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VF21 said:

Peanut butter - crunchy or creamy?
Crunchy. And salted.

Would you rather have several meaningful relationships, but never meet your soulmate or meet your soulmate the first time out and be with that one person only?


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PixelPusher said:

Would you follow your dream, even if it meets with your family's dissaproval?
At one time I would have said Yes. Now, however, as I grow really old, I realize if my entire family disapproved of something, I would probably be well advised to at least consider their point of view...

Next person, same question.
I'm like you VF, the longer I live the more I realize - my family KNOWS! I would definitely listen and also consider any concern of theirs a red flag.

Good question, next person same same.
I think it depends upon the dream .... Porn Star = no / Priest = yes
Also depends upon which family: mom/dad/brothers/sisters vs wife/kids

Guess there's still a little bit of rebel in me ... it's my dream .... I'd do it

but, like you other OLD FARTS ... I guess I'd talk about it with family ... but, I'll have you all know ... with age comes reality and some level of common sense

Gawd - I'm an intellectualizer and a rationalizer ... bottom-line - I'd do it !!!

that was tough ... next person ... same question (deal with it) !!!
I can answer this one from personal experience, although it wasn't a dream, it was decision/choice I made. Without going into details, I made a decision that my whole family didn't like and consequently I estranged myself from all of them except my aunt. Do I regret it, no because I was then adopted by another family who truly loved me unconditionally and if I had not made that choice, I never would have met them. my biological family was very disfunctional so I made the right choice. It wasn't easy at the time but you have to go with your gut and your heart. If you have a close knit and somewhat "normal" family I wouldn't recommend it.
Good question, next?
I'm a pretty strong willed person (shocker, no?), but family is a tricky thing. I'd certainly take a few moments to figure out what caused the initial rejection of my dream -- concern for my well being, a selfish desire to mold me into what they find appropriate, etc. -- and go from there. Also, there are a few relatives I can think of whose disapproval may very well be the biggest push to get me to follow that dream. Ultimately, there is very little in life that is as important as following your dreams and doing everything you can to live the life you want, but at the same time, I've been isolated from my family before and it ain't fun. Also, I've been in situations in which I would have benefitted from listening to that unwanted familial advice.

This is a tough one, so I'm going to sheepishly back away and give it to the next person.
Now let me see....wife, three kids, steady job, mortgage, im really going to throw that lot into the mixer and follow my dream (not).:)

However, i do believe i can actively work towards making my hopes and dreams a reality, even if its not today. If i work hard maybe i dont have to slog it out at the office for the next 25 years, maybe, as the kids grow up and we get more discretionary time i can fulfill more of my ambitions...look out Sacramento, regular visits during the basketball season are high up on my list!!

Same question, next person


Guess it all depends on your age and what your dreams are. I'll say follow my dream only because I am currently in the process of chasing my dreams of becoming a PGA Teaching Pro. But, my family approves of this dream so I guess that makes it easier.

Would you rather drive the ball like Tiger Woods, or putt the ball like Ben Crenshaw?

remember: drive for show, putt for dough.
Even though I seem to be getting more and more boring in my old age, I am a night owl at heart and I have a certain fondness for the hours between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning. There's still a giddy little thrill associated with feeling like you're the only person awake in the whole world.

Same question.
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