Ask The Person Below

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Bibby-4-Three: The idea of the thread is to first answer the question of the person previous and then post a question of your own. So, you need to answer Folsom Al's question which is the same as the question before ..

Like this:

If you could pig out on one particular food all day without suffering any consequences, what would that food be?
Answer to previous question: Lobster

MY question: Next person, same question

Try it...



Super Moderator Emeritus
I've outgrown the need or desire to do crazy things for money. The Fear Factor has made me realize how ugly and stupid greed really is. ;)

What was your favorite game as a kid?
VF21 said:
I've outgrown the need or desire to do crazy things for money. The Fear Factor has made me realize how ugly and stupid greed really is. ;)

What was your favorite game as a kid?

What special plans do you have for the summer?
Blue Stilton on fresh bread, washed down with a nice 'red' such as Chateauneuf Du Pape.

Sandwiches are great picnic food.

Next queston....

What's your favorite venue for a picnic ?
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