Hello Maloof Brothers. I know you’re reading this…I have a few things that have been bothering me…If you’re truly interested in staying in Sacramento. If you truly want a winning team, if you care about making money. Then you’d fire our coach. I don’t know, maybe you’re telling him what to do, but please stop. Either stop meddling - you’re not a coach, or you need to fire Coach Smart; because right now, he’s anything but smart and he’s going to destroy our team. If you want to make money off of this team I suggest you stop alienating one of your top players – yes, the same guy you shouted and jumped up on stage and said how amazing he was going to be. Btw, he’s a pretty good player if you knew how to use him.
Why would anybody want to play for us when we’re not stable (as a Team & organization). If the Lakers can hire a coach 5 games into the season so can we. Call Nate McMillan, give him a 3 year contract, promise to stop interfering & meddling in our team and let him make this team a unit & finally a playoff team. If you think moving is your answer then I hate to break it to you but it’s not. If you can’t give the fans a good product they won’t show up. If Tyreke leaves then you know Demarcus is next, once he sees that you’re not willing to put in the money & stability into this team why would any player want to be here? And if you’re planning on selling the team once you move, then do it while you’re here. This is our TEAM. If you care about the “6th Man” “the best fans in the world” “Arco Thunder” etc. then you’d do anything & everything to keep this team here. You would have agreed to the new arena. You wouldn’t say for the past 10 years that Arco isn’t worth being “remodeled” and then come back around and say “that this city can’t afford a new arena and then saying that Arco needs to be fixed and all will be fine.” If you don’t have the money, I’m sorry but this team, these fans deserve better...stop acting like this is a championship team with a HOF coach all while the coach does everything to keep us from improving.
All of this can be solved in a small series of steps and it starts with you. Hire someone stable & stop messing with the team. With all the money you wasted on these past 6 (I can’t even remember how many different coaches that we’ve had in these few years), you could have kept Rick or hired another credible coach.
Regarding Keith - I’m sick of his “coaching” he might know what he’s doing in the offseason – and I can’t be to sure about that- but what he’s doing to this team is ridiculous. Bring in a high school coach and he’s going to know how to have a steady rotation & playing time. Since when does any coach constantly, and I mean constantly ice a hot player and for a straight 12 minute period? These guys need guidelines and set roles. Tell them what their job is and you can’t give everybody the green light to do anything that they want. You’re not always going to be their friend. Everybody shouldn’t be playing. And what’s really interesting was – I’ve seen everybody play except Tyler Honeycutt. We’d rather play Travis Outlaw instead of developing Tyler (in those instances).
Btw, if your good players are leaving (and I mean leaving this team), don’t expect your stock to rise when you want to sell this team. If you want to make money when you sell the team then you better have a good team on the floor.
Btw Part 2: I believe as fans, we should do everything and anything to keep this team here. So please, don’t skip out on a game if you can go. The Maloofs want us to stop going & once that happens they have the biggest reason to move – we don’t want that. These players need us. We are the best fans. We’re not going to support the Maloofs, we’re going to support our team. I wish every game could be like the Clippers vs. Kings “Here We Stay” game or the Thunder TNT game. I want to see Arco Thunder back. I want to see the fans pumped throughout the game(s).
This did start as a Fire Keith Smart thread but somehow I ended up on a mixture of things. Sorry if this is long…If anybody wants to add to this, agree/disagree, your thoughts, etc please do.
Hello Maloof Brothers. I know you’re reading this…I have a few things that have been bothering me…If you’re truly interested in staying in Sacramento. If you truly want a winning team, if you care about making money. Then you’d fire our coach. I don’t know, maybe you’re telling him what to do, but please stop. Either stop meddling - you’re not a coach, or you need to fire Coach Smart; because right now, he’s anything but smart and he’s going to destroy our team. If you want to make money off of this team I suggest you stop alienating one of your top players – yes, the same guy you shouted and jumped up on stage and said how amazing he was going to be. Btw, he’s a pretty good player if you knew how to use him.
Why would anybody want to play for us when we’re not stable (as a Team & organization). If the Lakers can hire a coach 5 games into the season so can we. Call Nate McMillan, give him a 3 year contract, promise to stop interfering & meddling in our team and let him make this team a unit & finally a playoff team. If you think moving is your answer then I hate to break it to you but it’s not. If you can’t give the fans a good product they won’t show up. If Tyreke leaves then you know Demarcus is next, once he sees that you’re not willing to put in the money & stability into this team why would any player want to be here? And if you’re planning on selling the team once you move, then do it while you’re here. This is our TEAM. If you care about the “6th Man” “the best fans in the world” “Arco Thunder” etc. then you’d do anything & everything to keep this team here. You would have agreed to the new arena. You wouldn’t say for the past 10 years that Arco isn’t worth being “remodeled” and then come back around and say “that this city can’t afford a new arena and then saying that Arco needs to be fixed and all will be fine.” If you don’t have the money, I’m sorry but this team, these fans deserve better...stop acting like this is a championship team with a HOF coach all while the coach does everything to keep us from improving.
All of this can be solved in a small series of steps and it starts with you. Hire someone stable & stop messing with the team. With all the money you wasted on these past 6 (I can’t even remember how many different coaches that we’ve had in these few years), you could have kept Rick or hired another credible coach.
Regarding Keith - I’m sick of his “coaching” he might know what he’s doing in the offseason – and I can’t be to sure about that- but what he’s doing to this team is ridiculous. Bring in a high school coach and he’s going to know how to have a steady rotation & playing time. Since when does any coach constantly, and I mean constantly ice a hot player and for a straight 12 minute period? These guys need guidelines and set roles. Tell them what their job is and you can’t give everybody the green light to do anything that they want. You’re not always going to be their friend. Everybody shouldn’t be playing. And what’s really interesting was – I’ve seen everybody play except Tyler Honeycutt. We’d rather play Travis Outlaw instead of developing Tyler (in those instances).
Btw, if your good players are leaving (and I mean leaving this team), don’t expect your stock to rise when you want to sell this team. If you want to make money when you sell the team then you better have a good team on the floor.
Btw Part 2: I believe as fans, we should do everything and anything to keep this team here. So please, don’t skip out on a game if you can go. The Maloofs want us to stop going & once that happens they have the biggest reason to move – we don’t want that. These players need us. We are the best fans. We’re not going to support the Maloofs, we’re going to support our team. I wish every game could be like the Clippers vs. Kings “Here We Stay” game or the Thunder TNT game. I want to see Arco Thunder back. I want to see the fans pumped throughout the game(s).
This did start as a Fire Keith Smart thread but somehow I ended up on a mixture of things. Sorry if this is long…If anybody wants to add to this, agree/disagree, your thoughts, etc please do.