""I'm just trying to help the guys to win these games," Bogdanovic told NBC Sports California. "This hamstring cannot get worse than it is now, but I struggle with it. It hurts all the time. When I bend, it's there, the pain is there. But it's something I have to deal with, I have to play with consistent pain. But no excuses."
Riddle me this batman - are the players running the team or what?
"It's not a debilitating injury for Bogdanovic, but it hurts. The good news is, he can't really do further damage."
Thanks Dr. Ham, for that absurd observation Of course it can get worse. Its a strain - you know, mirco-tears in the muscle that can further tear over more area or deeper tear over the same affected area with further strenuous activity.
"6 minute stretches of play" -- Its Where's Walton's world! 6 minutes -- some completely arbitrary quantity of time. How 'bout no minutes. Zero.
Hamstrings are notorious for slow healing - and re-injury. They are, along with quads, the power muscle for sprinting. Kiss defense good-bye for starters.
Sounds foolhardy and risky - playing Bogdan on an already strained hamstring. This isn't intramurals Should rest him 2-3 weeks and re-evaluate - even if it means more losses. Of course if you ask a young player, he's gonna want to play THROUGH the pain. Sounds like he should've been out the whole time.