well and I can run the fast break if need be. But forget about anything fancy, the ball's as good as gone.

Defense: (C+) I'm horribly undersized for my height and I frequently get pushed around in the paint. I'm pretty decent at shutting down guards because of my quick lateral movement. Playing a tall SG during my senior year of high school, I didn't get scored on during the entire year, but if you're bigger than me, I'm dead.

Rebounding: (C+) I've got a decent vertical which gets me a couple boards a game, but since I'm so small for my height I get knocked around a lot and so I miss a lot of boards I should have gotten.

Athleticism: (B-) I have mild asthma and so my stamina isn't that great, but I've got a pretty good vertical, I used to be able to touch the rim before I got injured. Decent speed.

Overall: A poor man's Peja.
Position- Pg,Sg

Height- 5'6 ... (Hey I'm only twelve!)

Weight- 120

Handles - (A-) I'm the best ball handler on my team and I mostly have played point for five years now. I can always get past a defender to set up team mates easily.

Shot- (B-) I have a really wierd mechanic to my shot. All of my freinds say I shoot two-handed. It does go in often but I'm really trying to fix my form because the middle and high school basketball coaches dislike players with bad form.

Passing- (B+ or A-) It's just the best feeling when I drive by my defender and force another guy over to play help defence one me and just find my teammate wide open under the hoop.

Rebounding - (B+) Beleive it or not, I'm the fourth tallest kid on my team and I play point. Still a very solid rebounder when I get under that basket. Though I'm usually running back trying to prevent the fast break.

Athletiscism - (A+) - I am very fast,strong, and quick and have a huge vertical. My coach calls me "spiderman" because of my quickness.

Defense - (A) - One of the best, if not the best defenders on my team. Coach always locks me down on the other teams star.
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Ok, now its my turn...
Position- sg/pg
5' 7''(if I'm lucky)
150-155 lbs(not that sure)

Shot[A] I give myself an A cause it really is an eye catcher. A few years back my shot was really straight without any arc to it. But after time and help from myself(I've never been coached), I learned to arc it more and oh boy is it sweeeeet now. I can pretty much hit it from anywhere(fadeaways, spot ups, off the dribble), and I'm short so it really looks even greater than it is especially when I hit it over taller defenders.

Handles[B+] It would be an A, but I do sometimes get carried away and I lose the ball. Other than that I'm pretty impressive with my handles. I don't really have any trouble with my left hand.

Passing I'll just say that I'm solid with my passing. Nothing crazy cause I've always pretty much been a shoot/slash person first. I will amaze u with some passes quite often.

Defense/Rebounding[C] Lets just say u can call me a sacramento king on this one. My legs haven't been as strong as they should be after I finished highschool football 3 years ago. When I was playing football, my legs were so strong that it helped out my defense and rebounding. I think I can be an above average defender and rebounder once I start running my bleachers again and start doing squats again.

Athletism I think I'm pretty athletic. I'm athletic enough to play with the greater players and not look like a fool out there. Sometimes people tell me I'm too fast out there. I wish I can drive the ball to the hoop more often. Other than my speed, I have no hops whatsoever. But like I said, once I get back to running my bleachers and doing my squats, I'll get more athletism back.
Ok, ao here it goes. It is baased on what a play at home and at school:

Handles (B-) I can do some tricks but still kinda slow and sloppy sometimes. But I can handle it and I do not get stolen from very often.

Passing (B-) Pretty good at passing but not at all good at cathing. Can do the behind the back passes and fast passes but sometimes get carried away. Catching is very bad for fast passes, but pretty good if someone passes it to me and I shoot it.

Shooting (A) I can shoot very well from long range and very good at short range. I can make a bunch of shots when I am open, but shooting in a person's eye is difficult for me. Overall, I am a REALLY good shooter.

Rebounding (C+) I am a pretty good rebounder for my size but cant get rebounds over people. I can only get hem when no one is around me but I know a lot of times wher e the ball is going after each shot.

Athletism (C) I cant jump high or do crazy lay-ups, but I very fast so I can get by people.

Speed (A) I am VERY fast. I can get by people easily. Full court I can do. Got speed like Wade. :D

Defense (B+) Pretty good at defense. CAn do really good pressure and do good Zone defense. I can steal a lot of balls, and intercept passes a lot too.

This is my game! :D
Height- 5-8
Weight- 140
Position- SF/PF

Handles (B+) I can dribble pretty well for my position.

Defense (A) One of the best parts of my game. People won't shoot within 10 feet of me. I can stick to my guy and stuff him if he puts it up. My only problem is getting excited and falling for pump fakes.

Shooting (C) Not good because of my peculiar shooting style. Sometimes I an hit an open 18 footer but I'll probably miss.

Passing (B-) Okay but nothing special

Rebounding (B+) I'm not really a great rebounder but my hops really help me out.

Athleticism (A+) I'm pretty strong and fast. The best part is that I can jump higher than anyone I know. The funniest part about it is that I'm Indian.

Overall- I'm the best in my K-8 school (that isn't saying much because it has a reputation for being nerdy) but decent/above average in my all-star basketball league.
This thread makes me want to hit the court again...

Height: 6'0" Weight: 135 Position: SG/SF

Handle: (C+) Was a solid F until I started playing regularly a few years ago. I'm not the first option to bring the ball up court but I protect it pretty well in the half court.

