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My ENTIRE freshman year! I have never been so carefree or had so much fun since that time...but if I had to pick one particular memory it would be junior prom..

What is the furthest away from home that you've ever been?

I'm guessing, but something in the middle = type of filling ....

I'd go with SOMETHING IN THE MIDDLE (although some plain deserts aren't so plain).

What would you do with "YOUR 15 MINUTES OF FAME" ???
Ice cream. I'm pretty healthy for the most part -- don't get me wrong, I like junk food, but I'm a salad and fruit nut and could easily say goodbye to 90% of the junk food that I eat. But, ice cream? It calls to me in the grocery store and I can't escape it's siren song.

Same question.


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I won an album from 1470-KXOA. It was Jackie DeShannon - "Breaking It Up on the Beatles Tour." It was to be the right caller to answer a question by DJ Johnny Hyde about the Beatles.

same question...
Twice I won free albums long ago from 93 Rock. I sent in a list of my favorite songs to be played on the radio and I won the drawing for this two times.

What is your most favorite Fourth of July celebration in memory?
My first date with my wife 28 years ago .... went to watch fireworks at Great America in Santa Clara.

I can say - WITHOUT MAKING IT UP .... my wife heard fireworks going off when we first kissed !!!!


KingsChick said:
I never can decide which side is best:confused:

I've heard sleeping on your left side enables your heart to pump blood more easily throughout your body. Ever since I heard that, I can't help but sleep on my left side. (plus my girlfriend always wants me to "spoon" her)

yeah, pretty vividly.

bologna or spam?
a lion because I would just LOVE to be the queen of the jungle

As I'm sitting here looking through this week's copy of US Weekly I must ask the question

which Lindsay Lohan do you prefer...

blonde, "oh no she is too skinny" Lindsay OR the red-headed "you can't handle this" Lindsay???
^not permanently for the summer...but just checking in :)

to answer the question...I'm really not a huge fan of either but if I had to pick one I'm gonna have to go with Tom Hanks

Its a hot summer day and you are cruising in the car driving wherever do you like to roll down the windows and get that natural summer breeze or do you roll up the windows and blast the AC?
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