Describe Your Basketball Game

Position- sg

Height- 6'3

Weight- 155

Handles - (B) I can dribble off my elbow between your legs.

Shot- (C+) Inconsistant and streaky all the way to college 3pt range.

Passing- (B) Yes I can do that.

Rebounding - (C) I can improve in this area. But I'll get in the range of 4-5pg.

Athletiscism (B) - I can dunk and put my entire wrist in the ring.

Overall- I'm lying to you. I haven't played in 6 years, I exaggerated on my height, and I have the rusty skills of a 16 year old.


Hall of Famer
Position- PG

Height- 5'7

Weight- 130

Handles - (C+/B-) I don't have crazy crossovers that will constantly break people ankles, but I'm extremly quick, and don't tend to turn the ball over while dribbling. My "signature" handle is running full speed to the right, stop with a behind-the-back dribble, the other person over-runs where I am, and I pull up from short.

Shot- (C-) I'm not much of an offensive force...Usually my shot is semi-reliable, but Im EXTREMLY streaky. When I get hot, I can hit anything I throw up...Unfortunatly that only happens about maybe three times a year...And when I get cold, Im just bad...I can hit from three, but I perfer the 10-15 foot range.

Passing- (A-) I'm not a creative passer by any stretch, but I can pound a ball into the post with a lazer-quick pass. My passes go where they mean to go, and get there quick.

Rebounding - (C-) BEing as short as I am, Im not one to rebounnd to much. When they come out to me, I'll go after them, but I'm not much of a rebounder.

Defense - (Usually a D, when I try C+) Im extremly lazy on the defensive end. I won't lie. But when I put my heart to it, I can stay in front of my man, and jump into some passing lanes with some sort of consistency.

Overall- Brevin Knight...Not to mcuh of an offensive game, and a good passer.
loopymitch said:
^ lmao, we should start our own team, we have the same skills lol;)
As long as there's an EMT during practices and games ... count me in !!!

Okay - I'll answer the question .... I'm like Brick - retired

I have plantar-faciatus (sp) in with both feet ... but, back in my day:

Position- PG/SG

Height- 5'9'

Weight- 172 .... currently 185

Handles - (B-) Able to bring the ball down while being pressured, good fastbreak control, love to come baseline and pass into the paint ... LOUSY to TERRIBLE penetration (lose the ball in a crowd - bad at utilizing 2-steps)

Shot - (A) High % 10' to 15' ... excellent 3-pt college range ... love the baseline jumper ... 80% plus freethrow shooter

Passing- (A) Don't watch me - watch the ball

Rebounding - (C) I know I'm not a rebounder, fast breaks - back on D

Athletiscism (B-) - Scrappy, fast, always moving, in your face D, can ALMOST touch the rim

Love to pick-n-roll, need a screen - I'm your guy, not easily intimidated, somebody you want me to put a hard-foul on - that's me

That was then .... with all the running, jumping, stopping, turning and everything else you have to do to play this game ....

All I can do now is campout at the 3-pt line and WANT THE BALL !!!

Height- 5-6 1/2

Weight- 135

Handles - B-. I got no left, but my right does well for itself.

Shot- B-. A solid work in progress. No left hand, and shotty finishing ability. But im very good on the perimeter.

Passing- B. Better than most, i player waterpolo, and that helped

Rebounding - C, im not bad, good for 2-3 rpg in a full court game to 15

Athletiscism- B- I have great quickness, and good foot speed. 22 inch vertical and i just touched my first 10 foot rim recently. I lack an explosive jump but thats all mental

Defense- B+, I shut down any man who isn't over 6 feet . Im not bad against big men either, actually i enjoy gaurding the 6-3 guy in the middle.



I like turtles
bdouble013 said:
I'll post later...maybe. ;) What we need is to get another KF basketball game together. Sounds like it could be fun.
Didn't we try a few years back? I want to say it was football.


If there's a game, its gotta be in L.A. so I could punk all u guys lol. Actually, we could have a northern cali game and a southern cali game and then we could share the stories. Not everyone could play in the same place.
6'4 215 lbs
Position SF

Handles ( B- ) -- This used to be much better, but ever since I moved to America I've rarely played the OG and never the PG position which is what I played when I was in Serbia. Basically, if I have enough room I will always try to take a shot as opposed to trying to force something inside. If the defender is close to me either a shot fake and drive or try to drive to the left (which works much better than driving to the right for me). I mostly play without the ball and I prefer the game that way.
Shot ( B+ ) -- A little streaky, but I can hit it from anywhere. If I hit a couple my game becomes 10 times more dangerous because people have to go for head fakes.
Passing ( A- ) -- Used to be one of the worse parts of my game, now it is definitely one of the best. My court vision and awareness is probably the best part of my game.
Defense ( A- ) -- The only type of player that I struggle against on D is someone who is above 6'7 and still relatively athletic or REALLY good shooters that need to played close very far from the basket. My shotblocking is really good, I can read the drive and jump quickly which is half the job. I regularly block people who are several inches taller.
Rebounding ( B ) -- I can do it exceptionally well for short periods of time, but not consistently enough. My blocking out is pretty weak.
Athleticism (B) -- Used to be able to dunk behind the back from standing underneath the rim, but I can't even dunk anymore. Getting slower too...

Overall I'm a type of player that does a little bit of everything and plays pretty hard. A really good 2nd option on a team, and a not so good 1st option. I love basketball, and I love playing hard and smart.


Super Moderator Emeritus
bdouble013 said:
I thought there was a KF v. other Kings board basketball game a year or so ago. VF? Brick? Anyone know what I am talking about?
There were several meetings between KF and the other board. This was at least two-three years ago. Since then, it just hasn't seemed like anything most of the KF regulars would want to participate in - for a variety of reasons.
Height - 6'2"

Weight - 182.6lbs

Position - PF/ SF

Handles ( C ) -- Too inconsistant, not great with the left hand, sometimes to repetative
Shot ( B+) -- A little inconsistant but usually gets the job done, also sometimes i shoot to flat which looks weird and sometimes makes things harder for me as the ball doesn't get to see much of the basket. My shot under the ring is bloody awfull though but my midrange jumper cannot be messed with.
Passing ( B+ ) -- Love passing the ball, always trying nifty things.
Defense ( B+ ) -- Better than average defender, I'm not the fastest of players so sometimes I struggle with pace and coz of my badknee my mobility is sometimes restricting when runnign sideways.
Rebounding ( A ) -- I just want the ball more than any one else
Athleticism ( B- ) -- Strong, not to fast but fairly quick. Love the body to body stuff not scared to get in and under.
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None of the wonderful people I've met on KF would be a member of the board I'm talking about. There's another one that I used to post on but I never met anyone, nor would I have liked to from that one.
There were some intra-board games between KF and other boards. KF was dominate. We were undefeated in our time as a basketball powerhouse. Me, Fukinagashi and Peja_For_3, mixed with some others (I think Alacorn came out once) completely destroyed all of those that came against us, and had a damn good time doing it. That's why VF21's comments that there is a variety of reasons that people don't want to do it anymore is confusing to me, because she never came to any of the events. Maybe she is speaking about something other than the basketball games. And my girl 6th was at those games too, can't forget her. Good times.

edit: Sorry for the late bump, just read this thread.