piksi said:
If playing well does not give You playing time - what will ?
Your question is irrelevant. It isn't about playing well during a game to earn MORE playing time. It's about playing well when the coach feels you're what the team needs whenever he feels you're needed.
Kevin is a rookie. R-O-O-K-I-E. He is in his first year in the NBA. He is doing very well. And will undoubtedly do better in the future. In addition to Kevin, we have a whole bunch of other new players. RA is trying to give them a fair look to see what they're capable of doing.
Little league coaches rotate players in at random just so they get playing time and their feelings aren't hurt. This isn't little league and Kevin isn't going to be hurt because he didn't play tonight.
RA played the players tonight that he wanted to play. He started Cat because Cat was brought in to be our replacement starting 2-guard. He played Mo because Mo needed to get back on the horse, so to speak. He played Eddie to back-up Mike because Eddie is technically the only other PG we have on the roster.
It's not really that complicated. And it's definitely not about a player getting his feelings hurt. Kevin knows the way the NBA works and he knows he's a rookie. What you don't see is the amount of time the trainers spend with him, working with him and bringing him along slowly. They aren't slighting him in the least.