What, trying to protect her son and selling an clip to TMZ don't have to be mutually exclusive? I'll have to beg to differ. If her son was her only concern and she was generally worried for his safety in attending DeMarcus wedding (which I seriously doubt), then she would have solely gone to the police, not tried to make a quick buck and destroy his reputation publicly (even if he is partially responsible) by selling an edited (shortened) audio clip to a known, trashy tabloid website. That just smacks of vindictiveness and spite.
If my Ex threatened to put a bullet in my head and also let me know he would not dirty his hands himself,
I would do everything she did - Police report, TMZ, you betcha
Being his Ex , she would know better whether he might be serious or not
We don't know what was in Boogies head when he opened his mouth
If she thought the threat might be real, she did the right thing , It is all out there with Police and TMZ
Boogie might have motive and means (money), but with threats out in open he would
really have to think twice before he called someone
"Dirty deeds Done dirt cheap" playing in background