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In my car the AC is broke so I don't have a choice...I have to go with the windows down...I always get jealous of people in the summer when I'm stuck in traffic or just riding down the highway and I look over and see all their windows up and I'm like "lucky bastards have ac blasting"...but when I did have ac...I like ID247 get cold pretty quick so then I'll just roll down the windows and turn off the ac until I realize that I'm beginning to sweat and then on comes the ac again

Which music channel do you keep in heavy rotation with the rest of your favorite channels....

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I don't know if its cuz I'm getting older or what but I can barely stand to watch MTV anymore...I mean occassionally I'll get sucked into an episode of Real World or something but I don't look to go their first anymore...first its BET AND THEN MTV2 and then maybe FUSE ofcourse only if they hip hop oriented shows on otherwise I can't stand FUSE

What did you eat today?
i know there's a few, I'm very emotional but the 2 that come to mind immediately are Black Beauty and Love Story. I start crying at the beginning of the movie b/c I know what's going to happen.



yup, i'm headed down to the Mayan Riviera on Fri. (just south of Cancun)
I'll be drinking and eating (all inclusive) so i'm looking to get drunk and fat for a week.

same q
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