Bonzi goes AWOL.

I can't help but admire Ryle's consistency; a year's gone by, and he still refuses to give Adelman credit for anything...

If Ryle were to make a post saying that Adelman's not really the father of his children, I wouldn't be even a little surprised... :p

I didn't take a shot at Adelman I just made the point that Bonzi was playing for a contract and that is pretty much why he played the best ball of his career at the end of the you really think it would be because of some great coaching(regardless of who the coach was) that he all of the sudden healed up and played the way he did??? It had to do with the lure of the almighty dollar for Bonzi and it would have worked but not for his agent.

I've indicated somewhere that I give Adelman credit for the success we've had in the past(I'm sure you can find it!!!) but I think the talent that we had really had alot more to do with our success than anything a coach, any coach, could have done. Is there really anything wrong with an opinion like that???


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bonzi is "playing for a contract" again this year. Odd the different results.

As an aside, this whole mess is the direct result of Bonzi NOT signing that long term contract. Hardly an indication that him signing it would have been the problem. It was a disaster for him, and us for that matter. He never wanted to be in Houston, they never really wanted him either, and here we are still bedfellows in the end with both of our seasons having been disastrous wastes.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
This is really sad. For a guy to remove himself for the team because he thinks he's playing so poorly that he's a distraction -- that does sound like classic depression. I don't think it's a coincidence this happened right after his return to Sacramento. He already said he thinks about what happened last summer every day. It's a really sad situation without any real good solution. I hope Bonzi gets some help. I'd still like to see him on the Kings again, if he would accept a bench role. But Adelman's gone now and we've got Salmons signed for 4 more years, so the situation is different. I don't think Muss would be good for him.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Um, I love GP as much as the next guy, but he is the one that offered Wells $38.5 mil in the first place. He does not really get any credit for being lucky in my book.
And GP was hammered for putting in clauses about Bonzi's weight, etc, when the contract wasn't accepted. I think he might have had an inkling that something COULD (not would) go awry.