David Stern's presser and latest news, rumors, etc.

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Regarding the comments on the Sonics site: Of course they're going to be as hopeful on their site as we are here. I would expect nothing less of them. The defensive comments they've made are because they want a team back. I can sympathize with them as the real Sonics fans got hosed by the events that took away their team. The mere fact they're reading the comments here and at StR just means they're trying to find nuggets of information to bolster their spirits and hopes. I honestly think they were surprised that we put up a fuss about the sleazy way the attempt was made to sell our team behind our backs.

All I'm asking is that we keep the high road. No trolling over there that might come back here, please.
My problem isn't that they are hopeful. They are cocky and certain they are taking our team away. They claim that we are just mirroring their efforts in 2008 and that its "sad" to see it happening... we should just "come to reality and give up before it becomes too painful". I'm thinking those statements have less to do with "ending our pain" and more with lessening their fears that Sacramento just might pull this off...

Also, i see next to no trolling from Kings Fans on Sonics sites that I've visited. Which is good.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Seattle fans are a special lot. They think they are the greatest fans ever. They discount/groupon tickets to fill their stadiums and pump in noise (Pats at Seahawks game I went to last year was just ridiculous) and are just plain delusional a-holes.

So sad to see it creeping into my basketball life.
Sonics Rising.

That dude selling Sonics shirts (which I'm pretty sure is despicable profiteering at its worst) on twitter's been getting pretty loud too.
So I take it that they don't read the news then? NO TEAM has ever been moved to a different city which had an arena deal in place, and fan support. I repeat, NO TEAM has been moved that has had an arena plan and overwhelming fan support.

The Kings will have both, PLUS pay the same as the Hansen group so why on earth would the NBA allow this when there is overwhelming support in Sac and an arena deal which basically needs to be voted on once more before it passes? (the vote will probably be another landslide).

Do these Seattle people are going to be let down in a BIG way come April. I don't feel sorry for them because of how arrogant they have been. We have nothing to lose here. The Kings were out the door already when our savior KJ got involved. If he puts together an ownership group and gets the arena deal finalized again within the amount of time allotted the Kings will NOT move. Seattle people don't understand that.

So yah.... Move a team from a top 20 market with a monopoly on the NBA and great fan support with an arena deal in place, or give Seattle who does not have the arena deal in place as of yet and who has 3 other teams (including MLS) along with a major D1 college team and who basically voted Seattle Sonics to OKC 4 years ago. Yah, real tough decision to make.

I admit I was depressed a couple weeks ago about all of this, but now my depression has been replaced by anger for those idiot Seattle fans, and I know I shouldn't stoop to their level but when the King announce they are staying in Sacramento there will be a whole lot of trolling going on, and not just by me. I sense they have angered a lot of people here.
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I admit I was depressed a couple weeks ago about all of this, but now my depression has been replaced by anger for those idiot Seattle fans, and I know I shouldn't stoop to their level but when the King announce they are staying in Sacramento there will be a whole lot of trolling going on, and not just by me. I sense they have angered a lot of people here.
There you go!

That's what you needed to reach. Something more useful than an immobilizing depression. Anger you can work with and channel into productivity. Don't let it consume you and don't lash out at Seattle fans. Let's keep it classy. But at least maybe you can use this to feel hopeful again! And we may still lose, but at least I hope you are in a somewhat better place at this point about what is going on.
I love hearing 100%. Before that was posted, I thought it was 50-50. Hallelujah!

I wish I lived close enough that I could pledge to buy season tickets. For those of you who are, that have the resources, that do not purchase them, shame on you.
I quit reading any Sonics sites or comments anywhere. First, I do not believe that Sonics fans who post online are representative of all Sonics fans.

However, I no longer look for the Sonic fans comments/posts online, because I have found far too many of them to be be self-righteous, rude, snobbish @$$holes. They talk about Oklahoma City and Sacramento (as cities) like they are sh*t on the shoes of the amazingly and stunningly superior Seattle. And they do act like the world has never seen fans better than them.

I have always felt sorry for Seattle losing the Sonics and wished it had never happened. I have supported the idea of Seattle getting a chance to have another team. After slogging through so much vitriol and superiority directed at Sacramento and Oklahoma City, I almost don't care anymore if they ever get another NBA team. I said almost, because I don't believe that these kinds of posters represent to majority. At least, I sincerely hope not.
I quit reading any Sonics sites or comments anywhere. First, I do not believe that Sonics fans who post online are representative of all Sonics fans.

