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Super Moderator Emeritus
I am the world's worst procrastinator, so I think doing things ahead of time is the one thing I have the most trouble with. I simply seem to like the pressure of waiting until the last moment.

Do you mind being a little late for an appointment?
A question I could answer pretty easy in story form...

Friday had to be at a house at 9:30 off of Greenback. It was 9:05 and I was stuck in traffic in Lincoln. Needless to say I was about 10 min late which is pretty good time that I made up. I was driving like a mad man and almost getting the shake’s because I was driving so carelessly.

I procrastinate like a fool but as far as appointments I hate being late.


New question

Lets say you commited to do something with a friend/couple but you really don't want to go...So you already said yes you would go... Now you are trying to get out of it.

Would you tell the truth and say "I don't feel like going" or would you make up a WHITE LIE, IE: My baby is sick, I don't have day care, my left leg just fell off?
Make up a white lie.I hate letting people down, which is also the reason why I hardly ever commit to something, its always "I might be able" or "I'll try" Unless of course, its something formal, then its a definitive yes or no.

How far do you help someone before trying to let them know that so much is sometimes too much?
Deep question .... not just one answer:

I think it depends upon the problem or situation ... and it also depends if they
need help monetarily, morally or physically.

What is one of your family traditions ???
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it's not planned but unfortunately every holiday someone in my family has to get in a fight with someone else. it usually gets pretty ugly. I was only involved once thank God.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
I just recently went on my sr.trip and one of the events was four-wheelin.well, I had never been 4wheelin b4 and anyway, it was about 9 of us in a line and the guide is in front,so; we're goin up the mountains and I'm hittin all kinds of rocks and I hit this one rock and it jerked my ATV to the right where the cliff was...then I tried to steer it back to the left but I panickedand I kept goin towards the cliff...well I had use the brakes and I stopped...and the guide told me to turn my handles to the left and press the gas, so I did that but when I pressed the gas. for some reason, I let go of the handles and I went even furhter to the edge of the the guide had to get off his ATV and get on mine and steer me back to the was so scary...I'll never go 4-wheelin again

same question


Super Moderator Emeritus
The craziest thing I ever did was cry pretty much all the way through a concert - so overcome with being there in the first place I would stop only to start again at the beginning of each familiar song. (What can I say? It was Aug. 29, 1966 - at Candlestick Park.)

Same to the next...
hmm...craziest thing..I've done a lot of crazy things in my 25 years but the craziest would have to be deciding on the spur of the moment to get married when I was 19 at Sac City Hall...6 years and 2 kids later we are just as happy now as we were then....

Same person
Folsom Al said:
Me too .... (in fact I've got a few) ... although I do think I'm beyond the statute of limitations.

Likewise, keep it going ...

I plead the 5th and I think alot of other people do

Do you think this thread hasnt been active because of the previous question?
Now This is Loaded Question ....

1 - Being this is probably a G-rated board, I'll leave that up to your imagination.
2 - Due to health issues, there are things I'd like to do, but can't

So, my answer is playing either percussion/bass/guitar and going on tour with Carlos Santana.

Same question ....
I'd like to go for a swim, in a swimming pool of warm,rich,milk chocolate while my friends standing at the side fired squirty cream at me out of toy bazookas!!

Like that's ever going to


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm going to assume LondonKing meant to post a question, and I'm going to further assume it was the same question...

I'd like to have the entire Kings team show up on a Saturday morning at the basketball court in Brownsville - where pick-up games are almost always played on Saturday mornings - and have them just play like they're not anybody special, just some guys out to shoot some hoops.

Next person, same question...
In the Span of One Day ....

Around the World with my wife:

From California ...

1 - Breakfast in Paris
2 - Lunch in Hong Kong
3 - Dinner in Sydney

Back Home for a good nights sleep !!!

* * * * *

What makes you happy ???
I've gotta say I HATED The Royal Tenenbaums...I mean HATED, but all the critics seemed to love it..who knows? But the WORST movie I've ever seen is a little known movie that Tom Cruise did right before Top Gun, it was called Legend and my husband made me watch it and it SUCKED!

Same question to the next person
EmKingsFan4 said:
I've gotta say I HATED The Royal Tenenbaums...I mean HATED, but all the critics seemed to love it..who knows? But the WORST movie I've ever seen is a little known movie that Tom Cruise did right before Top Gun, it was called Legend and my husband made me watch it and it SUCKED!

Same question to the next person
Hmm... worst movie? Its a little early so ill Pass.

Same Question?
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