Deadline Trade...

VF21 said:
Two words:

Kevin Garnett


Even though its unrealistic, I will still go along with it :D

Just to add something esle to the argument. For as long as Petrie is a GM and/or Adelman is the coach, this team will live and die by some version of the Princeton offence. Trading away you 2 best and most consistent 3 point shooters goes against that Princeton style offence.

Even when the 2 boys in question are in shooting slump where they can't shoot to save their lives, they still spread other sides on the defensive end because no team is game enought o leave them open.
Last year we lost the first 3 games and had 4 losing streaks of at least 2 games.

I saw some good stuff going on between SAR and Miller last night. It was nice to see a King battling inside, for a change.

Think about it this way, if Peja and Bibby had made a couple of those bricks each of them threw up we would have won. I'm hoping they're just flustered by all the changes on the team. All the new guys aren't used to playing the Kings game, but Peja and Bibby are, so it just might be a little weird for them on the floor, and screwing up their shots.
Tomcat said:
Oy. I cannot believe that there have been two negative threads in one day! Are some of these people fair weather fans or what? Having lived through the beginnings of the Sacramento Kings in the 80's, I've learned to be patient with this team. This was only the second game in the season, folks! They sky isn't falling YET.
With the panic-stricken trend on this board over the last year, I can't believe that there were ONLY two negative threads in one day.

Maybe its a sign that though I've got no problems stickin' with the team, my faith in some of my fellow posters has been shaken.
Yeah, actually the tone here has not been nearly as negative as it has in the past. I haven't really seen anybody saying the sky is falling, just a lot of people saying that it isn't.


Super Moderator Emeritus
ForlornKing said:
In all reality, I don't think there is a trade the Wolves would do involving the Kings.
In all reality?

Sorry but I don't think reality enters into it whatsoever. If you're going to bring up trade talk two games into the season, I'm going to lobby for Kevin Garnett.

If we're going to jump in, might as well go full bore.

VF21 said:
In all reality?

Sorry but I don't think reality enters into it whatsoever. If you're going to bring up trade talk two games into the season, I'm going to lobby for Kevin Garnett.

If we're going to jump in, might as well go full bore.

Right, and my trade is somewhat realistic (not in this point of time, that was never the point) but Kevin Garnett will never be a King with the roster we have now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
ForlornKing said:
Right, and my trade is somewhat realistic (not in this point of time, that was never the point) but Kevin Garnett will never be a King with the roster we have now.
1. If we trade to acquire Kevin Garnett, we wouldn't have the same roster we have now.
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ForlornKing said:


HA! detroit will destroy. and we are the weakest of the 3.
VF21 said:
1. If we trade to acquire Kevin Garnett, we wouldn't have the same roster we have now.
1. Really, Are you sure we wouldn't have the same roster if we traded for Kevin Garnet???? Are You Sure?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Anyways, I would do that trade without thinking about it. Billups is better than Bibby, and Prince will be/is better than Peja. No way in hell would Detroit do that though.
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Jeremy said:
If Bibby and Peja are still playing like this up to February no one will want them.
Yeah but Peja and Bibby ususally get out of their"shooting slumps"quite fast, two or three games. But i agree, if they play like this till Feb. we should trade them for defensive minded player(s)
VF21 said:
Two words:

Kevin Garnett

I think they might do it. Look they dont have anyone exept for K.G.And he cant cary them into the playoffs w/o any help. So maybe they will give one good player for two good/o.k ones.


But wait, if that original trade were to go down, do u want adelman as the coach or someone else?


kingsfan916 said:
I think they might do it. Look they dont have anyone exept for K.G.And he cant cary them into the playoffs w/o any help. So maybe they will give one good player for two good/o.k ones.
Like who??

Plus you gotta take in account that saleries need to match.

We don't have enough talent to aquire him unless we gave up 2 of the core and some other prospects. Just 2 good/ok players like you say is ridiculous and minny would laugh at our weak attempt at trying to aquire garnett.
I think KG is an incredible basketball player. I think Duncun and Garnett are the 2 best in the league. My question, however, is this: If KG couldn't get the job done in Minny with his role players there, why do we assume that he could do it here- esp. if we give up our best to get him?
ForlornKing said:
I think Dumars would kill for Artest in Detroit IMO
I think Detroit would kill Artest.

And Dumars for acquiring him.

Does anyone else see the humor in how this trade proposal sends Artest to play for and in front of the fans he who hate him for attacking one of them and with Ben Wallace, who was the initial guy who agitated Artest?


BobbyJ_for3! said:
I think Detroit would kill Artest.

And Dumars for acquiring him.

Does anyone else see the humor in how this trade proposal sends Artest to play for and in front of the fans he who hate him for attacking one of them and with Ben Wallace, who was the initial guy who agitated Artest?
i think a bigger problem would be ben wallace going to indy. he started the brawl and indiana players ended up with severe suspensions costing them any shot at a title.

oh and more thing bobby j, where have u been lately?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Trades like this one...they just don't happen. Indiana and Detroit are notn only tow of the true contenders for the title this year, but they are hated rivals. They are NOT going to be involved in major team-shifting trades this year, and certainly not with each other. More realistic mega-trades always involve either poor teams, or disappointing ones wanting to go in a new direction.
Bricklayer said:
Trades like this one...they just don't happen. Indiana and Detroit are notn only tow of the true contenders for the title this year, but they are hated rivals. They are NOT going to be involved in major team-shifting trades this year, and certainly not with each other. More realistic mega-trades always involve either poor teams, or disappointing ones wanting to go in a new direction.
Along this line: is there ANYONE ON THE PLANET that saw the five team trade deal going down? Maybe the only exception I can think of to Brick's rule, but its only half an exception since Miami was the only contending team involved. If anyone actually claims & proves they predicted that one I will drive to their town and buy 'em a beer. Well, at least if you live within 10 minutes from where I do.


I'll claim it, and you can send me down a case of Sierra Nevada Winter Ale. Can't find it easily down here in Long Beach. (used to go to chico state)