However, I no longer look for the Sonic fans comments/posts online, because I have found far too many of them to be be self-righteous, rude, snobbish @$$holes. They talk about Oklahoma City and Sacramento (as cities) like they are sh*t on the shoes of the amazingly and stunningly superior Seattle. And they do act like the world has never seen fans better than them.

I have always felt sorry for Seattle losing the Sonics and wished it had never happened. I have supported the idea of Seattle getting a chance to have another team. After slogging through so much vitriol and superiority directed at Sacramento and Oklahoma City, I almost don't care anymore if they ever get another NBA team. I said almost, because I don't believe that these kinds of posters represent to majority. At least, I sincerely hope not.
That is why I said we should be done with saying "oh, Seattle deserves a team and I hope they get a team" every time we talk about the situation. The team that they deserve is in OKC and really, they should've went through with the lawsuit against Clay Bennett at that time when they found out he lied the entire time.

I've read the comments from Seattle fans too and they don't care about Sac losing the team. They think they deserve to to take the team and tag on their own colors and history and end the Royals/Kings franchise essentially forever.
If KJ's plans are moving along as planned, we will know what he has up his sleeve within a week with that self-imposed March 1 deadline fast approaching. I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. I know KJ has something in store that will knock the socks off the NBA and everyone else BUT I just cannot wait to find out what it is exactly! :)
Interesting tidbit:
Aaron Bruski ‏@aaronbruski

SAC City Manager John Shirey: We have met with an investment group that is willing to purchase the Kings."
Retweeted by Carmichael Dave


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Interesting tidbit:
Aaron Bruski ‏@aaronbruski

SAC City Manager John Shirey: We have met with an investment group that is willing to purchase the Kings."
Retweeted by Carmichael Dave
I don't know when he posted that, but he (Shirey) basically said the same thing tonight in the Sacramento City Council meeting we were at.
Symbolic measure passes 7-2. No votes are from Fong and McCarty. Were these no votes expected?

I don't know when he posted that, but he (Shirey) basically said the same thing tonight in the Sacramento City Council meeting we were at.
Just checked his twitter, says an hour ago.
Symbolic measure passes 7-2. No votes are from Fong and McCarty. Were these no votes expected?

Just checked his twitter, says an hour ago.
they voted for the arena again and won 7-2?

And yes those no votes were expected. I think Fong though voted yes last time but was a dick when voting yes. Mccarty does not strike me as a guy that even likes sports if you catch my drift. He seems a bit feminine to me. Not that it matters but I don't expect him to understand anything to do with sports. I hope that others will vote down what he wants just to let him know how dumb he's being.
What I found most encouraging was not the vote, although it will be vital to have a solid arena deal to take to the BOG, was the statement "we have met with an investment group that wants to buy the Kings..." It means that the investors are at the point that they are working as a unified group, taking meetings and getting this thing done!
they voted for the arena again and won 7-2?

And yes those no votes were expected. I think Fong though voted yes last time but was a dick when voting yes. Mccarty does not strike me as a guy that even likes sports if you catch my drift. He seems a bit feminine to me. Not that it matters but I don't expect him to understand anything to do with sports. I hope that others will vote down what he wants just to let him know how dumb he's being.
McCarty used to have season tickets.
I don't know when he posted that, but he (Shirey) basically said the same thing tonight in the Sacramento City Council meeting we were at.
Shocker it's not on ESPN.

... More seriously, for anybody sincerely following this story, they know that there is a slim to nil chance the Kings leave. People like John Shirey are not in the business of blowing smoke. The big media announcement seems to be being preceded by ho-hum, across the table, sober statements among people who matter about the business at hand: that the Kings have a local buyer. Big deal I guess... right? :rolleyes: :eek:
they voted for the arena again and won 7-2?

And yes those no votes were expected. I think Fong though voted yes last time but was a dick when voting yes. Mccarty does not strike me as a guy that even likes sports if you catch my drift. He seems a bit feminine to me. Not that it matters but I don't expect him to understand anything to do with sports. I hope that others will vote down what he wants just to let him know how dumb he's being.
No gay slurs. Knock it off.
Symbolic measure passes 7-2. No votes are from Fong and McCarty. Were these no votes expected?

