Casspi is staying! (updated)

Re: the Cousins contract,

I'm pretty sure it was calculated as a percentage of the cap at the time the extension kicked it. Max deals, remember, aren't specific numbers but are percentages of the salary cap.

I think those lower numbers were based off estimates of a percentage of the cap at the time the deal was agreed to. I think the cap subsequently increased, so the higher numbers, based on the cap that increased, are correct.


Hall of Famer
Re: the Cousins contract,

I'm pretty sure it was calculated as a percentage of the cap at the time the extension kicked it. Max deals, remember, aren't specific numbers but are percentages of the salary cap.

I think those lower numbers were based off estimates of a percentage of the cap at the time the deal was agreed to. I think the cap subsequently increased, so the higher numbers, based on the cap that increased, are correct.
So when the cap takes a huge leap next year so does cousins check?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Re: the Cousins contract,

I'm pretty sure it was calculated as a percentage of the cap at the time the extension kicked it. Max deals, remember, aren't specific numbers but are percentages of the salary cap.

I think those lower numbers were based off estimates of a percentage of the cap at the time the deal was agreed to. I think the cap subsequently increased, so the higher numbers, based on the cap that increased, are correct.
I can buy that. The cap has been a little more than expected almost every year since the last CBA.

I also thought it was worth pointing out that Vlade has committed only 67.5 million in guaranteed salary to 4 players so far this summer. That's less money overall than 12 other teams have committed to a single player. Pretty sharp work there!

I'll buy 15.8 million as the new number for Cousins. Also, if Anderson's deal is a minimum contract that could also be delayed until after we spend the rest of our cap space. So I'll go with 5.5 million as our new max available if we trade McCallum and waive Stockton.
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More good news.

Was Entity, by chance, in the shower when this news broke?

EDIT: I really need to hit refresh more often on these tabs I've got open. I didn't yet see Entity's response 2 posts above. I knew water was involved somehow....
We're in the game.

  1. Rondo / Collison / Ray / Stockton
  2. Ben / Belinelli / Andersen
  3. Rudy / Casspi
  4. WCS / Moreland
  5. Cuz / Koufus
IF and only IF Smith can come off the bench and live with a limited role then I welcome him.
Pretty sure this is the room exception. If that's the case, the Kings currently have $3,297,773 in cap space to work with still. If we waive Stockton (which I think we should do if we bring back Miller), we'll have $3,617,739 in cap space ($4,039,922 if we waive McCallum and Stockton).

PG - Rondo/Collison/Miller (vet min)/McCallum
SG - McLemore/Belinelli/Anderson (vet min)
SG - Gay/Casspi (room exception)
SF - Cousins/Moreland
PF - Koufos/Cauley-Stein

I think you add Reggie Evans on a vet minimum deal and then you use the remaining $3.6 mil to bring in a 3rd/4th big. Cauley-Stein is still a rookie and Moreland is still an unknown. We really should use that remaining $3.6 mil on a big who can give us some productive minutes. Preferably, you'd get a big who can stretch the floor a bit to give us a little more versatility.

Josh Smith, Jordan Hill, Jonas Jerebko, Luis Scola, Drew Gooden, Mirza Teletovic, Elton Brand, & Carlos Boozer are all bigs that can hit at least a midrange jumper that might be willing to come for $3.6 mil. I suggest we look at these players for our remaining cap space.
Pretty sure this is the room exception. If that's the case, the Kings currently have $3,297,773 in cap space to work with still. If we waive Stockton (which I think we should do if we bring back Miller), we'll have $3,617,739 in cap space ($4,039,922 if we waive McCallum and Stockton).

PG - Rondo/Collison/Miller (vet min)/McCallum
SG - McLemore/Belinelli/Anderson (vet min)
SG - Gay/Casspi (room exception)
SF - Cousins/Moreland
PF - Koufos/Cauley-Stein

I think you add Reggie Evans on a vet minimum deal and then you use the remaining $3.6 mil to bring in a 3rd/4th big. Cauley-Stein is still a rookie and Moreland is still an unknown. We really should use that remaining $3.6 mil on a big who can give us some productive minutes. Preferably, you'd get a big who can stretch the floor a bit to give us a little more versatility.

Josh Smith, Jordan Hill, Jonas Jerebko, Luis Scola, Drew Gooden, Mirza Teletovic, Elton Brand, & Carlos Boozer are all bigs that can hit at least a midrange jumper that might be willing to come for $3.6 mil. I suggest we look at these players for our remaining cap space.
Love to have Teletovic if we can get him. I'm super stoked Omri is back!
Teletovic would round off our frontline well.

