AT&T UVerse question?


Father, Husband, KingsFan
Staff member
Does anyone have Uverse TV from AT&T? If so what do you think of it in comparison to whatever you had before? Are recorded shows grouped into folders (based on series name) like DirecTV or just one long list like Dish Network?
We switched recently from dish. I like it much better, I don't have the reception issues I had before. The shows are grouped together, the only thing I don't like is that to record the old episodes of Bones on TNT, I had to set up to record from that channel and the new ones on 40 are in a different group. I had to set each channel up.
The HD quality is not as good as the other options. But i liked that you could record up to 4 shows in teh DVR and that you could watch it in the other DVR.

Remember tho... i think you can only have it in 2 rooms and uverse can only do two HD feeds at a time. Other then that I enjoyed it while i had it
I was interested in checking it out, but was told it's not available in my area.
I live in downtown Sac. for God's sake! What the heck??