B-Jax and Peja to Play

From the same source that I heard Brad will not play in the 1st Round ... I also learned that both Bobby and Peja will be back for game #1 in the 1st Round.

As I mentioned in the Brad Miller thread, the source where I got this information has been pretty reliable.

I don't wanna believe the Brad Miller news ... but, I do believe the B-Jax and Peja news.

Nothing official .... so, deep down - I wanna hear it officially


Hall of Famer
Search the treadsfor yet one one pronostacation by the Celt... you know the guythat siad the Lakers would be lucky to make the play offs at the begining of the season.
8-Ball Only Works in Picking Game Winning Teams ...

I wouldn't feel right disclosing where I got this information. Sorry, I gotta look at myself in the mirror every morning.

Like I said .... source has been very reliable.

But, until I hear/read/see it from a media source .... it's not official.
Folsom Al said:
From the same source that I heard Brad will not play in the 1st Round ... I also learned that both Bobby and Peja will be back for game #1 in the 1st Round.

As I mentioned in the Brad Miller thread, the source where I got this information has been pretty reliable.

I don't wanna believe the Brad Miller news ... but, I do believe the B-Jax and Peja news.

Nothing official .... so, deep down - I wanna hear it officially
I heard the same thing from NBA Nation...about 45 mins ago
It makes sense. I mean, Brad had broken his LEG not that long ago and BJ and Peja should be back from the injuries and time off they have had.


Hall of Famer
nebs said:
It makes sense. I mean, Brad had broken his LEG not that long ago and BJ and Peja should be back from the injuries and time off they have had.
Yes and no. Broken bones, espcialy a harline fracture to a minor bone teuire much less rehab tahn torn or pulled muscles. essentialy once the break heals 100% the athleet is ready to go... there of course is some muscle atrophy but range of motion, and pain are not normaly an issue while with torn and strained tendons both issues of ROM and pain take tiem to rehab and leave the athleet "testing" the limb and protecting it. I suspect that Bobby and Pedja both will come back slow (espcialy Bobby) Brad on the other hand could well come back and rock and roll right off the bat. Heck it's not like the guy had wheels to begin with.


Homer Fan Since 1985
When I broke my fibula (down near the ankle), the atrophy of the muscle caused me to limp around for a bit after the cast came off. Of course, I did not have access to a trainer. ;)


love_them_kings said:
I'm hoping for Kings in 6. I could handle never seeing another game 7.
why not? doug is gone... and its only the 1st round, whats the worst thing that could happen? wait... nevermind.... lol...
We got all this from NBA Nation, they said that Jackson will be back for game one, and along with Peja. But the thing is that they said... "most likely". they didnt say "WILL be back" and when it came to brad they said something like... "wont be back until end of first round"

then this led onto which team they wanted to win this round.. and Greg said all this crazy stuff and that he chose Seattle over the Kings. While Legler chose the Kings to win with a whole bunch of reasons why such as... "a majority of the players have been to the playoffs before, they know how its like". Then Greg tried saying more about the kings and the injuries... he must really hate us for some reason. He also hates Houston.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
AriesMar27 said:
and its only the 1st round, whats the worst thing that could happen? wait... nevermind.... lol...
Oh no you didn't. It's all on you now, whatever happens.

(Oh and Finley too, apparently)
love_them_kings said:
I'm hoping for Kings in 6. I could handle never seeing another game 7.
Me too, makes 3 of us!

I'm a little surprised Brad might not play in the 1st round. I figured not game 1, but the whole series? Reports all along have been very positive. They originally said 4-6 weeks. Hasn't it been close to 6 weeks? Yes, generally a simple bone break is much easier to heal than any soft tissue injury. That's why I really hope Peja's strain is okay.
Well here's to hoping that adding BJax back into the mix with a bunch of guys he's never played with doesn't work against our playoff hopes....I hope that they don't plan to start him...which I don't think they would at this stage...I really wish that we had Brad back, and >>fingers crossed<<if we make it past first round we are REALLY gonna need him..


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kennadog said:
Me too, makes 3 of us!

I'm a little surprised Brad might not play in the 1st round. I figured not game 1, but the whole series? Reports all along have been very positive. They originally said 4-6 weeks. Hasn't it been close to 6 weeks? Yes, generally a simple bone break is much easier to heal than any soft tissue injury. That's why I really hope Peja's strain is okay.
I think the issue may be the inevitable shriveling of a limb under a cast -- if you've ever had a broken bone the amount of muscle loss you experience while the limb is under the cast is pretty dramatic. So, you get it healed + out of the cast, but then you have to build the limb all the way back up to not just everyday level, but running in the NBA and not injuring yourself with a weakened leg level.
funsc said:
I hope to see Kings win in 7 game series agaist Sonics

so Brad miller will have enough time to recover
Eh, why would we want that? I hope we sweep the Sonics and Denver vs. San Antonio goes to 7 games so we get to rest while they get tired.