Passing: (B+) Most of my passes are no-look, so don't take your eyes off the ball or you may get hit in the back of the head.

Shooting: (B-) Streaky 3-pt set shot, decent mid-range jumper. Bread and butter is the hook shot in the lane.

Rebounding: (D) Yes, I get pushed around due to my, um... lack of girth. Get some nifty offensive boards because of length.

Athleticism: (C) Average quickness and speed, need to gain about 50 pounds to attain a Kevin Martin physique. Average hops seem better with a 6'5" wingspan. Good stamina. Only a threat to drive after establishing the outside shot.

Defense: (B+) I take it personally when my man scores. Will fight for every inch from the perimiter to the rim, and like nothing better than a solid block. Put me on another skinny guy and I will shut him down, big guys still just bowl over me.

Overall: Tayshaun Prince... I wish.

BTW these grades are only against similar unskilled people in the gym or park. If we're talking about high school varsity level, my average drops to around D-, but if I'm against elementary school kids I dominate. Buahaha!
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Height( 5'4") ::

Handles: B+ I'm pretty quick with my hands. I'm really good at catching the ball if thrown a long pass. I'm not exactly hot sauce, but I do have some good handles for a girl. ;)

Shot: B- I prefer the long and crazy shots. Going down in the paint isn't really my thing, unless I do the double pump fake and force my way up against taller people.

Passing: C My height is a huge factor in this one. Usually I play guys that are a foot or at least 4 inches taller than me.

Defense: B- I'm all for man to man. I'm not exactly the quickest on the street though.

Rebounding: C+ I can jump, so thats a plus.

Athleticism: B I can dive on: clay, mud, grass, gravel, and I will get up no matter what. I can jump pretty high.

Blocking: B- My height limits me a lot. But I have this wierd way of telling when your going to put up the shot. Therefore I do have somewhat of an advantage. I've blocked 6"3 guys and one 7'2 dude. (Vlade HAHA! cowtowner15 might have saw me do that at camp)
i shoot from 3 well and hardly ever miss i handle the ball well for someone who does have cerebal palsy at the 3 i never miss for someone who is 5'7 190 i can shoot over guys 6'0 i played ball for a number of years no one ever knew i had a handicap so for people who say they dribble like a person with cerebal palsy you may wanna think again some are much better then others
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Homer Fan Since 1985
rhuber said:
Since most of my basketball experience as of the past ten years revolves around a couch and a remote, we'll go with this angle:

Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs
Handles (C): Although I can handle pizza in one hand and Beer/soda in the other very effectively, my ability to pick them up from the table using the "no-look-reach" as I gauze at the game on the tube is often embarrassingly ineffective with often highly unpredictable results.

Shot (B): Though effective under general conditions, I am occasionally prone to feeding beverages/food items into my chin or cheek rather than my mouth during particularly high pressure moments of television viewing.

Passing (D-): Although I consider myself an unselfish viewer, my inability to look away from the action frequently results in my responding to a call for food by handing a slice of pizza to a very pleasantly surprised dog. Suffice it to say, my dog loves basketball.

Rebounding (F): Forget about it. That's my dogs area of specialization and there's no point of my even trying.

Athleticism (A+): I take great pride in my ability to make it to the quickstop & back between any commercial interruption, and to the bathroom & back at any timeout without missing a beat.

Defense (A+): Ain't nobody touching my remote OR my plate during a game. They wouldn't dare.
rhuber, that was just hilarious and a very enjoyable read.....thank you!! However, you do owe me a keyboard. This one got all gummed up when I spit my soda between its keys.
Height: 5' 9" (wearing shoes anyway)

Handles: Yep, got the love handles. Not sure what's so freakin lovable about them, but I've lost about 20 lbs since last year, so they're shrinking away.

Shot: Sure, I'll take a shot at just about anything these days.

Passing: I pass on a lot of stuff. I pass on drugs, alcohol, smoking...and I've also been known to pass gas (lentil beans might as well be nitro glycerin).

Defense: Not really defensive at all. I tend to just let it all flow past me as I maintain a zen-like serenity. I honed this ability working in retail during college.

Rebounding: I rebound pretty well from tough situations, though emotional scars tend to make me wary of people nowadays.

Athleticism: I have nothing clever to say here, and I have no athleticism either.

Overall: A poor man's rich man who's poor, but rich in spirit...but still poor.
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PixelPusher said:
Height: 5' 9" (wearing shoes anyway)

Handles: Yep, got the love handles. Not sure what's so freakin lovable about them, but I've lost about 20 lbs since last year, so they're shrinking away.

Shot: Sure, I'll take a shot at just about anything these days.

Passing: I pass on a lot of stuff. I pass on drugs, alcohol, smoking...and I've also been known to pass gas (lentil beans might as well be nitro glycerin).

Defense: Not really defensive at all. I tend to just let it all flow past me as I maintain a zen-like serenity. I honed this ability working in retail during college.

Rebounding: I rebound pretty well from tough situations, though emotional scars tend to make me wary of people nowadays.

Athleticism: I have nothing clever to say here, and I have no athleticism either.

Overall: A poor man's rich man who's poor, but rich in spirit...but still poor.
Very cleverly put. As for me, apart from having good vision, decent passing skills and pretty good shot, my game is pretty non- existant. But I can climb tall buildings. :D