Casspi back baby!!! Deserved it and probably more(which we can probably give in a couple of years when the cap hikes).
Love this guy. 3mil a year is a steal.
I think so too. Last year as well he could have made much more money overseas, but he wanted to play with the Kings. He is certainly worth the 3mil. I would have put him in the 4-5mil/3 years category. He's a team player and will be a great assett for the team also in the locker room. Excellent news.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Josh Smith, Jordan Hill, Jonas Jerebko, Luis Scola, Drew Gooden, Mirza Teletovic, Elton Brand, & Carlos Boozer are all bigs that can hit at least a midrange jumper that might be willing to come for $3.6 mil. I suggest we look at these players for our remaining cap space.
Jerebko already signed with Boston. Carlos Boozer and Jordan Hill are both terrible, I don't want anything to do with them. Gooden is probably returning to the Wizards. So of the guys you listed I see Josh Smith, Mirza Teletovic, or Luis Scola as the only palatable options.
I think Omri simply loves Sacramento and might even make it his home eventually upon retirement down the road. Maybe doing something long-term with MLS in town which he's already shown passion for. Maybe something in local media which seems talented enough to do. In some ways reminds me of Vlade who always wanted to get back to California and especially Sacramento following retirement from NBA playing days. Just bided his time in Serbia until the perfect situation arose for him and his family.
After the Kings drafted WCS, I felt that keeping Omri will be particularly important. Somehow I felt that these two can make a very productive combo. I think that WCS will profit even more from Omri than DWill did. They are also a much better combo defensively.
Is it just me or did we go from probably the worst bench in the league to one of the best?

We dumped all the useless corpses and replaced them with NBA vets with playoff experience and kept our only good bench player in Omri. Then you have WCS who is a wildcard but could end up being one of the more impactful rooks this year.
Omri has been a great King!

I'm glad he's back!!!!

I know vlade knows glue guys are important, like when he was a glue guy himself. I knew vlade would bring omri home!
Jerebko already signed with Boston. Carlos Boozer and Jordan Hill are both terrible, I don't want anything to do with them. Gooden is probably returning to the Wizards. So of the guys you listed I see Josh Smith, Mirza Teletovic, or Luis Scola as the only palatable options.
Contrary to your belief, Hill and Boozer are not terrible. You could do much worse with your 4th big.

Probably returning to the Wizards? Why should that dictate whether we make him an offer? Gooden's not my first choice among the players I mentioned (Smith, Hill, & Teletovic are my top 3), but if he gets a decent offer from us, I'm sure it's more than enough to change his mind.
Yes !!!!! Yes !!!!!
Welcome back prince Casspian :)
With WCS , Omri , Belineli and Collison, we will be the best 2nd Q in the league ... :)
Great bench !
Each one of them, can be a starter at a certain point and you won't downgrade dramatically - awesome !
Playoff ? ...


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm not sure this signing is getting it's due as a great move by the Kings/Vlade. To get a big time bench contributor like Casspi for 2 years/$6M is a bargain.

Derrick Williams signed for significantly more at 2 years/$10 million (and that's without factoring in that usually the Kings are the one to pay a premium to sign players) while being a less effective player in all facets last season.

Omri had a higher FG%, higher 3P%, higher FT%, higher eFG% & TS%, more RPG (both offensive and defensive), more APG, a better offensive rating, a better defensive rating, higher PER and even a slightly lower Usage rate. Statistically the ONLY advantages DWill had were fewer turnovers (mostly because of Omri's frenetic pace) and personal fouls where Casspi had 40 more for the season despite playing 46 fewer minutes overall. But honestly I view that last stat as actually a positive for Casspi as it shows a lot more effort on defense, something we all saw with our own eyes. Williams was infuriating as he'd lose his man on defense or clear out of the way on opponent dunk attempts instead of challenging the shot. Not to mention the maddening inconsistency.

Other than highlight dunks and being 3 years younger I can't see how Williams gets $5 million a year and Omri got $3 million. In this offseason that's an absolute steal.

Farewell Coke Machine. I hope you figure out the Triangle Offense and learn to harness your impressive physical gifts to be a better player.

Welcome back Omri. The only bench player I absolutely wanted to see return will be in a Kings uniform again next season.