Just checked his twitter, says an hour ago.
The way I read this vote, and the timing of the vote is just another layer of armor in the iron-clad case KJ is building to keep the team. Now he can not only point to a deal voted on a year ago, but that it was re-affirmed. We now basically have a "Yes" and a super recent "Hell yes" for an arena plan. Seattle has a "Oh heck yeah we want to but we just need to deal with two law suits and an environmental review." Even if Stern wanted to keep the Kings here for other (important) reasons, KJ is just making it so easy for him to do so. He's giving him all his reasons. Anybody aspiring for a career in politics, watch and learn. This guy is so freaking on his game it's scary.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
The way I read this vote, and the timing of the vote is just another layer of armor in the iron-clad case KJ is building to keep the team. Now he can not only point to a deal voted on a year ago, but that it was re-affirmed. We now basically have a "Yes" and a super recent "Hell yes" for an arena plan. Seattle has a "Oh heck yeah we want to but we just need to deal with two law suits and an environmental review." Even if Stern wanted to keep the Kings here for other (important) reasons, KJ is just making it so easy for him to do so. He's giving him all his reasons. Anybody aspiring for a career in politics, watch and learn. This guy is so freaking on his game it's scary.
I've said this before. KJ has been the master in all of these Kings dealings.

He knows it is often the little steps that build a big case for something. You lay out a time frame and tackle it in attainable chunks. You build a case from many directions and cut the enemy off at the knees. You under promise and over deliver.

In the case for keeping the team from moving to Anaheim, not only does he show up with an impassioned plea to keep the team, he drops $10 million in the team's lap to show they aren't doing their marketing job and has Burkle (the potential buyer) in his pocket to prove the market is worthy of an investment.
I hope he is doing something similar here and really just knocks it out of the park.


The Game Thread Dude
I think they needed a re-vote because the council has changed since the election. Is that right about the change in membership?
Yes there has been a change in council membership with Rob Fong and Sandy Shemaloof being replaced by Allen Warren (the head of the ad hoc arena committee) and Steve Hansen (no relation to Chris Hansen...I think). That said, what wound up happening is that one of the original two "No" votes remaining a no (Mccarty, who was probably going to be a no regardless of the circumstances) and the least positive "Yes" vote from the first one (D. Fong, who has at least shown a willingness accept an arena deal in the past). So what has happened overall is a general shift in the vote make-up from two resolute NO votes to one entrenched No and a No capable of being changed. That said, it'll never come down to a close vote so long as the seven yes votes remain in their district seats for the near future ( KJ, Ashby, Cohn, Jay, Warren are all essentially automatic Yes votes, guaranteeing the five votes needed to pass any necessary decision through a council meeting).
Be aware that tonight's vote was symbolic. They did not "approve" anything. Basically, because there is nothing to approve yet. According to KJ many of the local governments in the region are also passing resolutions this week supporting every reasonable effort to keep the Kings and build a new arena, because they are important assets to the whole region.

The biggest item that will have to be voted on is again authorizing the use of parking facilities/revenues to raise up to $255 million as the city's contribution. By the way, the city has not made any final determination on whether they will sell a long term lease of certain city parking facilities to a private company or whether the city might just continue to own and operate themselves. The first option means a private company pays for the whole lease up front (say 30 years). The city would then have cash for their contribution to the deal. I'm assuming that if they'd rather keep operating the parking themselves, they might vote to issue revenue-backed bonds.to raise the city funding amount. Parking revenues would then be committed first to making the bond payments.

It will have to be voted on again, because the parties to the deal are different than one year ago. No more Maloofs. So last year's approval is not the same deal.

Actually, most see the changes on the city council as strengthening KJ's position. Hansen and Warren are seen as less antagonistic and closer to KJ in viewpoint.Of course, that remains to be seen. If a good solid deal can be had for a new arena to keep the Kings, I have faith the council will vote yes, although probably not unanimously.

What bothered me tonight about Hansens' comments at the end, was he characterized the speakers as made up of people against any public funds for an arena and people wanting an arena and the Kings at any cost. To me, that was a gross misstatement of Crown Downtown's position. Actually we want a downtown arena for basketball and all the other events we'll lose. I would be heartbroken if we lose the Kings, but I'd be even more heartbroken if Sacramento no longer has an arena venue for all the events we get at the arena.

If we lost the Kings, I'd still want a new arena downtown. The fact is, and AEG confirmed this, Sacramento can't get an arena deal that will pencil out without an anchor tenant like the Kings already on board. My city stands to lose a whole lot more than a basketball team.

However, I do not support keeping the Kings at any cost to the city. If the city can't get a deal that is soundly underwritten on conservative projections, that sufficiently ties the Kings to Sacramento for a long time and that protects the general fund, then I'm not going to be in favor of it either.
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