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EmKingsFan4 said:
Do you mean "taupe"? If so it's sort of a dark beige color, kind of a gold beige, I guess..Anyone else?

Anyway...If you drink bottled water what is your favorite brand?
Deer Park water. I don't know if they have that brand anywhere else but Maryland.

Plain Milk Chocolate or chocolate with nuts.
I'll Try and Answer That ...

I don't have a favorite BOTTLED WATER .... although I have ordered a Perrier.

What were/are you in High School ....

sports jock/einstein/nerd/juicer/stoner/socialite ... (insert your desc here) ???
I tried to hang out with all different kinds of people but if I had to categorize myself I played basketball and softball and cheered my junior year and was partial to dressing "preppy" so I'd probably be preppy-jock...

Next person same question
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EmKingsFan4 said:
I tried to hang out with all different kinds of people but if I had to categorize myself I'd probably be preppy-jock...

Next person same question
Well, I skipped high school a lot except during basketball season so I guess you could say jock. But then again I was in marching band and symohonic band for four years straight because I love music so maybe I was little nerdy. But then again my school was only a year old when I was a freshman so there were no cliques cuz no one knew anybody so I guess everyone was sorta equal....

next person, same question
What were/are you in High School ....

sports jock/einstein/nerd/juicer/stoner/socialite ... (insert your desc here) ???

I guess I was a loner,but not by chioce.When your'e 16/17 yrs.old and weigh 340 don't have a lot of friends to socialize with.but on the flip side,I had oppertunity to excel in my studies, so I got really good grades.In 1999 I went to my first High School reunion (25 yr.),alot wiser and 130 lbs. lighter,people looked at me alot different then,very superficial people,oh well I forgive my son says "I'm Good"

same question
Hmmm....I was sort of preppy. I got good grades, so sort of a nerd. I didn't play any sports but was a cheerleader (can't you tell ;)) and involved in so many things, so sort of a socialite as well... which made me do bad things that I hope my kids never do and reasons why I will send them to private school! :D

2 part question:
Same Q, but what is a "juicer"
hmm.. i'm not really sure where i qualify in this one, i hung out a lot with what most everyone else considered outcasts(nerds, geeks), I was never really popular but, i was never really considered a geek either, so i'd probably just choose outcast.

same q..

(and I think a juicer was someone who was using steroids-at least that's what they were at my school)
Hard to categorize for me. I got along with all of the different cliques, but stood out as being the weird one no matter who I was with. Everyone got along with me and waved when I walked by, but there were just as many people who knew me as either the "white girl with rhythm" or the "cool white girl" as there were people who knew my name.

Keep it going...
Play basketball.

I'm on a team in Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and we go to several tournaments during the summer including places like France and Turkey.

Next person... Same question.
If money wasn't a consideration, then obviously I wouldn't need to work, so time wouldn't be an issue either, right?

In that case, I would most like to go....everywhere. I want to see the whole world.

Same question...
I've been DYING to go to Egypt for years....even if I had the money the anti-americanism over there sorta scares me away from going....

How many times did you take your DMV test (written and driving) before you got your license?
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