Bucks @ Kings Game Thread

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I know everyone here hates Jennings, he brought most of it on himself with his big mouth, but the kid has a lot of talent. He also has the easier match up tonight. Salmons is doing a nice job on Evans.
Watch ESPN drool over Bennings 20 points in the first half tonight. :rolleyes:
You can bet that ANY time they can showcase an East Coast rookie to challenge Tyreke in the ROY, they will do it. I hope Evans has a monster 2nd half and the Kings win this game going away! Jennings is a good shooter, but his defense is crap and he hasn't had that many assists either(2). He doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Tyreke in the ROY however, but you can bet that the East Coast Biased Channel will make a huge deal out of Jennings having a decent half of basketball. Never mind the whole season from the start of the season till today! I get sick of the whole East Coast Bias thing. It gets old after a little while, to the point of being absurd.

I hope Jennings gets shut out in the second half too. Beno needs to pick up his defense. Anyway, I think the Kings played an OK half, but they will have to play harder if they intend to win this game. Bogut has been mostly on the bench because of foul trouble but you can bet he will be back after the half to make a difference. I hope Hawes has enough energy and effort to blunt some of Bogut's effort. I think the game will be decided in the paint. If Hawes can give us some good defense in the fourth, the Kings have a very good chance. If he craps himself and falls back in it, we probably wont win. Come ON HAWES!! MAN UP!
Salmons is absolutely shutting down Evans tonight. Only 2/4 and 5 turnovers? Ouch. When's the last time Evans has had so many turnovers? He's been so good at limiting them recently.
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