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Because all fads die out eventually. But hopefully with the new year, it will be revived again.

Do you watch any of the upcoming awards shows (Oscars, Golden Globes, etc.) or are you completely repulsed by them?
RoyalDiva said:
Because all fads die out eventually. But hopefully with the new year, it will be revived again.

Do you watch any of the upcoming awards shows (Oscars, Golden Globes, etc.) or are you completely repulsed by them?

Yes I generally wach them to root for a movie I liked. To see well deserved performances get their due.

Same question.
Nope. The only award shows i watch are MTV ones because they're funny and the stars dress in crazy outfits, not just some evening gown or tux.

do people care about what famous people are wearing?
I like pretty clothes, dresses etc stuff like that, but other than that I could care less. I don't watch, I just look at the clothes in the entertainment magazines the following week :)

Does anyone else put milk in their scrambled eggs?
All of those little girls, those Lohan's and Duff's of the world. Oh and all of those "alternative/pop-rock" band who all sound alike.

Am I the only one who likes beef tounge?:p
ReinadelosReys said:
All of those little girls, those Lohan's and Duff's of the world. Oh and all of those "alternative/pop-rock" band who all sound alike.

Am I the only one who likes beef tounge?:p
Nope, I grew up eating it too...but I don't make it in my's just kinda gross to carve (kinda like chorizo for me, if somebody else cooks it, I'll eat it but I can't do it myself! :eek: ).

Do you put mustard on tongue?

Secondary question (for those too squeamish for the first one)

List 3 of your favorite smells and 3 of your least favorite smells...
damn, I really wanted to answer this one but I was too slow! 3 favorites came to mind right away but I had a hard time coming with 3 least favorites!
3 favorite smells: 1. Noxzema, because it reminds me of my grandmother 2. Fresh soil after a good rain. 3. Eternity on my husband.

3 worst smells: 1. Lysol, because it reminds me of throwing up when I was a kid (my mom would spray it all over the toilet afterwards!) 2. Rotton food 3. Nicotine smell on clothes.

What is your least favorite household chore?
Oh, that's an easy one....I HATE cleaning the toilet. I've got three males in this house, one who is just now working on being potty trained, so it gets pretty gross.

OK, what's your favorite cereal?
I think the mods would prefer that we stay away from political stuff on here.

When dining, do you prefer buffet-style or table service?
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When I played sports in school, my number was always #9. There are a ton of reasons, some of them too cheesy to share.

When did you become a Kings fan, and why?
sss-aaaa-ffff-eeee-tttt-yyy dance......

we can go where we want to and leave your friends behind, because if your friends dont dance then there no friends of mine

--that was done from memory and i know a lot more of it....i own the album(and i do mean record)

does this surprise anyone?
I'm more surprised that anyone would own that album, than the fact that you, specifically, own it.

If forced to spend an eternity watching either the clip of Ashlee Simpson being booed off the stage, or Greg's dance, which would you choose?
GoGoGadget said:
I'm more surprised that anyone would own that album, than the fact that you, specifically, own it.

If forced to spend an eternity watching either the clip of Ashlee Simpson being booed off the stage, or Greg's dance, which would you choose?

Oh thats a toughie. Id have to say Grag dancin.. Its halarious in a sickning way... Ashlee... I would let my worst enemy listen to her... Thats cruel and unusual punishment.

Is Gargy off his rocker by attatching that Tag dance over and over?
NO, MEN DO NOT RULE THE WORLD !!!!Women rule the world; they have half the money and.....well, you know...

How long is this going to go on?
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