Congratulations C-webb!

Yes im sure you all already know but The King himself notched his first win with the Sixers tonight Notching 15 points and eight boards before fouling out with 2:06 left...Although this was a subpar night for Webber his larger than life persona and presence was undeniably felt on the court and with AI sticking it to the bucks with 48 Philly was able to pull it out. Not to undermine the KINGSFANS site but i thought a shout out and congratulations to the man that once was and forever shall be a king of King's was an appropriate thing to do.
ghost of H.S.T said:
Yes im sure you all already know but The King himself notched his first win with the Sixers tonight Notching 15 points and eight boards before fouling out with 2:06 left...Although this was a subpar night for Webber his larger than life persona and presence was undeniably felt on the court and with AI sticking it to the bucks with 48 Philly was able to pull it out. Not to undermine the KINGSFANS site but i thought a shout out and congratulations to the man that once was and forever shall be a king of King's was an appropriate thing to do.
Great post! Webb truely is a king of King's, and I know many of us will continue to follow his career & wish only the best for him!
good win, and great play tonight from webber. i found myself looking up the philly score on tonight, I guess i will be following him more then i thought.
I doubt CWebb would want congrats for this win when he tallied 15 points in 16 shots, grabbed 5 boards, played 24 minutes, and fouled out. AI had 48 (45 after three quarters).
CONGRATS AND HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY CWEBB!! The Pacers lost their game tonight so that brings Sixers one step closer to scraping into the Playoffs!! Good Luck Webb!!! Hope to see you there!!